She's right

She's right.

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i get that this is bait
but isn't there some weird phenomenon where the majority of american serial killers are overwhelmingly black they just don't really get any coverage?

>there were over 1000+ islamic attacks in 2016 alone
Uhm, no, sorry sweetie, but until whites commit that many terror attacks we remain to be free :)

Most mass-shooters are not white-males. Niggers have that won by a huge margin.

that's blossom, who is most definitely a she

Blossom can fuck right off.

Really tickled by neurons.

>Bialik was originally a Polish/Czech surname before it was adopted by the Ashkenazi Jewish population. The name probably originated from the Polish word Biały (meaning white).


S-Shut it down, goyim.

Right about what?

When did the kill registry go online? Thought that was slated for later this year...

so because they are most the population. our because your father was one.

That's just a false narrative spread by the partisan media because they don't want people to know the truth.
In America nearly everyone is part of the "White category" in the crime statistics, Middle-Easterners, North-Africans and Hispanics.

Fucking atrocious comparison from an idiot woman.

Twenty mudshits and twenty whites

18 mudshits perform terrorist attacks
1 white is a serial killer

Sure, you can say "only whites are serial killers" in this situation, but you sound like a fucking moron

They can't keep getting away with such blatant anti-white lies

I bet the Islamic terrorists are even counted as "White" in statistics.

Black people literally refer to themselves as shooters now.

Gosh, she really showed them.


most women are infanticides and closet sexual predators that get almost no punishment

Right, register all blacks too though. Because they kill cops the most and rape the most.

Who cares what this ugly fucking beast has to say?



Yea... policies are in place when a white person commits a crime. Serial killers and mass shooters either are killed in the process of apprehension or apprehended and spend the rest of their lives in prison and there is no reason to register them in society as they are... in prison.... The system works.

Aww thats cute hun, show me some statistics on whites committing violence on the same level as blacks do in Chiraq.

It's that self-congratulatory I hate the majority of this nation's voting demographic liberal smugness that will get Trump eight years in office and they'll never understand why they drove people away from liberalism.


these people are like rats in the mouth of a hungry lioness spreading their indoctrination for the hatred of white males like that

No actually she is completely wrong

Even if that was true, that's absolutely retarded logic. Most serial killers and mass shooters have 2 legs, but that doesn't mean that you're going to register everybody with 2 legs.

they are registered... for the motherfucking draft. Selective service.

Government knows how many white men there are... it needs them for a world war.

(((MaiKHEMMM Bialik)))

and thats how we lost the election and were never relevant again. the end

most mass shooters are liberals

>label black people too
>most of them are degenerate sub human thugs, serial killers, rapists
KEK what's paradoxical to me is there are so many black serial killers. But just cuz they shot down 5 ppl it doesn't count. It has to be the most appalling example to count for them.


I love how she made it white instead of men, leftists would of eviscerated her.

>"we're white like you goyi- guys! See? "


dumb hoes like her will be crying for the "white men" to be drafted if they're needed to save some people in a war.

That's the funny thing.

"Muh negroes in Africa are dying of EBOLA... send in white man troops to save 'em."

She was Blossom then is now on that Nerd Trivia comedy show whose name escapes me at the moment which features a autistic and a poo in loo hey guys star trek lol

They changed the definition of "mass shooting" so gangbanging niggers in shootouts wouldn't count. Otherwise yeah they'd overwhelmingly the mass shooting category

We're registered as taxpayers by the IRS. Use that list.

Not even statistically true. Liberals really suck at math.

>registering people who you think are a threat
that's literally not happening though? Why are lefty arguing points so weak?

My friend Achmed keeps saying he wants to beat our high score while stroking his watch

What does he mean by this?

The day I get drafted to fight her war is the day I just shoot her instead.

Men of any color or nation commit more crime; and the benefits white men give FAR outweigh the cons

Serial killers too but the ones that people think of are people like Ted Bundy when in reality it's somebody who has killed two or more with a significant time in between the two.

