Surprised Holland is so low. Germany has their six million guilt and Belgium is a non country, but they're both higher somehow.
note:Poland got rid of conscription mid 2000s, so they're transitioning to the cucked side
k*rds are lowering our stats as always
i'd never fight for this government thats being run by jews and cucks.
Less people want to give up their personal freedom in exchange for nothing. Good. Look at all the countries with mah patriotism. Shitholes. Can confirm.
But we might get back Conspriction back soon.Same thing in Croatia apparently.
Very fishy actually.
conscription is waste of time
people are waking up - who'd want to fight for a (((government))) that hates you and wants to flood the country with immigrants?
No, but I am so i'm a hypocrite. Just needed some cash.
>government == country
>"in emergency"
Com'on, do you really think if france was in an existential crisis they wouldn't start to conscript?
Based Finnish horse archers.
>Sweden 55%
I can see why we have one of the lowest results, there're too many independence movements here...
Based Finns
Would conquer Asia with
big respect to finland
i see propaganda is working quite alright in russia
am dissapointed at the low 41 of my country though
It's correct tho.
The Somalis and Turks will fight for their country.
Why do you have so my independence movement? non-country Gemany is only 150 y old and has only one serious independences movement. (Bavaria)
There are a lot of reasons, but in my opinion, the main one might be that no one wants to feel "Spanish" because of our fascist past. It is a shame, but that's how it is.
We've always been a peaceful bunch that's all. The good guys of history. Our ancestors were forced to go to war.
Bulgaria proven to be westernized and with the same mentality like the "high IQ masterrace" contrasting to any other slav country
checkmate Sup Forums
>fascist past
do you really believe this is the reason?
doesnt make any sense
German unity existed since Barbarossa at least
It makes sense if you understand how Franco embraced our nationalism. Now, every little shit from here who sees the Spanish flag
immediately thinks "fascist". And it doesnt have to be the fascist one, they think that whenever they see our regular flag.
I expected Ireland to be blue
basically the better the life in country is the less it appreciated