what's the general consensus of 9/11 here?
What's the general consensus of 9/11 here?
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it was the jews
Bush did 9/11
jews helped saudis do it
our government most likely allowed it to happen
CIA undoubtedly helped
this shit is the most weird shit i know about 9/11 btw
why would CIA/government kill it own citizens without anyone coming forward out of sheer guilt?
it was fucking sand niggers.
No Planes
It was known about and they refused to act on it. Used it to justify all the ears in the middle east in order to steal the remaining fossil fuels on planet earth .
The CIA are pretty fucked up user
Holy shit thanks for posting that. Never heard of that video before and I'm really into the 9/11 shit. Man that's fucking weird
I've heard it would've cost billions of dollars to get rid of all the asbestos in the trade centres so, in turn, they made billions in insurance whilst blasting the asbestos filled building to the ground. Oops
Didn't Saudis admit to doing it after Hillary leaks?
>general consensus
The only real consensus is that the official story is bullshit.
Personally I think it was an energy weapon demonstration.
Sometimes I wonder if meme magic spreads into the past
I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.
How many people in the CIA would even need to know? You know they were doing housekeeping when the pentagon and building 7 were taken out right?
This. Israel and Saudis could not face pulled it off without traitors within. Of course, most of them would be Jews but there were Goyim too. Bush clearly had to know who the real perpetrators were, I doubt he would have dared be involved in any overt way. Doesn't excuse him though, as likeable as he is.
yw, i know that's steal instead of steel, but they basically pronounced same. don't know man, shit is weird. it's either a huge "coincidence" or a fucking ritual. also i wonder how the book "the pet goat" is
1) Our government allowed it to happen, whether it was intentional or through neglect and inaction is less clear.
2) Israel almost certainly withheld actionable intelligence.
3) All the controlled demolition stuff is /x/-tier horseshit.
Im spooped now somebody hold me
Odigo messages
Trump is a 9/11 further. He lost a lot of friends That day. Interested to see what he investigated as president. He knows something amiss
>oy vey goy, we need a huge islamic terrorist attack in the US so you filthy american goyim have an excuse to invade me and my friend saudi arabia's enemies, we should crash some planes into some skyscrapers, that'd be spectacular imagery for our propaganda
>well theres already terrorists who want to do things like that and we could just let it happen, and if we want that specifically we probably still have CIA assets close to Bin Laden from when he was fighting the Soviets for us who could push that idea and we simply allow it to happen for real
>eh thats too simple and not contrived enough, I'm thinking something like from a comic book, ok get me some knock out gas, four remote controlled planes, lace the twin towers and building 7 with nanothermite paste and if anything goes wrong just fire a cruise missile at the pentagon, blow it all up anyway and we photoshop it on the news later, with no one noticing of course
>right away master shlomo!
There is no legislation against asbestos. Asbestos is still used in buildings to this day.
combined effort between players in the US, israel/mossad, and saudi's. Maybe even certain members of opec
>3) All the controlled demolition stuff is /x/-tier horseshit.
building seven
I can think of a couple reasons:
False flag operation.
Ensure they get increased funding and extension of their powers in surveillance.
To feed the military industrial complex with two wars, most CIA spooks and pentagon fags retire to work in the arms industries.
Protect Israel, divert a generation's worth of mujahadeen away from attacking Israel and instead blowing up their own countries.
For the record, I don't think the CIA did it. Al Qaeda was certainly capable of pulling it off, and had the motivation, occam's razor would point the finger there.
Though there are suspicious issues like how the Jewish owner of the World Trade Center coincidently missed being in the tower that morning, despite living and working in it along with his family who also didn't show up for work and where unhurt. Quite a lucky coincidence...
