This is not a bait thread, also we won get over it is not exactly a good argument. Why does the Trump team seem to be anti-science ? What good does it do our country to end our research? Why wouldn't we protect our environment ?
Because science is for nerds and Trump doesnt fuck with nerds
Christopher Brown
>TheHill >Time >WaPo >latimes
Yet claims it's not a bait thread.
Jace Nguyen
I.E. No more Religious guilt-trip shakedowns = climate change
Dated daughter of head of biology department @ a top 50 US Uni. Said the way to guarantee funding is to tie your research into CO2 emissions, no matter how inplausible the association
Lucas Jones
>the hill >time >LA times >WaPo
Lucas Sanchez
which news sources would you like sir? Breitbart or infowars?
Robert Anderson
>Trump is antiscience according to (((them))) Hmm I wonder
Julian Kelly
they're not anti-science, they just care about the environment slightly less than others
Cameron Rogers
Public science funding is important in many fields and helps us advance as a civilization
>dated someone whose dad was in the scientific field >not in the scientific field.