Anyone who came to the U.S. illegally -- that is without passing through border inspection committed a criminal misdemeanor and could fall into the priority removal category, legal experts tell ABC News.

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more white women for us American of Mexican parents

Dreamer get out

Beaners get out. Reeeeeee

Soros and capitalist funded protests and riot when

Yes. Mob up in one giant group so we can find you without trying. Great idea.

You can view all executive orders here:

Stop spreading bullshit.

it begins

sorry, mang. I was born here. I was born American


>Stop spreading bullshit.

Tell ABC that you fucking idiot.


11 Million deportables?



Section 1. Purpose. Border security is critically important to the national security of the United States. Aliens who illegally enter the United States without inspection or admission present a significant threat to national security and public safety. Such aliens have not been identified or inspected by Federal immigration officers to determine their admissibility to the United States.

They should be thrilled about leaving the US. Canada and Europe LOVE immigrants. They'll find glorious new lives there.

Time to start a lawn care company. There will be a huge demand.

Only whites can be american tho.

11m × 120$ per month food stamps.

1.32b a month for actual americans

This. You'd be suprised how much money a couple guys could make.

LA Fag here. The problem is, unless they come and pull these mother fuckers by the hair out of their home, then i dont see anything really happening, this shit will continue, especially spics man.

You have to understand that the 5 million illegals number they keep throwing around, it's actually at least 3x that much here in Cali alone.

You will not believe Im saying this, but half of the people living in this apt are illegal, and it's not like im in the ghetto man, this is home of disney, warner brothers, nice community, but they are everywhere now.

I hope they get rid of them, they are about half of my anxiety living here, if they went man this city and state would fucking flourish.

I hate mexicans, even worse central americans, but at the end of the day they are all the same shit.

The days of coming over on a visa and overstaying for 45 years is OVER with. All the spics here now are scared to death so they are on good behavior haha, I want to see them go though. Our neighbors passed around bed bugs to one another cause their kids played with theirs, and they had to bring heaters to kill that shit, ugly bitch brought out all her shit in front of her door, posters, toys, all the clothes, blankets everything, I even saw a fish tank inside, probably has bedbugs too.

All this sickness that is going around, I bet these spics bring that shit in, im not even kidding. These kids usually have boogers caked around their noses.

Jesus fucking christ, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.




Almost all illegals passed into the US legally then simply outstayed their welcome. This is practically meaningless if it's not being applied to those people.

You don't understand!
If you send them back here they will all die of potato famine!!

Section 1 defines what an illegal alien is and why it's an issue, and what the order wants to do
>The purpose of this order is to direct executive departments and agencies (agencies) to deploy all lawful means to secure the Nation's southern border, to prevent further illegal immigration into the United States, and to repatriate illegal aliens swiftly, consistently, and humanely.
Section 2 is the part that actually directs the departments
And in section 2, it specifies how to deal with arrested illegal immigrants, and illegals who have overstayed their visas
The tail end of section 2 is the only part that impacts regular illegals, as it says the feds will cooperate with local law enforcement on enforcing immigration law
Which again, means that if you're ARRESTED, you'll be sent back.
No illegal kid that was brought here by an illegal parent will be sent back under this order, unless they turn to crime.

>i dont see anything really happening

It wouldn't be the first time America rounded up foreigners.

This won't do anything about the niggers though....

>mfw when mexicans said this would never happen

>This won't do anything about the niggers though....

sadly, you're right.


C...can I come to America legally

Our government is been mean and keeps taxing us and confiscating our gunz n shit

pls send help

>unless they turn to crime

Which almost always happen with these people.

>sorry, mang. I was born here. I was born American

Only white people can be American.

>to ourselves and our Posterity

>Which almost always happen with these people.
statistically they are no more likely to turn to crime than legal citizens living in the same areas.
Their illegal status is partly why they can't move into nice suburbs, but in the end, the poor black guy next door is more likely to break the law than the illegal asian.