All the controlled demolition stuff is true. Watch interviews with eye witnesses and first respondents. Many of them talk about loud explosions in the lobby and basement and people being blown up. The subway apparently filled with smoke and dust on the day too. Also there were very suspicious (((eye witnesses))) speaking to news agencies pushing the infamous melting steel collapse theory from the outset. Requesting interview with Harley Davidson shirt guy if anyone can find it so you can see what I'm talking about.
>why would CIA/government kill it own citizens without anyone coming forward out of sheer guilt?
They DID and HAVE.
Look into Neil Bush and the mysterious HAZMAT personnel drilling into the tower cores over weekends for a few months before 9/11. That's how they rigged them to blow on the day of.
T'was the Jews
As usual...
>building seven
Was hit by a few thousand tons of burning skyscraper and then burned uncontrolled for six or seven hours before suffering a structural collapse.
It wasn't undamaged
It didn't collapse entirely at free fall
It didn't collapse entirely into its footprint
Larger forces at work than just Al-Qaeda, that's for certain.
Rothschild and Israeli ties.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but they don't say that. It's been debunked.
>It didn't collapse entirely at free fall
>It didn't collapse entirely into its footprint
>Watch interviews with eye witnesses and first respondents. Many of them talk about loud explosions in the lobby and basement and people being blown up.
And many of them talk about there being no explosions, and many of them talk about seeing cruise missiles hit the buildings, and many of them talk about hearing bombs in buildings that didn't catch fire, and many of them talk about fucking aliens.
Three million people work in downtown Manhattan on a typical weekday. Statistically you could find someone who "saw" just about anything you could think of.
Proof needed
Btw is this how nigs learn to read?
>why would CIA/government kill it own citizens without anyone coming forward out of sheer guilt?
A few people did. They were quickly silenced and the media suppressed the stories.
debunked by whom
post it or shut up
i actually always look the debunk of a theory immediately before i invest time on it. and there is no "debunk" on that video. they say "steal" instead of "steel" but they are being pronounced basically same, that's all.
Yeah it didn't.
Every legitimate, peer-reviewed publication of the collapse agrees with the collapse sequence of Building 7. The collapse initiates, accelerates as momentum of the collapsing mass builds, and briefly *approaches* free fall acceleration before the collapsing mass starts encountering more intact structural supports as approaches street-level and decelerates.
You guys have had fifteen years to work on this and the best you can come up with is >implying
What was in the Odigo messages? Who sent them? Who were they sent to? Why are they being kept secret?
There's also the problem that NIST simulations of the collapse used a model of the building that was different from how it was actually built, and how wtc7 definitely collapsed as a controlled demolition. There's an article in euroscience about it.
I think al quieda habdled the planes, mossad handled the explosives and thermite (which the fire set off).
This. Figured it had something to do with the Jews when the gold under the buildings turned up missing.
That no one here gives a shit about dead New Yorkers
>why would CIA/government kill it own citizens without anyone coming forward out of sheer guilt?
Lot of loyalty for a hired gun.
>but they are being pronounced basically same
They are pronounced the same. They are homophones. You don't need to make any qualification, verbally they are the same.
>There's also the problem that NIST simulations of the collapse used a model of the building that was different from how it was actually built, and how wtc7 definitely collapsed as a controlled demolition
Almost all of the NIST's simulation files were released under a FOIA request back in 2010. Groups like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have had access to the ANSYS and LS-DYNA files for six years and have done literally nothing with it.
There's tons of hinky shit about 9/11 and if you guys had spent the last 15 years focusing on shit like political connections and intelligence sharing instead of MUH STEEL BEAMS you'd have probably gotten enough public support for a second investigation by now.
Good one, they probably trained on those words for a couple years before the video
turkey did it to stop the usa from retaking constantinople.
Saudis and Israel did it
Yeah and let me guess, you're a structural engineer too. Face it? 9/11 was 15 years ago now, it's almost become like JFK. The general public knows it's all bullshit but no one can prove anything because the people that did it are still the ones in power. I really don't know why you guys bother arguing with us on this Taiwanese puppeteer img forum, it seems like a waste of time.
the new eu engineer investigation with over 2000 engineers came to the conclusion that wtc7 was not destroyed because of the structural dmg or any fire. it was a controlled demolition.
