Why are conservative women so autistic and unstable?
Why are conservative women so autistic and unstable?
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because all women are
you're fooling yourself faggot.
Everyone knows conservative women are objectively the GOAT. its not even close
This bitch is good looking, but a fucking nut job
at least the ones who speak out don't seem very mentally healthy
Because when their dad fucked them, they kinda liked it, so they gravitate towards strong, aggressive, decisive men.
Liberal girls wanted to get fucked by their dad, but never were, so they start a crusade against masculinity because their dad never thought they were pretty enough.
stop reading Freud
The same reason Sup Forums is: autists lack compassion and empathy.
i really despise the fact that god or biology made men like me very horny but women so difficult to get sex/love from
what kind of sick joke is this
just going off on a tangent because all women are the same
nature doesn't make sense nor is "fair"
we just have to deal with it
>No conservative girl likes me, so I'm going to act sore on the internet
Your combativeness stems from when your priest raped you. You worry that it only happened because you did not fight back hard enough, and not overcompensate to prevent feelings of helplessness.
Why are Brazilians
I don't know any conservative woman besides my 63 years old mom
She's pretty manly looking
Wrong. I'm pretty sure pic related is a white nationalist just not publicly.
women shouldn't be aloud to vote.
difference is no one expects anything from liberal women
this one is also autistic
there's a video in which she tells how she broke up with a guy because he couldn't parallel park once
these girls seem cute
So. I broke up with a girl bc I dared her to eat a spoonful of mayonnaise and she did. I could never kiss her again without the thought and smell of mayo flooding my senses. What a whore.
>muh shitty celtic music
>muh dyed blonde hair
>muh dyed blonde hair
whores literally and figuratively, like everyone else with a yt channel (except reviewbrah)
Because a true conservative woman is a housewife who believes whatever her husband believes and doesn't get caught up in politics. Going out and being a political activist is an inherently masculine activity.
Because most of them are indoctrinated by Christianity in the modern Information Age, so they're beginning to disassociate from their bullshit narrative
how do women like that exist?
All women are.
Though in my experience atheist conservative women are the least nuts because they have learned to control themselves.
Because they are turbo-roastie sluts who only participate in conservativism the same way gaymer gurls do, for attention and being a special snowflake.
>not choosing superior white Antifa-fu
Daily reminder that she is a coalburner and thinks the earth is flat.
conservative "girls" are an embarrassment, they're a huge turnoff
Girls should either be apolitical or slightly liberal.
straight out of the 5th element set
Conservative women are pig disgusting.
>Why are conservative women so autistic and unstable?
This Jewish schizophrenic goyim goddess is pretty unstable DESU. I can't believe she has a big following.
Sinead obviously fucked black guys when she was younger. She says she had problems with drugs and alcohol, that she lived around a load of black people, that she tried to "fit in" and she never categorically said she didn't, only that her son is not mixed
>Why are women so autistic and unstable?
>bleached hair again
Why the fuck are all right wing women insecure brownies who pretend to be white?
Women are rightfully herd animals. SJW is mainstream right now, so it stands to reason that Nazi grills are messed up in the head somehow.
They aren't usually. My GF, step-mom and only remaining female friends are right leaning to full 14 words. They all have good jobs or a good husband, are in shape, and are moderately logical.
My ex-gf and former female friends are liberals who have gotten fat, gotten numerous cats, work at starbucks, went to the women's march and either hate men fully or are sluts who have a different dude every other week. It's hilarious how clear the dichotomy has become.
her son has a really suspicious hair type
probably all the black cum stored in her cunt influenced the fetus
that's all women though.
Nice try OP shills trying to divide women and men, and now conservative women and conservative men. Fuck off shill. Conservative women are with /ourguys/ and we believe they are with /ourgirls/ so screw yourselves.
le conservative women meme
we can never win
Has anyone ever done a research study on hormonal differences between right and left wingers? It seems like right wingers have more hormones--men testosterone, and women oestrogen. Whereas left wingers have less, which is why you get more masculine women and more effeminate men. I've also noticed that left and right wing men find different women attractive. Right wing men like much more feminine women, and left wing men like women who are more masculine. Not always, but quite often, we split up into our separate types.
Not a meme. And if you let these libcucks keep trying to pit redpilled women and men against each other, and leave Sup Forums women to fight against them alone we all lose.
because all women are sub human and islams treatment of them is actually right
Your opinion matters . . why exactly? I don't give two fucks about muslims. I'm with my white dudes.
Are you sure about that? It looks like a full blown mulatto.
Why are rightwing women former whores?
Because they're usually hot and hot women are crazy
damn, I've never seen his face
that's definitly a black boi
Guaranteed she's fucked at least two niggers
Because conservative """""""women""""""" are basically suffering from Stockholm syndrome.
Ann Coulter is one of the good ones, great bantz to piss off liberals. Honorary female.
Also, if conservatives hate women's equality so much, shouldn't they love Islam? This really boggles my noggin
>tfw sinead will never bite your cock off while performing aggressive fellatio on you
she's for black cock only
This is true
Stop chasing blonde women. It's already been proven they're more susceptible to brainwashing than other caucasians
I prefer more med-looking girls
All women are like that you fucking neckbeard. At least the Red Ice girls are hot and redpilled on the jewish question.
Mediterranean girls are the best. Better cooks, more fit, better Christians, more loyal, etc.
I think Ann is infertile t b h
Blue eyes - black hair is a god-tier combination though
Have you seen this plus the users name had me dying m.youtube.com
what's the context on this?
psycho bitch
No clue
Pretty much nobody who "speaks out" is mentally healthy. Mentally healthy people keep their mouths shut unless asked their opinion or in a situation where necessary. Every conservative whether man or woman that I've ever met that threw their opinions around unessecarily were autists.
I broke up with a girl because she pooped at my house, that's disgusting and women should never do that.
As much as I hate to admit it, you're right, as much as I want to say I'd prefer a conservative woman that would be just as bad as a self professed liberal woman, they would never shut the fuck up about it, when a woman has that strong of beliefs about something it has to become them, they simply can't let it not affect every aspect of their life.
hope this isn't true
She needs God.
They're not.
If you want to experience the very definition of unstable, date a liberal woman.
In burgerland it's not socially acceptable to drop deuces at your significant other's house.