What's the end goal of diversity?
What's the end goal of diversity?
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Less white people.
How can non white women even compare?
>What's the end goal of diversity?
Easy... the exact opposite
When all are blended into one... no more black, white, or yellow.
Less civic involvement and feelings of public safety
When diversity in a community increases, people stop donating to local charities and stop volunteering and in general cease to help others who don't belong to their own group of humanity.
Where it goes from here is anyone's guess.
Slave race with no cultural identity so that (((they))) can have spiritual dominion over us more easily.
I see 2 chinks in that photo
Only dumb dark skinned and jews
I thought diversity was an old wooden ship
It won't happen. Asians will take over. It'll end in an Asian dictatorship.
Either that. Resources go obsolete. Or we invent AI.
Do have a stronger society by approaching problems with different outlooks and coming up with different solutions.
Also to stop people from wasting resources on fighting with each other.
post moar pics like this
I assume some kind of utopia, but it's an impossible feat that will lead to greater suffering.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, I guess.
Notice how the White and Asian girls don't want to cuddle with the nigger monkey.
Asians are so fucking ugly jesus christ
>What's the end goal of diversity?
no diversity
t. lee yun
A bride of every colour for every white man.
There are no white girls on op pic
Their only goals are egotistical. They want to appear tolerant for others. For what other purpose would they make signs that says "Refugees welcome!" in pretty colors and take pictures with them?
It's like donating money to charities. Many people do it, but most people do it so that they can brag about how nice they are.
>Look, I donated a dollar!! How nice am I? Haha
destroy order, create chaos
Brazil: a mixed race globalist neoliberal shithole run by a few billionaires at the top surrounded by endless favelas full of monkeys
One world government. The goal has never changed, the means to attain the goal shifts sometimes though.
everyone mixed together destroys all diversity of life..
my employer hires mostly third world immigrants because their poor English skills combined with their gratitude for no longer being penniless slaves in Myanmar means they would make it very difficult for other employees to form a labor union
diversity is a dog whistle for low wages, low living standards, and a high crime rate
Coudenhove-Kalergi. "One race" of mixbreeds with no identity, culture or history and in many cases lesser IQ = EASY peasy to control.
They will be the 2800 per 1 slaves of the NWO Rulers. The beneficial ones who will help humanity succede where it has failed. Those who will spread the one true Light and show us the path of righteous living.
>white and asian bound together
>nigger left out
As it should be.
disintegration of national identities so that the one world government can happen without nationalist revolts every 5 seconds
>righteous living
such as cannibalism, a time honored tradition in Brazil and other African countries
Kek, the girl in the middle is French
Weakening society for marxist takeover.
Looks like Asa Akira
if everyone is mixed there's no allegiance to any nation so its open borders for businesses
Haha, wow that poor asian chick. How humiliating
Retarded mud colored servants of the jews who lack no identity or consciousness.
Race mixing is the easiest way to destroy existing cultural values. Half-breeds have to compromise on their forefather's culture.
That leaves an empty slate onto which the ruling class can project their values and ideals.
Things like economic liberty are not welcome by a (((certain))) ruling class, which means that by mixing with an oppressive one (Islam), the results of such a union have to compromise and therefore be more welcoming of authority.
Equality leads to individuality.
Meanwhile diversity ruins the social solidarity.
And a society of individualists with no solidarity is a sick nation with no long term goals. It gets taken over.
but why?
Well that doesnt happen with half blacks.
They should also have noticed that these apes (muslims) cannot be controled.
They somehow must have made a mistake or it just isnt ((((them)))) but people actually believing rapefugees welcome is a good thing.
Having no more Whites so jews become the rulers of the world.
We'll have enough "diversity" when Western Civilization is destroyed and white people are extinct, according to the left.
How exactly are jews supposed to control a Europe full of muslims when they can't even control a Palestine full of muslims?
White Genocide
but they are already?
Turn the west into India so you can keep a bunch of different groups against each other so they can't turn on their masters.
Also lowering Western IQ to make control easier.
Religion, duh
It's a commie leftist shithole.
>taken over
like my dick just took over my brain and dragged me into my bunk
To create a stronger future together.
Destroy cultural identities.
End with the concept of nation
Promote globalism.
A global economy with no borders and absolute free trade between all nations.
A homogenized and empty populace whose only cares are what immediately feels good.
A populace that is easy to control by the government, by the big corporations, by the liberal globalists in charge of all the high-earning jobs in public service.
They want you to have no identity. They want you to be a blob of flesh whose only concern is to consume and consume.
They want you to be nobody.
To cancel it with a horrible half white half black race
why is my waifu there
White genocide
The end goal of diversity is no diversity at all.
Drilling walls of Israel.
Androgynous Slave Drones
A people supporting Semitists
It's simply a cruel joke.
Here's a good explanation:
>no body posted this yet
I seriously get excited at the thought of there being a hell because of fucking animals like this going there.
it's funny how the standard for what's considered a beautiful woman is several times lower for black women.
the end of white people
Barbi neeeee
Brown brainwashed acultural slaves for jew overlords.
End of culture
End of race
End of war
The lack of gypsies in the picture trigger you Roma(nia) ?
To make us all the same.
>What's the end goal of diversity?
making jews feel better about their subsaharan african dna
>What's the end goal of diversity?
End of nation states democracy. The only competing power structure with banker oligarchy.
Yeah that's not how it will work. Just look at Brazil and tell me how their "diversity" has helped them
fucking niggers man
It helps by turning the human race into a bastard race devoid of strong morals. The plan of globalism is to basically turn everyone into Goyim for easy control.
People dont seem to understand but once global rule kicks in there will be a mass genocide and nobody will be able to rise up and stop them.
Ask yourself: If diversity is so good Why is it only enforced in white majority countries? Why can't I Go live in saudà arabia and be a dentist there If I won't convert to Islam? Pakistan's economy is growing Why can't You move there and gift that country with the diversity you'd represent? Why Is there no story of belgians moving to india during an economic crisis and becoming a rich and cherished minority with hard work and perseverance?
Diversity advocates should be all about that by their own admission but in actual fact they only want white majority countries to be diverse.
Two possibilities:
1)they're actually racists and want white majority nations to allways be richer than the others
2)diversity isn't all That good after all and want to profit from the problems it'll create in their countries.
Making the whole world one people to usher in the worship of one man - the man of sin - also known as the anti-christ.
i'd fuck em all
it's just like different flavors of ice cream
Remove the african and there's no issue.
nightmare fuel
>What's the end goal of diversity?
To reduce the power of white people.
At the very least it's to reduce the power of any ethnic majority and create chaos.
There will be a lot of responses in this thread, but this is probably the best
To create a subhuman slave race for the Jews to rule over.
the black and asian girl look better than the white girl in that photo