Muslims were the biggest victims of it because now everyone hates them.
Theories aside it is a fact that there was prior knowledge the attack would take place and nothing was done to stop it.
jet fuel can't melt steel memes
9/11 was a tragedy and I'd support a law that forbids doing anything but grieving for it and the families.
We need to ban conspiracy theorists and lock them up for good, for they divide us when we should be coming together.
It was to destabilize countries for Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.
>t. Muhammad al habeeb bin azir
it woke everyone up to the muslim threat and the hate is well deserved
third story down with video at www.voxfux.com
BBC Reported the collapse of WTC Building 7... Twenty-three minutes before it happened... oooppps!
by VOX
Muslims kill less people each year than niggers kill each other in detroit you fucking imbecile.
the world trade centers were holograms, they were never real buildings in the first place
no one died, it was all staged by bush
The Bush administration is run by the same people as the Obama administration as well as the same people who'd have been behind do Hillary.
The CIA and Globalist Jews don't feel guilt.
It was orchestrated and then Iraq was falsly accused to allow for an illigitimate war that they knew would destabilize the ME as well as allow for massive profit through the acquisition of oil.
They tried similar shit when they accused Russia of tampering with the last election.
>atm machine
>pin number
>general consensus
>lcd display
It was a bad day that made lots of people inhale asbestos. Pretty much it.
I don't think it was orchestrated by the US government, but I find it plausible that they could've known about it like says and allowed it to happen.
It's a historical fact now, that they knew about the Pearl Harbor attack and let it happen, so is there really any difference here?
Even the goal was the same in both cases, to get a strong casus belli to convince mostly anti-war aligned people to go to a war. In WW2 americans didn't want another war after the WW1 shitfest, and before 9/11 Vietnam was still a strong memory.
Desert Storm was just a relatively small scale operation, not a full blown war.
cia is a jewish agency. its sole purpose is subversion. its our nkvd/kgb equivalent.
lmao this. loud, stinky, rude and liberal.
No it hasn't. Saying something has been debunked is not debunking, faggot. Nice try though.
CNN says Trump did it.
and they are right.
They also said Germans are all cum-guzzling cucks.
loud and rude are their best traits
1) Europhysics is not a scientific or engineering journal. It's a pop-sci news rag.
2) It wasn't a "new engineer investigation" it was literally written by Steven Jones (the guy who founded groups like Scholars for Truth, Architects and Engineers for Truth, etc) and it wasn't done in collaboration with "2000 engineers", that's just Jones crediting his member list for AE911... less than half of whom have more than a bachelor's degree, less than a third of whom are actually licensed to practice as architects and engineers, and only about a dozen of which actually have any background in structural engineering.
A conspiracy group, publishing a summary of its conspiracy theory, in a non-peer reviewed entertainment magazine is not evidence.
You're just embarrassing yourself now. Try harder.
jet fuel can't m--
did you guys hear about that crazy thing someone said about trump lol they lwere literally shaking
Al-Queda, funded by Saudi money, orchestrated and attacked the US by means of America getting too big for its britches. Israel likely was aware but did not tell us, and Bush government was too incompetent to get what was going on despite CIA warnings of an imminent attack about two months ahead of time. It was an attack on the American public by the Government, but it gave the perfect pretext to go into war (in an attempt to keep the President's popularity) and to curb civil liberties in the name of security.
Mere happenstance. The buildings were insured for fire as well as terrorism - because the WTC was bombed previously in the 90s. Also refer to Ah yes, because the CIA loves to destroy the agencies which employ them. What a sweet prank, bro.
He knew government ineptitude is what caused the incident to occur, especially so early into Bush's term.
I use CAPITAL LETTERS to state my POSITIONS, which make me RIGHT.
