
What are Sup Forumss thoughts on eugenics?

I hate my life. My """"""son"""""" is a drooling potato that I'm supposed to love. The wife sees sunshine and rainbows in his distorted sewer face. I just see a retard. Obligatory euthanasia when?

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>What are Sup Forumss thoughts on eugenics?

Into the oven desu.

That includes the parents.

What condition does your son have? Or just straight up brain damage?

Hitler did nothing wrong

Sup Forums might say they want eugenics but desu most of Sup Forums would be put down

including yourself and me

Kek has spoken

You kept your child. Now be a man, take responsibility and care for him.

Eugenics is objectively good for mankind.

I would abort.

well on the bright side she is far less likely to leave you now as getting gibs pales in comparison to being the sole caretaker of a mongoloid till death

why the hell did you keep it? why not abort it or give it away . actually no cause the state will end up supporting it. But why not get rid of it (leggaly) hehe

Look at sweden how eugenics worked out for them.Sweden had the longest running eugenics program and it simply destroyed them.Its the main reason they want immigrants.They fucked up their own genepool.

I am typing this telepathically.

We are communicating with interdimensional beings via astral projection.

Do not impede our progress.

You have been warned.

>brainless sissy retard frogs

Fucking kek

I'm pretty pro life but if my wife is ever told she has a potato inside her I'll soon enough become pro choice/pro push down the stairs

A drooling potato is not an actual human. Deformed and retarded should be aborted.

I think it's immoral to knowingly birth a retard/defective person.

>implying Sweden is failing due to eugenics

Jesus christ random correlation doesn't imply causation.

Abortion is bad amIrite?

Lol thats not true. Genepool is great, problem is that we didnt do it long enough for it to work.

I am a firm believer in mandatory eugenics. I think your son should be killed desu.

Reminder globally enforced eugenics could wipe out all non-whites within a century peacefully.

How about you use your physical mouth to choke on a nigger dick?


Sweden thrived during the mid 20th century, right after "we" practiced mandatory sterilization of "undesirables". So no, you're very wrong.

Sweden is the same as the rest of Europe: low birthrates because of (feminist) culture. Now we have a lot of issues, but hey we have iphones and casual sex for all normies! Continued forced eugenics would be great because then mistakes such as myself wouldn't exist.

You don't understand, that's "inhuman" to even think about removing them.

People love to get in my face when I talk about Eugenics.
I should have been desu, I have a lot of chronic illnesses. I should be at the very least sterilized so I don't pass this shit on to my kids.

Pillow over face at night. SIDS.


Can you just have an "accident"?

some fancy name that translates to retard

>I should be at the very least sterilized so I don't pass this shit on to my kids.
Me too. And no not because I'm a Sweden yes cuck, but because it's only logical considering my inferior genes.

Shit happens and there's not always a genetic factor but it should be mandatory to abort any child that they know will have serious problems.

I used to work as a caretaker for mentally disabled children and their parents were the most pathetic wrecks i've ever seen. Their whole lives revolved around taking care of their child and dropping them off at the facility i worked was their only relief in life.

I will seriously take my child out in the back yard and shoot it if i ever get a child with one of those disabilities, those parents have no life.

So i'm sorry dude. I really am, i've see what this shit does to parents.

Yes, I would not object to me being aborted in a eugenics program either. Sure, I'm intelligent (mensa member), so perhaps I could be accepted just due to that, but physically I'm no prize (short) and I'm lazy as fuck.

If I didn't exist it would be no problem, because I'd never known existing. If we put eugenics into practice, we'd have a top-notch, healthy, attracrive, intelligent population and suffering would decrease (ideally). Of course corruption and misguided eugenics could be a major problem.

Come on, how heavily fucked up genetics do you fags have to say shit like this?

I mean you probably would just need to work out more, study more/harder and you could make something out of yourself. How bad could your genes possibly be?

That's not really the point. A healthy, attractive and intelligent population would be objectively better for all involved. If you never knew life you wouldn't miss it. I don't think we are advocating killing anyone, at least I'm not, just early abortions or further into the deep, genetic engineering.

Why didn't you abort, faggot? You could have tried again and had a healthy, functioning white child.

Living with retards is hell. I know from experience growing up with a low-functioning autist sister who couldn't communicate and liked to get violent at random.

Don't let disgusting Christ cuckolds tell you about how you should love retards unconditionally. They are subhumans who will never accomplish anything in life, will never further your bloodline, and will forever be a drain on the family and the state.

Are those pepes of those brain-dead girls that couple had even though they knew there was like a 2/3 chance they'd be born brain-dead?

snap his puny neck like a twig

Rough shake there, lad. I totally support eugenics-it's just working within nature's laws to improve the race. You don't even have to kill most of them, they can have a comfy life. They just don't get to breed.

Full on low-functioning retards should just be euthanized though, so they can go on to their next incarnation. Imagine being stuck in a defective body like that. Miserable.

So what are you going to do? Spend your life wiping a potatoe's arse which will maybe even outlive you? Can't you put it on adoption or into an asylum or something? Why is your wife emotionally attached to a potato, which is not even able to return the emotion? Having a cockroach as a pet would be better.

So how does Sup Forums reconcile their distaste for abortion with their taste for eugenics?

pol is not one person

eugenics has many ways it can be done. Positive eugenics for instance is mainly about incentivizing people who are above average to have more kids while making it more expensive for low IQ people to breed more.

>With Eugenics
>A thousand years from now
>Average IQ of 140
>Average male height of 6'6''
>Average guy with glorious bear wrestler strongman physique
>Average female tits of giganticus magnificus classification
>Average everything superman level
>Space colonies on Gliese 581c and Gliese 581g
>No nigs
Eugenics when?

