Thoughts on vegetarians
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I can see why you would be one and it doesn't bother me very much so long as they don't go on about it all the time. Veganism is nuts though
The strategy of "just don't think about what you're doing and enjoy the taste" is literally solid bluepill
They are white
Only whites are capable of compassion and to act against the meat industry ran by the jews
God bless those mountain Jews and their bantz.
They're fine so long as they're not constantly in your face about it, it's vegans that are truly insane. In fact I've known plenty of vegetarians, and never once have they made a big deal about it, but I've never known a vegan that didn't throw some giant fit.
There's like half a billion vegetarians in India though.
Stefan Molyneux is a vegetarian
stick to yer fish pies and kebabs
hahahahhahahahaahahhahahhah stoopid bitch. We don;t want her either. YOU CAN KEEP THE COW. Oh that explains it..
it's the Aryan way. in this a day and age meat eating more and more will be nigger behavior
>he needs to eat charred BBQ meat and get cancer to feel like a man
Perfectly fine as long as you dont confuse your dietary choices with a personality
more meat for me
It's not charred, you fucking retard
Well now I know I'm going to my local BBQ place for lunch, was thinking Puerto Rican food but OP may have changed my mind.
>why havent you eaten jackfruit yet?
Are you fucking retarded?
i've had 2 vegan employees under my watch. we do a very physical job where we have to push heavy things and walk long distances. vegan are generally weak and not ready to feel pain in thier muslces. they go at their own rythm wich is slow and taking lots of breaks.
overall veganism is not for working men.
The vegetarian diet is a tool wielded by the Jew to turn the population into weak-willed faggots, destroying the nation from within.
That's called bark. It's not charred.
I refuse to believe someone is this fucking retarded
Vegetarianism is fine as long as you eat eggs and dairy products.
As a student I ate mostly vegetarian dishes because lentils and beans are cheap as fuck.
Veganism is full fucking retard though, there is literally no excuse for not eating eggs or dairy.
I'm vegetarian and I wouldn't recommend it if you weren't serious about augmenting your diet properly or you'll end up underweight and JUSTed
>Ms Holten, who describes herself as a freelance journalist, model and drama student, has also campaigned against a number of other Swiss traditions like hunting, pig races and the noisy church bells in town
Gas her
You must be a paki because I refuse to believe the brits could be this retarded.
As long as they arent in your face about it all the time and how meat eaters are monsters i dont really care
i want to eat that, i'm the son of a dragon, atheist , mgtow
Hitler was a vegetarian.
looks dalamsus
would eat that is a jiffy
Been one for 10 years in march. I only mention it if someone absolutely insists on giving me food that has meat in it. Pizza? I pick it off without mention.
vegans? the ulitmate cucks.
i times like these we need to be adonis and ripped as fuck, you need stronk protein!! absolute fucking betas!
Vegetarianism is stupid. It's less stupid than veganism, but there's a reason why India has more malnourished people than China, despite the fact that India has an easier time keeping people fed than China. It's the prime example of the difference between "Being hungry" and "Being malnourished"
vegetarianism is fine, I go through periods where I just don't feel like eating meat for months at a time. If you don't criticize me for eating meat, I couldn't care less. Most vegetarians are fine about it and will only talk about it if you ask about it (which I'm also fine with. I don't want people lying about their personal beliefs and opinions to me especially if I want them to tell me). Vegans, however, can never seem to shut up about their diet. I don't have an issue with veganism itself, but the people who practice it seem to be the most obnoxious and self-righteous people in the world.
>Quitting meat altogether
Stupid and against hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution.
>Eating as much meat as most people in First World
Stupid and against hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution.
>Typical, uninformed, leaf eating son of a broken serf
How does it feel to know that every human being a value moved across the puddle, and that you have only the genetic scraps, and cuckholds left to populate your outhouse of an island?
soulless minions of orthodoxy from the cabbage lobby
I went vegetarian for a year, the last 3 months of which I even went vegan to find out what's up with it.
Pretty pointless experience. If you eat like shit, you'll be unhealthy. If you don't eat like shit then that'll carry over to whatever inconsequentual and unimportant dietary trend you follow.
Fresh meat is always good.
Industrial-processed meat is utter shit and what's converting millenials into faggots.
Not vegetarian, but I prefer homegrown always I can.
Reminder that Indians and Tibetans literally can't eat meat, or they get sick.
Whites transformed vegetarianism into a meme to virtue signal to others.
after a certain point, not even vegetables will be enough to feed the population. We will have to eat cockroach milk. its processed cockroach and since the blood of cockroaches is what we call linf (they have lynfatic veins, we have that too+ normal veins). So Being a vegetarian is a meme that will end someday.
looks like cheap barf
Danish Cuisine
>pickles, toast, and some meatballs
tfw no chicken dog
I honestly thought it was burned too
Dont blame the brit I havent honestly seen anything like that in my life before. Dont think that kind of bbq is common in the UK too
Dutch cuisine
>giant sweet tarts laid out on the street
I wouldn't mind it if they shut the fuck up for one entire minute
That's Gouda.
That's cheese you fucking retard
Watch a live animal being slaughtered and know this is where your food comes from
I literally can't eat meat any more after fiinding out what the the fuck goes on
I haven't had that experience with vegetarians. Vegans on the other hand never shut the fuck up about it.