>They changed the definition of "mass shooting" so gangbanging niggers in shootouts wouldn't count.
Except when they use their 'statistics' to 'prove' guns are killing innocent babbies

No, she isn't. Whites are statistically the least likely to carry out either a mass shooting or serial killings. That's still true even if you count Jewish serial killers and mass shooters as white.

>Bialik was raised as a Reform Jew,[7] but now considers herself to be Orthodox Jewish.[8] Her first name is the Hebrew word for water.[9]


That is simply not true. It's just that Tyrone massacring a street party isn't considered a mass shooting because nobody cares.

Also the whites being the majority of serial killers is a meme.

Either that doesn't fit the narrative the (((MSM))) tries to present and that's why that doesn't get covered, OR it's more shocking when it's not a black guy that make it newsworthy.

B-B-But she is on a tv show!

It was real in her mind.

This bitch hates white males but is a self-proclaimed Zionist. She supports the ethno-state that is Israel and even donates to the IDF. But the US cannot secure their borders.

yup. same with mass shootings. it's not really perceived as a mass shooting unless the perpetrator and/or victims are white

Yeah sure. Keep donating your money to the IDF and supporting the expansion of Israel into Palestine. Europe loves the fallout. She's a piece of human garbage and I hope her kids are brutally murdered by a gang of nigs in front of her.


ill gladly be aserial killer if i coulñd kiill all the libtards

>Racial profiling is OK only for whites




Doesn't this cunt breast feed her 10 year old? She belongs on a list.

She also has a PhD in neuroscience

How about we just guillotine everyone with a blue checkmark and enjoy universal peace and prosperity for multiple generations.

>The nose knows

Get Omar Mateen in there

>PhD in neuroscience
>Decides to abandon advancement of mankind for shekels in intellectually bankrupt television shows


I fucking wish, things would be vastly different if this were actually true.

Standard leftist tactic of accusing others of what you are.
By her logic you should register all blacks instead as they factually commit the most crimes.

Typical (((liberal))), falling back on the strawman argument of "muh serial killers are whyte" and "muh mass shooters were (mostly) white" while saying nothing about the fact that 90% of gun crime is committed by (((their))) precious pet niggers.

There was always something fuckable about her though. She's got this homely girl-next-door vibe and I'd bet strong money that she's at least fun in bed.

>Jeff Weise

I unironically support NativeNazi

No she's not. Most mass shooters are black, and serial killers are nearly proportional to the population, though still black leaning.


i'm taking the bait

we recognise that terrorists are muslim because of their motivation behind the attack and ideology, not because they have brown skin.

likewise, in mass shootings/serial killings the motivation isn't always the same. therefore, we take into account why the killers did it, not that they are brown

is elliott rodgers not white?

Citation needed. Just so I can throw it in idiot's faces.

hol up hol up

the numbers of deaths on that are completely wrong, they're way too high

make sure it's accurate before posting again you rancid swine

>Implying being Muslim is a race and gender

That just cites itself as the source of its data, and it doesn't explain what exactly they're counting as a "serial killer".

I'm not doubting their data per se, it's just that I'd rather trust the FBI's actual statistics instead of a race baiting image.

Big nosed lesbian angry at DRMPF, film at eleven.

>but isn't there some weird phenomenon where the majority of american serial killers are overwhelmingly black they just don't really get any coverage?
n-nothing to see here, goyim

Fucking Elliot got 20? I thought it was 5 at most. What a psycho

Isis is full of white males?

i hare american hews so god damn much REEEEEEEEEE

Her research was shallow and her doctoral defense was fucking closed session because she was nervous and "depressed".

She has no real doctorate.

Not sure on serial killers but mass shooters are mostly black. Liberals just don't give a shit because it's inner city gang violence.

The FBI was just run by black nationalists for the last eight years.

*apart from the cartels and nigger gangs

nigger gangs in chicago all have serial killer numbers in body count. end of discussion.

There hasn't been, at least one that's media famous, white shooter in like, two or three years

He's like Jewish and philipino or some shit.