Let`s see if you can identify the villains in this movie.
Let`s see if you can identify the villains in this movie
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Andy Serkins? I guess
>Danai Gurira
Andy Serkis goes to Wakanda to steal their vibranium.
Andy Serkis is probably going to be motion captured as a black villain for the more demanding sequences, such as father/son interactions with T'Challa
all I see is white people
The Hobbit
Can't wait for this movie to tank and Hollywood cry racists
Fucking kek
It's gonna be the lowest-grossing marvel flick to date, desu
Wow, just look at all of that diversity! Isn't it wonderful?
Niggers are so ugly. It never ceases to surprise me how they're considered people.
It'll probably still be better than the Hulk movies, though.
i wont even torrent it.
Gonna bomb. Badly.
How are they going to explain the fact it will be the lowest performing marvel movie?
The story literally takes place in Africa.
It's like complaining that there aren't any black people in a movie that takes place in Northern Canada.
Andy's character
andy serkis will play some cgi creation, martin freeman plays an american govenrment united nations agent or something so won't be the bad guy
the bad guy will be black
1. because villains are formidable so it is good to show black people as formidable by casting them as villains in a black movie
2. black people wnat to feel like they are complete enough as a demographic that they can have a movie where they play every part , instead of being patronised and given a movie where the blacks are good guys and the whites are bad guys. Just like how whites and asians are complete enough that when they make movies usually they play both the good and the bad guys
I'm not black or pro balck but it should be obvious how they think
>niggers that should be in africa
Which is exactly what leftist leaf style faggots do.
We are simply applying the rules they have used against us.
Modern hollywood, so all the white people.
I really hope this movie bombs.
Racism before the realease and after the release. A fuck lot of racism. Just like ghost busters and sexism.
LOL you don't know blacks.
They want a white villain and they want to dominate whites.
marked all the bad guys
Because pinnacle of evil thing black man can do is a simple rape or robbery
I'm going to go with discount Bilbo and discount Gary Sinise.
Andy's character won't be CGI until halfway into the film.
There should be a betrayal from a Wakandan, though (IIRC, Black Panther's father was killed by a Wakandan in the comics).
No it's not. Given that both capeshit fans and liberals are literally mental children, there's going to be a huge overlap, and everyone in this overlap is going to see it five or six times.
I legitimately think that the widespread popularity of capeshit is one of the most conspicuous symptoms of the infantilization of the west.
how are SJW's not the same as Nazis when i see a mostly black movie and the villain is white it like they saying black people are to dumb to break the status quo or accomplish anything on a grand scale
Niggers can't be bad, don't be a ridiculous. Badness describes a system of social justice and .. uhh fuck white people.
Believe it or not, its not always a matter of anti-white racism. Traditionally, people didn't cast blacks in movies for significant roles, and so the primary protagonist and antagonist both were white.
is this a movie about egypt?
>all niggers look the fucking same
jesus fuck the ugliest race on the entire planet gets the most screen time
We should strive to be better than our opponents.
Don't let retards drag you down to their level or they'll beat you with experience.
Nobody in china will watch this lol
It's going to flop so badly.
I know everyone will assume the whites but I put money down that Forest Whitaker is a bad guy
all the blacks
Poor Idris Elba not allowed due to thor
>black people wnat to feel like they are complete enough as a demographic that they can have a movie where they play every part , instead of being patronised and given a movie where the blacks are good guys and the whites are bad guys. Just like how whites and asians are complete enough that when they make movies usually they play both the good and the bad guys
My money says you're overthinking this and Atifawood is literally as stupid as
>whitey evil!
Not all capeshit is created equal.
Have you seen The Watchmen?
Betting all of my tea that the villains name and suit will look like "The White Tiger"
>Bilbo & Gollum genociding orcs in the ghetto.
10/10 would watch
The two Jewish guys are the masterminds and the blacks are their henchmen
Why don't you add Morgan Freeman too?
This movie will tank in America and will definitely tank in China. Don't give this movie any attention. Any "controversy" is fake and exists solely to sell tickets to minorities.
>Movie set in Africa
I'm missing the point
made me laugh then sad
Back in the good old days. I wish niggers were irrelevant again. It's just so fucked up how they produce nothing and invent nothing, but consume so much. Endless amount of development aid, and endless social securities. And what do they give back? Diseases. We have over billion vessels generating bio weapons and doing absolutely nothing productive. When they're not busy creating new bacteria, they are rioting in the streets and being ugly in tv.
