Can Mexicans redpill me on Vincente Fox...or anyone. CNN and the Democrats are loving him for standing against trump. I have a feeling he's a crooked mother fucker. Am i wrong?
Can Mexicans redpill me on Vincente Fox...or anyone. CNN and the Democrats are loving him for standing against trump...
Cartel/CIA stooge
He doesn't need no stinking badges!
>Would rather see his country die, than pay a little concessions to the right
hardcore leftist stooge.
Vicente = Baghdad Bob.
as you said, he's a crooked mofo... mediocre during his term, still leeching out the state and likes to get some attention saying whatever bullshit to pretend he actually cares about what's going on.
Was he president when all those students disappeared?
Full retarded, this guy is a clown. A real mexican politician, he got ric during his administration while doing a mediocre job.
Now, because he speaks somehow english he believes he is a scholar and that he can lecture the people with his muh patritism. He is lying, he doesen't believe anything he says.
nah, but he somehow managed to hide bigger fuck ups and that's why nobody really gives a shit about him nowadays.
My wife is loving this guy (yeah...she is anti trump. Me, i like him). She is laughing saying ho great he is and i tell her, "you know he is probably in the cartel and sells drugs and had been the reason for many deaths in Mexico." My wife stays quiet then proceeds to talk about how funny it is that he gave trump the finger and shitposts on twitter.
Your wife sounds eneraging. I hope you fuck her angerly
This guy started the failed "war on cartels" which has led to over 100K people dead/missing from cartel related violence in the last 10 or so years so yeah, he's quite a hypocritical opportunistic cunt
that was Calderon though
Yeah she went to the women's march in la and suddenly is watching trevor noah and reading democrat fake news bullshit. No good at all. So i purposely plan redpilled videos on the tv so she can hear them lol.
Fuck him, he's an ethnic german who calls Trump a racist for being against his 'fellow latinos'
White mexicans are as bad and disingenuous as the kikes.
Question for the Mexibros in this thread: Just how corrupt are the police exactly? Is it like an every day thing where every cop that pulls you over wants to extort you and rape your woman? Assuming one was travelling through Mexico, how would they defend themselves against the cops?
He is a corrupt spic.
That's all you need to know.
Mexico is rotten. He is part of it. Fuck the guy.
Poor guy isn't the president anymore
is just as corrupt as anywhere else.
Nothing like in the movies or any shit like that, also most of the police is just normal people trying to to their job, so i highly doubt you crazy scenario could ever happen.
also if you let a pig know you have money to brive him, he will certainly take it just as in most of american countries.
Good ones and bad ones. Most of their corruption is accepting bribery for infractions and such.
he was the mexican trump back in time... he screw our country
I see, I have just heard many stories of this happening (the bribery, not the rape so much but I hear Mexican police do force women to give oral sex or go to jail and use drugs themselves) but you're right, that's just like some American police. It just seems like maybe there's less justice for when this does happen, there's less outrage but that may just have something to do with culture. I'd like to visit Mexico but the stories scare me.
I see. It's good to know that's mostly the extent of it even though that's still awful. Being extorted might be better than dealing with Mexico's legal systems/jails though.
>I have a feeling he's a crooked mother fucker
Just look at the fucking moustache for God's sake
Santi knows
He was okay as a president but he's charismatic as fuck. During the Bush administration he was super cooperative.
During a UN summit in here in Monterrey he sent back Fidel Castro to Cuba because he didn't liked him or something like that.
Also, he loves his boots and his ranch. I kinda wish he was my grandfather.
THe faggot that sold his country to the cartel and playing righteous now
this is a PAN shill, don't fall for his bs
You and your household are Fucked. Should have asserted yourself sooner, pussy.
double repeating integers confirm
Sounds like you're married to a comp!ete piece of shit prostitute whore with no self respect or dignity.
You must be very ugly.
Why do we give a shit about him?
He isn't the sitting president of Mexico.
Sage and hide