Honest question guys. I'm Jewish (not really very religious, but I'm sure most of you would throw me in the oven given the chance).
I don't get the hate for all Jews. Sure, the tiny elite that happens to be Jewish are scum, I'm not arguing against that. The average Jew, however, has nothing to do with that. We've been a part of western society for ages, my own family has lived in Denmark for more than 300 years.
We love freedom and hate muslims, just like you Sup Forums.
Pic related, our synagoge after a muslim shot it up.
jew here also, what about this place attracts so many of us lol. always see jews posting
Landon Butler
same here, found out my dad's Jewish a few years ago
Owen Gutierrez
The self-hate
Lincoln Sanchez
>the tiny elite that happens to be Jewish
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Tyler Anderson
Logan Lopez
Michael Thomas
go back to israel with your clique you aint better than mudshits
Gavin Russell
Hudson Cooper
>t. Muhammad
Nolan Taylor
Brody Lewis
Jayden Bennett
Jaxson Walker
Owen Lee
Bentley Nguyen
Adrian Jackson
Ryan Cruz
Parker Cruz
jews are the movers and shakers of the cultural marxist movement. Sure, not all jews are equally bad, and some are pretty cool, but there's no way to tell which is which before the damage is done.
Kind of like women, but we need them to reproduce, for now.
Gavin Foster
Kevin Turner
Matthew Murphy
Leo Thomas
Caleb Cruz
Why the fuck did you open this thread again? Quit being an attention whore and post Jewbs already!
Alexander King
Tyler Ramirez
Owen Gutierrez
Nicholas Gutierrez
Robert Green
I love Jews desu, every argument of 'Muh Juden' is so autistic and uneducated.
Jaxson Turner
Carson Morris
I don't hate you. I simply refuse to suck your dick because you tell me that your sky pilot says you're special. You want trust and compassion? Earn it, like everyone else has to.
Charles Howard
Nice try, Shlomo! But srsly, man, you got to understand that too much shit that people have to put up with is somehow connected with jews. When stuff gets back to being normal (if ever) nobody would care about JQ, I think.
Jace Cruz
Lincoln Taylor
I like them, well done.
Easton Torres
Jack Morales
i don't hate you.
Zachary White
So Goebbels was r9k?
Gabriel Kelly
Aiden Gray
Jew here as well. I'm not part of any global conspiracy that I'm aware of, nor am I rich.
Would be nice if I was, but that only applies to the top 1% of Jews.
Tyler Cruz
The benefits to the global community be getting rid of you purely out weighs the cons of not getting rid of the jewish elite.
Jordan Cooper
David Jackson
desu I wouldn't throw you in the oven. I've only met one stereotypical scheming Jew and he only ever acted that way to play into the stereotype.
James Turner
>Pic related, our synagoge after a muslim shot it up.
You mean the muslims you've imported, right ? Those same muslims you forbid us to criticized ? Sending us to jail or bankrupting us with huge fines when you dare to say something even remotly non PC about immigration.
Now you are playing the victims and greenlight us to slaughtern the muslims.
If there's a race war, I would round you up and strangle every damn kike sith my bare hands.
Then we will deal with the mudshit problem.
You aren't our friends, fucking kikes.
Owen Murphy
He was broken by the war and collapse of the Empire. His book (Michael) was a pretty good picture of his early life.
Zachary Reyes
Then you're not jewish you dumb medpack
Juan Bell
>(not really very religious, but I'm sure most of you would throw me in the oven given the chance). Never happened and unless you've done a crime worthy of execution you will not be executed, otherwise for your race you will just be deported.
Noah Gomez
tell me about the Baha'i s in Israel and around the world
Christian Ross
The only redeemable thing about Muslims is that they hate Jews. In general, Jews are smart manipulative low moral having money crazy people. Their victim complex is legendary, despite being a protected minority in the US they enjoy great wealth and power. They are insular, and will stab you in the back if it means more power for them. They will choose a Jew first over you. They only associate with other Jews, despite "just being people". Fuck Jews. The world would truly be a better place without them. They argue just hey way hitler said they do. They run the domocratic party like the mafia and vote for more and more degeneracy, so long as it isn't for other Jews of course. They rise to power through finance and now the media and control countries. This has happened multiple times throughout history. UNFORTUNATELY there are good Jews. They are quick witted and funny. Their women are often promiscuous and pretty. I can never turn down a jewess.