Regrettably yes, yet another infantile power fantasy for neckbearded manchildren.
There's no greater goals or plans, just gibsmedat and fugg
there is nothing wrong with making your opponents play by their own rules
Wow, way to miss the point.
Andy Serkis reprises his role as a villain and one of the black guys
Freeman is a good guy
Try harder next time, Sup Forums
The White Gorilla cannot be white, that would just be nuts.
The inner mechanisms of your mind are an enigma...
Star wars, is that you?
Why are blacks so ugly?
and martin freeman
Fuck.. I'm full of repressed anger, and I can't even vent on Sup Forums anymore.
movies and television have not been produced for white males for about 20 years
they're all made for people who sit around and consume massive amounts of media
these are
1) children
2) women
3) welfare slob males (non-white urban)
The Jews just noticed who their demo is and produce for it. Believe it or not it is the market working.
>implying there is any artistic merit in capeshit ever
>implying this butchering and childlike rendition of utilitarianism versus deontology is deep
>implying 99.999% of the people who saw it even identified this utterly shallow point
>implying 99.999% of the people who saw it did anything but jizz in their neckbeards because Manhattan and Rorschach were so cool and badass
Leaf, please fuck off.
>white people dindu nuffin!
Big villains in real life are usually white. When they show street criminals in movies or TV shows, they're usually black or latino characters.
Does he even need his own movie?
What possible tie-in can we get when his whole origin story was covered in... which one was it? Iron Man? Capt Guy? IDfk anymore.
What they'll do is under advertise it, under promote it and blame racists for it under performing.
>basic linguistics
>an enigma
>Satan quads
Found the nigger.
Noice quads
Also, 1 Freeman is with shield, that was already established and I think Serkis is with the group that made Wolverine, that was already established.
Deny gorilla
>That's Racist!
its Michael B. Jordon. Right on wikipedia friend.
>white guys are the bad guys in a black movie cliché.
Wow those two white guys are made to look scared and timid with 0 confidence.
I feel like no matter how successful a black person is they always look one step away from being in a tribal village in africa scavenging for food.
Fukkin kek
>Artistic merit
Hah! You couldn't pick a more subjective thing to argue.
>implying this butchering and childlike rendition of utilitarianism versus deontology is deep
You were just saying that it was nothing but a "power fantasy", yet the most powerful person in the Universe the story takes place in is completely powerless to stop the events, the closest thing to a solution to the problem found relies on the deaths of thousands and despite all of the ethical violations required to reach it, it all ended up being for naught because the most consistent, albeit extremely damaged, character managed to get the word out anyway.
It is oft considered one of the best pieces in its medium for good reason, even if the stick up your ass makes you too uncomfortable to appreciate it.
only black villain i can think of right now.
Samuel L Jackson plays the villain in Kingsman.
isn't the movie in africa tho
>Javier Bardem
>Shao Kahn
>Even homo sapiens
>Not a faggot
>Buffalo Bill
>Not a faggot
Did you shat this pic?
>movie only takes place in the days because you can't see 90 percent of the cast
He just needs a mask to cover his teeth
>tfw i thought this was a joke about how black actors are basically white people because money
>tfw flag
arr rook the same
This. Niggers are too primitive to be scheming villains.
Most certainly not Martin Freeman. He's far too cute and tiny
whites are typically in control. good and evil are subjective. so it just fits
the two jews are the villians...im okay with that narrative
There's very few black major movie characters, and you think the one per year (if that) should be a villain (or that black scarcity should be undone, but only for villa ins)? Plus there's tons of white heroes in those same movies, so this point doesn't hold up.
>Traditionally, people didn't cast blacks in movies for significant roles
And still dont.
Forest Whitaker is the villain. Shame he has stooped so low as to do capeshit, though.
Black Villains:
>Darth Vader
>Final boss at zelda 2
>Zé Pequeno - Cidade de Deus.
Forest Whitaker should be because he plays a bad ass antagonist.
To bad they'd rather make propaganda than a good movie.
who /expectingthismovietoflop/ here?
>cucked normies don't go see the movie because it's important part of wog culture
>wogs don't watch the movie and just pirate it instead
Serkis is Klaw already and Freeman is the African business owner in SHIELDverse, so no, faggot