

>"And It says here you're supposed to be 1 and a half feet tall"

>*commie format


Use the correct format then

In other words, they filled out the forms wrong and they're blaming the secret service for Brit retardation.

>is it me-ter or me-tre, what teh fuck is this shit

>submit the wrong format

>where's ur Ko-ran now?

They should let everyone in except this guy, for complaining like a little bitch about it.

Pretty much. This can't be their first time doing it.

>when min is ok in both ways

Get fucked 13th and go on birthers.


You don't know how much is 1.5 meter or you think brit people are midgets?

Don't be boring

Irish are.

Nah, Trump just hates your press.

Well, of course. The British are much more sophisticated than the Americans.

Their own fucking fault. You adhere to the customs of the land, doubly so on formal paperwork.

>quintessentially British teeth

Afterwards they went to a new restaurant and asked for their usual.

Submit the dates properly and maybe you wouldnt be outside.
You are in the USA. Not some shitty inbred island

The only correct format is yyyymmdd

All others mess up data algorithms

Everyone does it wrong. hh:mm:ss.000 is correct.

Brits don't measure our height in m.
We use imperial still.


yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000 you dickhead

mm/dd/yyyy is the one true way to format the date

metric system = globalism
AMERICAN measurement system = moon landing and the best millitary

When in Rome you Buzzfeed divs

In Hungary we use it that way. I believe Japan also use this.


If you don't cut off the extr "20" in the year and switch to a decimal calendar you are a pleb.

>it's the year starting at 1483228800
>he still doesn't use unix timestamp

I don't know what this says.


>come into port
>submit manifest
>70 quizarts of wellington
>12 longbums of jumparoni
>300 squigaloo dried buttersnatch
>rejected by customs