Polish Free!!

How do we get rid of slavic niggers from Anglo Land??

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>Brit insulting Poles

fuck that's rich

You can't, get ready to be SLAV'D.

Import more pakis and arab sandnigger muslims.

you don't have a choice. Atleast they're less degenerate than you.

some polish person told me the other day he pissed in someones moped fuel tank because he refused to give him a ciggy


Not sure what the problem the Bongs have with Poles is.

They're like 5% of the population here and nobody gives a shit.

It still probably ran fine considering how drunk he mustve been.

I bet there are also living more Indians in the UK than Brits in India

>tfw cousin and her husband live in the UK
>tfw aunt lives in Sweden
>tfw other aunt lives in the Netherlands
>tfw cousin's husband's family lives in Germany
>my family moved to the US

I'm surprised there's anyone left in Poland, tbqh. Although they'll probably start moving back in a few years once there's too many Muslims.

Start by having some kind of national pride which translates to government-level initiatives to prevent immigration from cultures that mix poorly with the native population.
You know, like Poland does.

>start moving back
no refunds, no comebacks, no nothing

>more bydło is in UK than here
Wew thank you based britain. I can bet that also more muzzies are in UK, more pakis, more poo in da loos but let's unload shit on toilet cleaners becasue if we'd say that we have to many muzies police would charge us with hate speech. Come on Anglo keep on shitting on us, just like you did in 1939 and 1945.
We should've allied with Germans. Everyday i curs our leaders for not doing this. We could've been a part of the greatest bolshevik massacare of the century instead of being raped.

>Hordes of pakis in UK
>only complain about poles
Britain always talks about taking control of their immigration, but when will you stop snadniggers pouring to your country?

Brexit lmao, the poles are going to be replaced by shitskins

And they'll expect to have propert or some other shit? Once you leave you can't go back. All those smug retards will be shit on after they'll come back. They think they're smart leaving this shit hole but if they'll come back we'll stab them in the ribs for thinking they were better than us.
>lel poor faggots i'm moving away from this shithole cya :^)
>oh my dearest country men welcome back! The west isn't fun anymore so i came back, where's my house, and other shit since you know i'm one of you :)

my town is 94% white but if you walk through the shopping centre during work hours you will only hear eastern euro languages being spoken

They're all degenerates, so Poland is probably better off without them. I moved out as a kid with my parents so I've always wanted to go back.

>tfw z babcią już się nie widziałem 12 lat

idk most of them fell for the multikulti meme and all other western crap, so you're better off without us

>during work hours
Says something about who is doing any work.

>most of them fell for the multikulti meme
So their daughters date non white i assume?

The crime rate dropped like now EU migration opened up and the English took all the criminals off our hands. If you have any way of maintaining American income while living in Poland you can do really well.

once you go anglo, don't come back though.

This desu, we are always negative towards Germany because of how they like to feel that they are somewhat superior to us, but are Anglos any better? They take us for a cattle, a lowest kind scum with no value and they have shown that throughout history. Might have as well allied with Szkopy

offer more daughters to arabs

>If you have any way of maintaining American income
limeys get paid less

Nah, mostly nihilism crap (drugs, partying, rejection of the church).

Not surprised. I was thinking of going back and teaching English for a few years to see if I like it.

Well, if you can invest money in an Anglo country and get dual citizenship it goes a long way in Poland. I have a three bedroom apartment for what I'd pay for a single room in shared accomodation in the UK.

by invoking art.50 and holding tight for another 2 years

>That autistic L again

I do respect the Poles, but fuck your Latin based script looks horrid.
Can't you change it for your own Cyrillic variation?

Prohibition of alcohol and meths. Enforce smiling.

>drugs, partying, rejection of the church
So the same thing youth is doing here.

Is it that bad?

Yes, next question plox.

desu i have nothing against poles, at least they are civilised compared to mudskins. they also stand for our same values and have very similar cultures/heritage.

S L A V ' D

Yeah, you guys need to make room for more "Asians."

>inb4 "B-b-but Germany!" One cuck doesn't make a right.

>god blimey, all dese fookin woites
>i wish there would be more pakis round, roite guvna?

The eternal anglo has trouble dealing with irrelevance.

>Atleast they're less degenerate than you.

>encouraging the EU to carry on so they don't lose their gibs
>less degenerate

People who complaints about european immigrants deserves pakistanis.
I will prefer living among 1,000,000 poles than having a single paki in font of my door.

There more brits in EU than Poles in EU


fuck off Americanised white nationalists
I'm a British nationalist, that means native Brits only

>Come on Anglo keep on shitting on us, just like you did in 1939 and 1945
>forgetting 1920

The British government literally supplied the Red Army with tanks and planes to invade Poland
Why do the Poles always fall for Anglo lies?

I don't get the Polish hate.

Is it easier to attack them because they are white for cautious racists?

We don't. We use them to help us kill Pakis. We find a Slav who is headed home (because they do) and we pay him to carry out a mosque attack or a shooting in a paki area. Then he goes home and builds an extra room on his house with the extra money, our police never find him and we slowly remove kebab/naan

no one should be in britain but those who can trace their british ancestry to BCE

send em fudgepackin

>assistant for one of the physics courses in uni is qt polish graduate
Can't complain, desu.