Implying this is the only way to get meat.
you know, I can honestly understand vegetarians. The treatment of food livestock can be horrible. vegans need to be executed without trial though.
quads chekt
That's the only way to get enough meat to feed 7 billion mouths.
Free range farming is not cost-efficient and therefore communist.
Can't eat cow after seeing this
It's straight fucked up
that quote about not know how politics and meat are made, yeah, you just don't want to know.
it's pretty fucked
and being a Christian, finding out that some meats that are being sold in the US are now blessed by Islam (False idols) are against what I believe in, I ain't going to hell for that!
I'd totally eat a chicken if I killed it though. Boiled chicken is fantastic.
I didn't say that. I wasn't implying that. Don't put words in my mouth. Your own bias is speaking.
If you don't want to eat meat, or you do, it's your choice
I did my research and couldn't handle what I saw.
In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.
Only if you consume an inordinate amount of meat. Eat less good meat, not lots of disgusting garbage.
I doubt you'd find anyone on Sup Forums arguing that 7 billion mouths ought to be fed, let alone fed with meat.
>be a huge bitch
>be surprised everyone hates you and wants you to move the fuck out
Whats wrong with women and their mental abilities.
Do you know and understand where your meet comes from? Do you see Ahkmed worshipping some blasphemous filth as he slits a throat? Do you see a devilworshipper cutting and beating an animal? If you answered yes, and you're okay with it, then cool, I don't judge you man.
But seriously there are straight fucked up things going on that we just don't see
I mean it's literally FUCKED up. I don't care what other people eat, I don't mind that you do or don't eat meat. But holy shit, you gotta educate yourself and see what fluoride does to you in the water and what meat is being forced on you without you knowing
We all do what we want, eat what we want, but damn, I hate that other bros don't know what's happening out there man
I wasn't trying to put word in your mouth. I'm really just saying that humanly raised meat is an option.
The problem is that people think that every meal should include a 20 oz. steak, this produces these kinds of horrifying farming practices.
Halal meat is tagged, user.
I purchase eggs and chickens from a family farm. Dairy, pork, and beef, I get from food CSA.
I know what corporate farming turns out as a product and its greater environmental impact.
Good meats require hard work. The problem is that most are unwilling to pay a fair market value for a good product.
huh wow
Is that mushroom? I had a mushroom burger, it was actually pretty good. I like the black bean burgers as well.
It's jackfruit. Apparently, it's very meat-like but I haven't tried it. Some mushroom and egg based meat substitutes are very good.
I think it's nutritional yeast made into a sauce.
I'll never understand why you'd bother with an expensive substitute when you could just normal stuff. Pic related's dry mass is 30% protein, it's great.
I was vegetarian for 22 years of my life and went non-veg 2 years ago
Vegan knight reporting for duty,meat is for subhumans,die cunts.
What was your first piece of meat your tried?
Did you convert to Islam
>tfw sister has a smoker and she and her husband make me bbq all the time
>implying Indians aren't brown aryans
oyster shrooms are delicious but can be pricey over here. mycoprotein-based substitutes are cheaper than meat here anyway.
so beautiful
If you have a garden, grow them yourself. If you have woods nearby, take a hike and look for them.
cooked veggies pureed with nutritional yeast and cashews
if seasoned right it can be decent
First non-veg dish was kfc chicken
it's fine, it's good for the environment
i mean i can't afford to do it healthily, lots of spam for me
but good on them
> brown aryans
nice one, ransheet
Vegans never give anyone the benefit of the doubt when in fact in the age of Google most people use the strategy of, "think about it, research each step of the process, and if you still don't have an issue with it that's fine."
Personally I'll switch when cultured meat becomes available commercially. Of course I'm all for a cruelty-free alternative, but until then it doesn't bother me.
I'm gonna do the same. Parents were faggots desu, I need that protein
What to start with and how to ease myself into it?
Btw I have had egg once and hated it
>Btw I have had egg once and hated it
"egg" is pretty vague
How's your poop?
I'm a pescatarian
That means I don't eat chicken or cow but still eat fish (unless, of course, someone makes me a steak at a barbecue because it be rude and stupid to decline a free meal)
It's mostly just for my health but I can also get behind boycotting slaughterhouses
What do the autist on Sup Forums think about that?
eggs are practically flavorless, you can mix them with so much. If you ate a single egg and hated it, i'm guessing you like paneer though, so what the fuck is wrong with you
eat bacon
Hey, I know that person
As a Burger I follow a simple rule that everyone should follow.
Never trust anyone who doesn't eat Bacon.
>i know that producing one piece of meat takes up to 3 times the land space and natural resources than the same nutrients, so i think we should encourage more people to decrease meat consumption
>i love animals and i can't bring myself to eat them, i would prefer to not personally partake in their suffering
empathy is good, but not accepting the fact that every creature on this planet is eventually going to die and eaten by someone else does not feel spiritually elevated at all. Do not let empathy become a weakness.
>animal have rights too. it is wrong to eat them because they have feelings and we must ask everyone to stop eating them
i am being 100% honest in saying i would consider many criminals less dangerous than people who think like that.
>Voluntarily choosing to be inferior
Fine by me.