Fuck off.
Manhattan is an island. Several million people commute to work via bridge and tunnel. Plus, you're talking about the southern tip of the Island - not the entire island sinking.
And so are you to think anything you wish, but you're not going to see me spam my blog here.
CAPTCHA: stop home
Oh look, another large steel frame building collapsing from fire damage
So that's the Kader factory, the World Trade Center, the Windsor Tower, and now the Plasco Building.
It was the saudis
dude the government has literally declassified that they've done worse and kept is secret than if 9/11 were an inside job
how fucking bluepilled are you
...well we should perhaps investigate who exactly built the new WTC tower
Saudi Arabia did it. Israel and the CIA knew it was going to happen and ignored it for political gain.
youre a fucking jew
youre a fucking jew
link or you are fakenews. provide evidence for your claims i presented mine.
The Windsor didnt collapse only the top floors above 21 fell the building itself was repaired and IT BURN FOR FUCKING 24 HOURS. Also to compare the WTC and the Iranian factory structural ability to handle heat from fire is a little too simplistic. The quality of a building like WTC should have never been taken down by fire alone. It is not possible.
You are correct.
Display of "free energy" technology.
Soon it will declassified for prosperous use.
>inb4 fuckoff to /x/
-massive put options on stock market
-no plane evidence at pentagon or Shanksville
normies are fucking annoying
desu they harmonically space lasered the buildings down and cgi'd the footage of planes
>mere happenstance
Just say pure coincidence please
When something like this can make its way all the way up to the president for the go-ahead, that's how you know it's possible.
>Display of "free energy" technology.
>Soon it will declassified for prosperous use.
I'm not so hopeful it will be soon, though I do think it's real and has been around for quite some time (50-70s, somewhere in here). They've fucked up already massively by hiding so much for so long, its a bad situation for everyone on the planet
More 9/11 greentext please.
Steven Jones has first author credit and the entire "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" group are listed as contributors. Europhysics is not a peer-reviewed journal and one look at its publications would show that.
Windsor was a hybrid design - a reinforced concrete core with a steel-frame, steel-truss, steel-grid exterior shell. The entire steel support structure above the reinforced concrete technical floor on 21 failed and collapsed within the first three hours of the fire. Only the reinforced concrete inner structure survived. WTC 1, 2, and 7 were all steel designs, no reinforced concrete in the support structure.
-research Dr. Judy Wood youtube.com
- research John Hutchison & the Hutchsion effect
- watch youtube.com
- watch youtube.com
- watch youtube.com
- Richard Gage/ A&E for 911 Truth is controlled opposition, he also helped cover up discovery of cold fusion
maybe sooner than you think friend
>When something like this can make its way all the way up to the president for the go-ahead, that's how you know it's possible.
The plan was unanimously opposed by Kennedy's cabinet, most of the analysts connected with the proposal got fired for suggesting it, and Lemnitzer is the only Chairman of the Joint Chiefs in the history of the United States to resign from the position rather than retire from it.
Analysts from the DoD once submitted a proposal for a "gay bomb" to the White House... that doesn't mean it was taken seriously.
It just really depends on how much these unacknowledged special access dicks want to tell him. Some presidents are completely out of the loop, but maybe with all the reforms and the right people it might change. Also since probably 75% of the people in these programs are from private industry trump might already have contacts with many of them.
Dick Cheney, Bush Sr., and Mossad were behind it. Was an event to justify retaking the Afghan opium fields for the CIA, control central Asia and Middle East to preserve US hegemony, to control the oil supply, and to destroy Iraq for Israel's benefit.
U.S. missile hit the Pentagon. WTC 7 was definitely a controlled demolition. Twin Towers were hit by remote controlled aircraft and might have been a controlled demolition. Flight 93 was shot down by the government.
Bin Laden family was involved but Osama was really just a scapegoat, a propaganda figure.