How do I "become" a Christian?
What's the best branch of it?
Is it truly the crimson pill?
How do I "become" a Christian?
What's the best branch of it?
Is it truly the crimson pill?
Go to church; Catholicism; make sure there's a Polish priest at the Parish you attend. (((Latin American))) and other apostate priests are blue pillled af.
How do I meet Christian girls. Someone who won't fuck me until marriage.
Protestants built the West.
Catholicism is for third worlders, spics and nobodies.
(((Catholicism))) is a satanic branch of Christianity. Just buy a bible. Understand that only the laws of the new testament are meant to be followed.
Look up canon books of the bible catholics and other Satanic Jewish liars have stripped from the bible like Enoch and Jasher and such and read those aswell because they are very important.
I'd suggest even reading the Torah which does have some canonicity and reading the correctly translated Talmud to be properly associated with the enemy of the bible and what they believe the synagogue of Satan and all.
This is hard in this degenrate day and age. I'd suggest going to a "flyover state" like Idaho, Montanna, etc. Women are better there than Cali, Chicago, NY, etc but degenracy is still spreading so you need to hurry and snatch up a pure woman before it's too late.
I would suggest Orthodox
I'm in PA. What if I head to the mountains?
Orthodox is the most based by far.
hello JIDF
ignore these daily "what branch of christian hur dur" are too obvious.
Everyone else: Read your bible. The church is its people, not a building or a denomination. If you call yourselves anything other than a Child of God, you are an apostate.
Repent, and make Jesus Christ your lord and savior.
atheism is the best
Adventist church is pretty anti-degeneracy and not jewaboo. Orthodox church works too.
Cucktianity is literally a story of Joseph and his wifes son. The poor sod gor cucked by god himself.
Why would you like a religion of cucks?
Especially when pol was found by the deity that actually answers and cares for you?
Honestly it'd prob be better if you head west to Ohio or something. PA is better than a lot of states don't get me wrong but the amount of sluts in PA are still at a worrying number.
You'd definitely have a better bet in Ohio unless you're a chad or something.
The Gods are calling, you just have to listen.
>atheism is the best
i know you are trolling but what amazes me is that nobody on Sup Forums is agnostic. not one of you has any evidence that god does or does not exist.
how do you develop faith? could you also brainwash yourself into believing anything?
the whole idea that god rewards you after you die for lying to him all your life is so fucking comical.
you do not have to be a fervent believer
read the bible or even just the fattest parts
only take its lessons and morals
I believe in -a- God
Two acceptable answers.
as with everything else- read the book/books, do your own research, never label yourself anything but a believer in God/Christ-acknowledge them-ask forgiveness for unbelief-do NOT listen to any pastor/priest/ect, they are all forms of control, and mostly a Huge $ business just remember this, Jesus was an "outsider" and loathed all forms of organized religion - even condemning them and tearing up their so called places of worship whilst calling them an abomination for creating a business out of his father's name.
I'm convinced that Europe, or at least the Western half, will fall to degeneracy and be vanquished by mudslimes. I consider such as a divine justice for turning their backs on God, who had blessed them until they chose their present path. Trump may or may not be a Christian man, but he does not blaspheme and curse God as King Nigger did, and Christians elected him.
The word is "snownigger," by the way.
This was Africa in 6000 B.C. Before the white man cave beasts stole the technology and sold the true kings of the world to Americans
You have to collect all 251 rare Christ Chans
Thomas Jefferson already did that for you. He went through the new testament and cut out anything related to "magic." It's a really good bridge to Christianity for anyone too euphoric for mainstream Christianity.
It's very simple to become a Christian. Life changes after will seem hard as its a counter cultural religion.
To become a Christian, simply accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, say a simple prayer like the following -
Heavenly Father - I know I live a life of sin in thought, and word and deed. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior - please accept me as your son, help me to know you, come into my life and transform. I pray this in Jesus name.
Then look for other Christian friends. Try out a few churches, speak to the pastor in all of them and say you are looking to understand more about what it means to be a Christian. Pray to God you find a church that is right and a community group where you can learn how to pray, lean about discipleship, learn about the bible.
Try every day to live it out, confess your sins to God and the ones you act out against. Love your neighbor and your God.
Good reply from a country I would of never thought of
>How do I "become" a Christian?
First, you confess your sins. Write down every detail, but only bother mentioning the worst. Non-Catholics can confess their sins to anyone, but Catholics need to confess to a formal priest - certain sins forbid you from entering a church in Catholicism, so call first.
>What's the best branch of it?
Public Catholicism, private Catholic morality, and private Gnosticism and pagan traditions.
>Is it truly the crimson pill?
Yes. God told me that red-shift in the context of the Doppler effect was how you could get to the part of god I wanted to be with. That god had many different parts, and that the red part was the Top part.
Red has proven to be a very auspicious color for me.
>posts here instead of spending time with family
Are you this autistic that even your family members and relatives don't even want to spend time with you?
Polish priests are redpilled af.
It's 12am, I just got home from reunion calm down.
What happened, did the cave-dwelling white savages get the drop on the mighty golden-age nigger-kings by attacking them in their sleep before 1 in the afternoon?
They used their trickery after the humble black man welcomed them into their city as you see black people at the time were pacifists in a Utopia of non violence so they had no idea what fighting was at the time.
>private Gnosticism and pagan traditions
I personally believe Catholics have really strayed from the path. I would suggest protestant or orthodox.
I would suggest you find a church or bible study to get into that actually reads the bible. A lot of churches have only one or two verses in their sermon but a ton of singing and a message based on appealing to emotion.
>largest economy in europe is majority catholic
Whites moved into black countries claiming that they are fleeing a war and then outbred the locals.
Go to church. If the preacher talks a lot about giving money, move on, if they have far left ideas, move on, if he spends an a more time talking bull shit than actually preaching a prepared sermon that he had a week to prepare for, he doesn't take his job serious and you should move on. Basically try out a few churches until you find one that seems legit. You are on pol so you have some experience seeing past bullshit. Good luck user.
Happy to post in such thread.
Jesus is indeed the only way we have left in this godless societies.
If you wanna know how important Jesus is to humanity, check out how the Kikes despise His guts.
personally all i have to say here is i think one of the better churches is community of christ. they're all over America you probably have one neer by. and they don't lean very far left or right so that's pretty good. but other than that I'd say start there then try more catholic or Mormon churches
Hahahaaha, Nordics being the literal niggers of Europe
>tfw paganism
I'm becoming Catholic because it is prevailant religion in my country, but I would also suggest some traditional protestant churches.
To start, make a firm decision that you believe in God and Jesus as his only Son.
You could join a Christian community
It's no joke, the moment Western Europe abandoned Christianity as its base for civilization for empirical data (2+2=4) it's been spiraling downhill. You could assume it's why the world wars happened in the first place
i'm agnostic :)
In case anyone still hasn't seen this video
Yuri Bezmenov - Why We Need God
>What's the best branch of it?
Roman Catholic
Go to a local church
Become a Freemason.
You get fezes.
T. Satan
They're extinct, mate.
How's that working out for ya, Sweden?