Why do Serbshits get triggered at pic related but then want a "Great Serbia"?
Why do Serbshits get triggered at pic related but then want a "Great Serbia"?
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albania is not a country
albania should have been a part of serbia though, until western powers decided to make a country out of it
i mean, it should have been split between serbia and greece, that was the deal
this tbqh
albania is one of the first meme nations of the 20th century
an Croat agreeing with a Serb?
this really is the end times
Because serbshits want complete control over the region
Greater Albania is still retarded
Why? They are ugly square-headed Muslims that speak a completely different language from their neighbors. Having them in their own containment nation is a huge benefit for everyone
I think you mean Greater Macedonia
they should be ethnically cleansed from these areas though, because they are shit neighbors who constantly chimp out even within their own borders and want some clay from the nearby countries (and they succeeded on getting one from us, by that same western powers who made their country).
i'm not trying to say that we didn't do the same in the past, but at least when we wanted such we fought for it by our own bare hands.