Report them dude, theres a website set up for it

Them being illegal makes every single day and pretty much everything they do an illegal act.

Illegals are criminals, full stop.

Sorry Paco, you're getting evacuated

That's where you are wrong, the niggers are no where around here, they are in their own hoods far away from normal society, they are too worried about getting that donation money than to start shit here, where cops will bust them ASAP.

But spics? They are everywhere! I dont know where you live, but here in Southern California, Im more worried about el salvadorians or mexicans than your average nigger. Just go look at your average megans law results or mugshots, almost always spics.

Hang in there guy

illegal acts and criminal acts are not the same
illegal acts are anything in violation of the law
criminal acts are arrestable offenses.
Being an illegal and getting paid for work isn't an arrestable offense (paying an illegal to work might be)

the primary mode for deportation will be when law enforcement encounters an illegal, they will jail them and then report them to ICE. ICE will then pick them up and deport them.

ICE will most likely conduct raids with local law enforcement only in the States where they are invited in, to expediate the process, but only on aliens who have comitted felonies in the past or have been deported more than once. This is going to take a very long time to even get 1 million out, but most likely you will see the self-deportation rate rise dramatically.

... you just made my point.
I said that the ILLEGAL alien is no more likely to commit a crime than their LEGAL neighbor
You're argument is that latinos commit crimes (even though they aren't the predominant illegal alien) that's fine, but is an ILLEGAL latino more likely to go commit a crime than his LEGAL latino neighbor?

I'm all for deporting illegal immigrants, but this whole >"you need to be white to be American" business is nonsense. It is entirely possible to be non-white (or not completely white) and be American; it is entirely possible to be non-white (or not completely white) and come from a family which has been all-American for generations.

One side of my family has been in the US for hundreds of years, first as slaves, and now as citizens. The other side of my family has been in the US for hundreds of years, being among the first frontier immigrants to central Pennsylvania from Germany and Ireland. I am just as American as any of my forefathers, and if you enter my property with the intent of removing me from my home or my country, I reserve the right to exercise my second amendment rights to protect myself and my household.

Great what about the other 30 million


keep your head up, felow LAfag

>not like im in the ghetto man
>home of disney, warner brothers, nice community

let's not kid ourselves here, bro. This place is a giant turd with some thin icing on top. Malibu down the beach to PV are the only tolerable places left in LA for nice white folk like us.

fuck off, we're full

the guy was trolling

The Constitution says only white people.

Ourselves and our posterity. You don't qualify because, at that time, black people weren't Americans, they weren't even human.

You have to go back.


Without illegals America will be beautiful.

Anchor babies are going to have their citizenship revoked. You aren't actually a citizen.

Wages will go up!

>mfw parents legally immigrated
>mfw I'll finally go back to being a minority

Is it wrong that I want to be the only bean around?

Im a White Hispanic


Make America Beautiful Again!

11? This is kike propaganda. There are at least 30 million.

If you don't live in the hills LA is one giant 3rd world mexican ghetto.

Why did he lie and say we would get tired of winning?

Are any of you tired of winning?

>we're only going to deport criminal illegal immigrants
>oh wait thats all of you lol

If you aren't White, you aren't American. I hope you aren't operating under the impression that the illegals are going to be kicked out, birthright citizenship [for spics, chinks, gooks, and pajeets] is getting revoked, just so we can all hold hands with mystery meat paper "citizens" like you.

The point is corrective, punitive action on demographics so that even more radical racial policies can be enacted.

You immigrated to America not Nova Mexico.

Everyone benefits from less illegals and a more American America.

Go take a trip to Brazil and see where that line of think gets you...America stays a majority white or we all live in the third world

This has been the first week?
We are in for an energetic 8 years.


>majority white
No. It will be entirely White. There's no reason to keep any of the other ones around.

What would be the point in living in New New Mexico anyway?

You live in a fantasy world.

