I'm a Paki who supported Trump. Not here as an immigrant or a citizen. On F1 visa

I'm a Paki who supported Trump. Not here as an immigrant or a citizen. On F1 visa.

How do I avoid getting deported? Is marrying an American my only option? What do people like me have in store? I love this country more than any other, I really don't want to leave once my visa expires.


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What do you do for a living?

>not here as an immigrant or a citizen
>How do I avoid getting deported

Get the fuck out, get your citizenship, and come back.

also, don't come back. fix pakistan instead.

You can't get a citizenship by not being here, you fucking retard.

Not interested, it's a piece of shit. Better to expend my energy on myself in a place that's not a shithole, rather than spend my time fixing one shithole and then start working on my own life.

Listen to me mate, I love people like you, who are really patriotic and are serious about being a united states citizen.

What you need to understand is there are networks of people (isis recruiters, wahabbi) that are using the refugee networks to travel to Euro countries and wreak havoc.

Our new president picked up on this and is about to implement "extreme vetting" of high risk countries into the United States. Keep in mind that doesn't mean you can't get in. If you are actually serious in obtaining citizenship you need to look up the prerequisites (American history test) and study for them and begin to fill out the proper paperwork.

If you're genuinely serious about dropping your pakistani citizenship and putting everything into becoming a usa citizen then you CAN, but if you aren't serious and you're one of those "free welfare" people like Germany's "free healthcare" then it's not going to work out, especially with our new Presidential Cabinet.

we're full


also, this isn't an offer. it's a demand. gtfo.

this is not accurate, you could convert your f1 visa into an h1b if you find a company to sponsor you.

you can marry an american before your f1 expires.

you can register into an accredited university and have your f1 expanded. If you complete your degree you can get a year of OPT practical training, you can also work as an intern during your senior year and try to get an h1b that way.

but yeah, marry an american if you can.

It's not that easy to just become a citizen. You have to wait 10 years to get your green card, then another 5 to get citizenship. You can't live in the US without the green card, so consider 10 years wasted.

Best bet is to just marry someone desu.

traitor detected


I'm actually not good with ladies, so there's that. I'm also extremely selective and picky, I don't want to marry just for a fucking green card, that's shady shit.

I want a partner who is actually capable and smart and a viable candidate for producing the offspring that will carry on my dynasty, not just a random person who agrees to marry me that I will be bored with for the rest of my life.

Call teh INS have them trace OPs IP and kick his ass out.

>Not even here illegally, just wanting to extend stay so I can be here forever legally

fuck off, cunt. feel free to call whoever the fuck you like.

We aren't brainless racists and don't care about people doing things the right way.

For real, look at how enriched the UK is thanks to Pakis. They have nothing to offer, unless you believe the USA has a dearth of child rape gangs and military-grade body odour.

Fuck you in-bred Paki OP.

I'm more American than you and all your ancestors and future generations combined.

You sound confused, in-bred congenital brain disorders kicking in? Notice he doesn't deny the child rape accusation.

Just wait for enrichment Yanks: telegraph.co.uk/news/health/children/11723308/First-cousin-marriages-in-Pakistani-communities-leading-to-appalling-disabilities-among-children.html


lol wtf

Thanks for the support... But you have to go back.

You have to go back. This country is for white people.

>On F1 visa.


You made the shithole full. Your services are appreciated.

>We aren't brainless racists
Oh, so you're a brainful racist? I get it now.

get blacked

Install gentoo, failing that just poo in the streets in D.C.

lmao, shaitan's trips, I couldn't have said better Lord Kek!

>digits confirm

Let's help this fellow kek-endorsed patriot?

Honestly getting married to an American next time you're here isn't a horrible idea. Might actually help

American here
Military service is a good way. In my 5 years of seen many get their citizenship through the army and it shows you are committed to assimilating into our society.

I like how most of users here are just against any type of immigration or whatever, I bet 80% or more would fail the test that 'immigrants' have to pass before becoming a citizen, they are just a true false and ten questions lol immigrants who become citizens probably know more about America then you bigots, I am an American born and raised and white, I believe everyone should have. A chance to come here if they show that they can become a value such as people on Visa's, anyways that's my lil rant, got thick skin too, come at me

What made you think it was ok to flout a nations laws by just moving and living there because you wanted and felt entitled to? Just because that certain law invonveniences you you just ignore it, not realising that the rule of law is vital to a decent society, the one you want to feel safe in, but fuck its laws tho right lol

People like you are scum. Get the fuck out of the United States.

nice proxy Hakim

The immigrants taking the test have studied beforehand, and the 'muricans taking the test probably forgot most of that shit after taking the test in 3rd grade b/c our retarded education system is too focused on the tests themselves.