>Why do the Poles always fall for Anglo lies?
we dont. no one counts on them. we 'brexit' now

I agree with this. British posters who disagree must be fortunate to not have to live near paki scum

fantastic point ally

It's the same with antimexican hate. Beaners and Poles work harder so their respective host countries hate them

point to a muslim and tell poles that achmed wants to behead christians and rape their mothers

They are Europe's Mexicans

I don't blame the english, imigrants are immigrants no matter where they come from or what colour their skin is.

I'd be pretty pissed too if my hometown was invaded by drunk toothless limeys.

Exactly that. British politicians could talk about Eastern European immigration during Brexit without being accused of racism, as they would be if they discussed the greater problem of immigration from the Islamic world and Africa.

Any mass migration isn't something to be concerned about, but I don't see a lot of Catholic terrorism in England.

>Any mass migration isn't something to be concerned about
... I meant to say "is", obviously

Bongs out of Spain!!!

Easily replace the bastards.

>the only conceivable reason white Americans hate Mexicans is because dey such hard werkerz
Yeah it definitely has nothing to do with them being gang starting, drug dealing, rapist criminal scum, you retarded fucking spic.

No. But if we have to have ANY non skilled immigrants, I would rather have white, European, Catholic Poles by the million than ANY Pakis or Somalis

Get slavically enriched Mr Wellington.


that shit is fucking gross

>Develop trade globalization
>Leads to major discrepancies in wealth
>Wealth is concentrated in specific countries
>Oooouu nooou, blacks, Indians, Polaks are coming to us


this is the revenge for all the robberies Britain did in the 19th century

>half of them dont work and mooch gibs
>other half do work but are willing to be treated like shit thereby dragging down everyone elses wages and conditions
yeah no thanks

Mate that could describe the English working class.


do any poles have "ski" at the end of their last name or is that a meme made up by lying slav immigrants? i swear i will find the oldest polak alive in my family and rekt them.

Polish dude here from England Pro Britain first Pro Trump Pro Brexit anty islam anty feminizm anty socialists

most of us

They do, but it's not as common as you think it is. And it's pretty much only in names. Putting 'ski' at the end of English words doesn't work IRL.

i just opened business in Bongland, hope you don't mind my friend

Polish must be utter shit if your all coming here


pooland hehe

?Problems with Poles

Continued anti-Catholic feeling. They can be openly racist about Poles, but not Paki's. So they vent this way.

They think they can shit on all ethnic Catholics this way.

That are some dank axes senpai.

4$/hour minimum wage mate


>had a muslin rape gang problem
Just becuase your British does not mean intellect.


i know that. my last name is easy to pronounce but people fuck it up so much. wasnt sure if jews made some shit up and ended it with "ski" or my peeps left because of the red machine.

please remove kebab

Polish surnames with non-Polish pronunciation are picrel

> Muslim shitskin mayor of London
> concerned about Poles

Why do brits hate on poland but is ok with prince ali ababwa raping their children?


>please remove kebab
Opening nice pancakery in Sutton, come visit user

>wasnt sure if jews made some shit up and ended it with "ski" or my peeps left because of the red machine.
many jews added ski to hide

it's too late now
british men, prepare to be culturally enriched

what is your last name if i can ask?

>Free movement is entirely one sided
Of course it is. The entire world learns English, and Anglo-Saxon economies tend to be the strongest in their respective regions.

For us to have comparable opportunities we'd have to learn dozens of languages and even then the destination countries would have shitter economic prospects than what we'd have at home.

We gain nothing from freedom of movement. Nor do the poorer countries for that matter - all it means is that they've lost an entire generation of their younger works which (given TFR in Poland, Baltic states, Balkans etc) they absolutely cannot afford to lose.


At last the Polish Caliphate is rising. Our brother and sisters are in their place, waiting for a right chance to strike the cursed Anglo!

>absolutely cannot afford to lose.
well if they gave me and my family any future perspectives other than living under the bridge then i wouldn't go elsewhere

The reality
>Fastest growing economy
>£ immediately rebounds
>US and other major nations lining up for trade deals
>Even EU cuck states like Czech beginning to break ranks to arrange trade deals with us
>Still one of world's richest countries and biggest economies
>Still got far and away majority of Europe's best Universities
>Still only country that can approach US concentration of elite Universities
>Still one of world's most powerful militaries
>Still homeland of the world's language
>Still one of the most culturally influential nation's on Earth
>Still situated in one of the most ideal geographical locations
>EU can say goodbye to pretty much the entire North Sea

Polish Shariah includes mandatory alcohol consumption and shouting KURWA


I feel sickt desu

inferior america

Let's be hones, you will never get rid of us. Better prepare yourself:

this t b h. The hate for poles while importing child-raping Paki is disconcerting.

Please kick out our oligarchs first.

>poles prefer britain to germany

You woukd know all about enrichment you fucking cucks

>krauts prefer shitskins to poles

tfw my local park has had all the fish, deer and birds removed due to Poles killing them all and taking them home to eat.

No Pakis in my town though, just Poles. The one thing most people on Sup Forums don't realise is Pakis rape more, but all other crimes are dominated by Poles and they destory the entire neighbourhood they move into while Pakis only ruin the area they live in