We will stay a majority white...If we don't enjoy the third world


There is no reason to make a push to stay majority White and then not finish it off. Zero reason whatsoever. Unless, you're a shitskin. Which you are.


America was 90% white 20 years ago.

My dad is rabidly against illegal immigration, my parents lost almost everything they had to commies despite fighting so hard to keep it.

He always saying how this unchecked immigration was going to let the commies in to ruin the nation, with all these Antifa and La Raza type commies running around he was right.

Fucking bed bugs man. Here in Leafland they started coming back in 1990s... with the 3rd world shitskins. Today here in Montreal its a fucking plague. Plus, foreigners don't manage their bedbug problems, they let the bugs fester and spread. 99.9% of the time when the exterminator gets called, a white neighbor spotted a wandering bug and notified the landlord.


Now that is some META tactics right there.
I love trump.

If it's found by white Europeans, can you really say that Americans are white?

Birth certificate says USA, get rekt whiteboi.

I'm 100 % white and I'm saying what I'm saying because I have read the art of war.

USA was founded by whites, thus is a white state, we currently have a minority of non whites who wont bother us nor is politically viable to relocate them at the time.

Zero reason not to finish it off. You're a shitskin who wants to stay.
is a fucking troll news site; it has no affiliation with abc or any news network.

>tfw when I'm a Citizen and parents were naturalized in the 70's

Gtfo my county scum

So you're saying the legal ones should be deported too? If only.

no, white here is being used as a phylogenetic (cladistic) term. What bifurcation you draw the white line at on the human tree may vary, but whites share a common ancestor and we are all cousins.

But your state's founders are from a foreign continent, therefore it is valid to call even US whites foreign as they are European descent?

First off, blacks always made up 12 percent of the US population. Secondly, the non-white US population was in the millions before 20 years ago.

>But your state's founders are from a foreign continent, therefore it is valid to call even US whites foreign as they are European descent?
The USA State was founded by Whites, the land became European.

No. And your parents should get some credit for going through the process legally.

Should clarify simply: We all may be descended from people Africans but Africans are not descended from Europeans, and that's what matters since it was this lineage that because truly "human"

fair enough

Hispanic and Latino Texans are residents of the state of Texas who are of Hispanic or Latino ancestry. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, Hispanics and Latinos of any race were 51.5 of the state's population. 39.6% of Texans are of Mexican descent, accounting for 88% of Hispanics in Texas.[1]
Tejano or Texano (Spanish for "Texan") is a term used to identify a Texan of Criollo Spanish or Mexican heritage.

Hispanics are more Texan than '' white '' Texans.

Did they magically become non-racially English when the United States became an official sovereign country?

The wall rises

Wrong again, most are illegals.

This seems like a good place to post this.

I just learned 5 employees at the company I work for are illegal mexicans.

How do I get them deported?

They speak very little english, literally all one of them says is the day of the week.

Every fucking morning. "HEYYY! IT'S X DAY!"

Fuck off "heyzeus"

>Hispanics are more Texan than '' white '' Texans.

That is true and why I would never live in Texas. It's too hot, dusty, and Mexican.

There were over 3.4 million hispanics in the US during the 1960's.

>Immigration from Latin America—and the attendant growth of the nation's Hispanic or Latino population—are two of the most important and controversial developments in the recent history of the United States. Expanding from a small, regionally concentrated population of fewer than 6 million in 1960 (just 3.24 percent of the U.S. population at the time),

I honestly don't give a shit where you come from in the world. If you legally come here by letting us know who you are, what your motivations are, and what you can bring to the table, I say welcome aboard.

Illegals from Mexico aren't bad because they're Mexican. If Canadians were pouring over the border, I'd want the wall there. It's people coming to exploit with no intent, by definition, to adhere to the laws of our people. Fuck 'em.

The minute the ink dries on your legal citizenship, you're an American. Your duty now is to look out for your home nation. That's why a larger-than-normal percentage of hispanics voted for Trump.

It looks like we will be hiring more people soon then, thanks.