Humand life/ healthy fetuses are not to be murdered because muh body no consequences for being a fucking slut. A fucking potatoe is not a human since it is not conscious, hell not even sentient. It could never survive on it's own and is destined to die.

Why is it always a fucking leaf?

Compulsory castration of subhumans.

>I just see a retard.

This is normal, most men feel like that and you shouldn't be ashamed of that. Media can and will tell you nowadays that you are not supposed to feel this shit.

But for fuck sake you are far from redpilled to, you reaching near nigger bluepill if you feel this way. First and foremost what man needs to do to be a MAN is take responsibility for making mistakes. You made this being, and its still a living being. This is still you son for fuck sake.
Get you shit together.

Euthanasia and eugenics might be a tool for humanity but people like you would fuck it for everybody. What you gonna do faggot? Euthanise your own child and then make another retard? Did you at least checked who is at fault there?

>muh slave morality

it's time to stop posting Mr. Potato Head

What does it do to parents? I want to know

>no DFC

This is hell

How is the retard his mistake? Who knows what the women did. Maybe she got drunk during early pregnancy, becuase mu pregnancy depression. A whole lot of women do that.

You didn't lean on her to abort A downs pregnancy.
Well you can always walk away.
I seriously suggest you do .

hahahaa you fucking idiot

>reddit spacing

Nice argument.

that ain't no argument dumb dumb
Link related

They are walking husks. Completely empty inside because of the emotional drain of having to deal with their child. You think it's bad when they're kids but the worst part is when they hit puberty and get tempremental as fuck. I mostly dealt with downies and autists, but the thing with autists is that most of the have multiple condition. So high functioning autists are rare. They mostly are fucked up to hell.

So the parents have to spend every single moment of their lives trying to take care of their retarded child, they can't stop thinking about it, their whole life revolves around tending to their every needs. So they will be stressed out nervous wrecks by the time their kid becomes an adult. And they still have to take care of them for the rest of their lives. But at least when they're adults they can be put in group homes like the one i worked at.

But even so the parents go visit them almost every single day.


It is still a human being.

Shit i fucking know? Might not be his child even, i don't care but it is his mess to clean up.

This is why i wrote this:
>Did you at least checked who is at fault there?

He needs to be the responsible one, one who takes action. If he is not at fault, BAM, done. Problem solved. Dump that bitch. If he is at fault or bonded by marriage either take responsibility or kill the boy or himself and deal with consequences.

I'm all for it, only the best should be allowed to live. I would kill of 80% of the worlds population if I could. Then replace them with superior equals.

I don't like eugenics in the sense of breeding specific people to raise the chance of having specific genotypes, but I believe that, for the sake of everybody's serenity, abortion should be a completely viable option if found out that the baby has serious damage. No matter how old the fetus is

>not conscious
>not self aware
>not sentient

Not human. More like a chunk of meath with damaged human dna.

retards are pitiful creatures. i doubt their quality of life. women need to be screened during pregnancy, and if evidence of defects is found then it should be absolutely mandatory that the child is aborted. also, people with objectively shit genes (e.g. dwarfs) should be sterilised (warwick davies and peter dinklage are complete degenerates for passing on their condition. it's not fair on the kids). and of course, traditional gender roles must be restored - the smartest women of our race wasting their most fertile years pursuing careers has to stop.

Made me chuckle

Racial hygiene is 101 for a healthy nation

Retards and genetically defective should be aborted. I'm on the fence on mandatory euthanasia for adult retards because of bad publicity, but Sweden had a pretty cool eugenics progam going in the 60-70 and it worked, which is why ((someone)) is so adamant in polluting Swedish gene pool as badly as possible.

>implying that's a bad thing

don't forget
>not useful to society

Yes, but is is good spiritually? Is a society only as good as it treats its weakest?

If you're going to practice eugenics, you have to be really careful not to fuck it up and leave your entire nation with an unknown disorder. This article explains it well.



easy - limit the option to abort to undesirables. it's not rocket science, leaf.

I'm sorry, dude. That's one of my biggest fears, having a retarded child. Did you know it was going to be retarded before it came out? If I knew, I'd try my hardest to persuade my woman to abort. It'd be so depressing and pointless to take care of one.

Would you want to live if you were a potatoe? I would not want to. Hell I would kill myself even if I was a petridish baby.


Untermench aren't write offs in my opinion.
Potatoes who will require constant attention by their family and the state only to die at 30 are a waste of resources who should probably be removed from society

if you are Followers of Kek

Why you let Moloch sacrifice your kids?

you are not worthy followers if you let then do it freely.

I believe that as soon as a defect is determined in the fetus it should be scrubbed. Humans owe it to themselves and future generations to effectively create offspring that are capable of fully contributing to future generations. If your offspring cannot raise offspring of it's own to fruition, you have failed in your genetic race.

I don't think it would take a thousand.
probably more like 10 generations or 200 years.

Actually they ARE sentient, they're just not SAPIENT
Even niggers have their basic senses

>not understanding the word sentient in this context

Ok faggot, let's make this clear enough for you. They are physically sentient, yes they fell physical pain. They are not or not even closely fully emotionally and psychologically sentient.


Ever considered smothering your baby with a microfiber cloth? Doesn't leave many fibers behind as evidence, and when found in the morning will probably be written off as death due to natural causes.

Horrible thing to have to do, but if the child is a potato and won't even know whats happening, its better than ruining your life and your marriage.

Our time is not yet sister. They will know our wrath soon.

Only 80%?
Would be more like 95% desu

I don't know, there's a lot of shit to clean.