Angel Clark
>Tell me about the Jew, why does he import the muslim?!
Nobody cared who I was, until I preheated the oven!
>Was getting Shoad part of your plan? Of courshe!
Caleb Sanchez
This Sorry Jew "friends". I'd rather be rid of the kike elite than befriend you. I can make other friends.
Hunter Anderson
if war broke out between Denmark and Israel which country would you supported honestly
Henry Parker
>Why do you hate us, Sup Forums? Jews are not hated here, at least not unironically. It's the recent influx of reddit, leftist and CTR shills that are trying to divide up the Trump supporters. Ignore them. Old Sup Forums was always pro Jews.
Nicholas Watson
>Old Sup Forums was always pro Jews.
Confirmed for newfag. Sup Forums has been Stormfront 2.0 since it was fucking /news/.
Brandon Myers
>still not sure if this is newfag bait or genuine shilling
Andrew Walker
Systematic destruction of white countries
Luis Baker
>It's the recent influx of reddit, leftist and CTR shills that are trying to divide up the Trump supporters. Ignore them. >Old Sup Forums was always pro Jews.
Elijah Morris
i hate you because youre not a minecraft playing autist like me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE server.pol-blocks.tk
Hunter Flores
Newfag. Joot axe Sup Forums because we were too dangerously antisemitic for him.
This place has always be full of jews and anti jews.
Go back to troll /sg/.
Elijah Hughes
Build the Reichstag and then I'll join.
Jackson Cooper
>Old Sup Forums was always pro Jews. No 2012 is when it started. I remember kikes "PLLLEEEEAAAASSSEE DON'T DO IT. STOIOOOOPPPP. Then user was like "OHH SO YOU THINK BY BEING AMIABLE"
Shit was so cash back then. Felt like only a year ago. Old Sup Forums was the same in 2004 with redpilling people on niggers though that didn't need much evidence.
James Fisher
I don't know 2 stripe Austria. Probably red and white Sweden.
Robert Sanchez
Yup, definatelly bait. Have another (YOU)
Camden Ortiz
in the US, jews vote about 70% democrat. If you remove the orthodox/conservative jews, you approach nigger levels of democrat support. Currently, not all, but most democrats are completely anti-american, anti-white and/or anti-tradition. And don't even bother to investigate the jewish over-representation in the media and academia. There's nothing to see there goy. it's just a ((()))
Brayden Rogers
100% this
Elijah Clark
Denmark, definitely. I've been to Israel once, and I would never move there.
Samuel Bennett
Judeo-Communist revolution. Also anti-christian israel lobbysts here. Also jewish oligarchs openly draining our country. Also lots of jews in Soros funded groups and NCO here. Also jews behind cultural marxism in western countries.
Seriously thats a stupid question. Any slightly educated person of european origin have something to hate jews for. Even Jesus Christ got lots of reasons to hate your kind.
Though i hope all diasporas will move to Israel sooner or later and we will have peace.
Alexander Phillips
Disgusting desu, I'm sorry they're like that
Cameron Butler
>Any slightly educated person of european origin have something to hate jews for >said the russian
Adam Perez
>said the russian >the one country that got Jew'd worse than Germany for some reason really hates Jews.
Kayden Garcia
Dylan Foster
Because 9/11
John Lee
>And don't even bother to investigate the jewish over-representation in the media and academia what's there to investigate you loser, if a person studies instead of playing computer games and posting in internet communities for social retards, he's more likely to succeed.
Leo Parker
you hate white people and you promote white genocide, that's why...
Jaxon Hill
Thomas Collins
Dominic Jackson
I hate you because, even if you're not an elite Jew who actively works towards destroying Western culture, you're a whiny, self-centered kike. I have never met a jew with good character.
Camden Gray
>t. awesome person that everybody loves
John Sanders
we Danish now whyte goy :^)
Carter Evans
Adar gå i seng (vi hader jer ikke)
Kayden Campbell
Because you keep voting for Dems. Always. I want to gas you right now.
Carson Garcia
Hvem er du?
Elijah Reed
The average jew is just like you! We're no different, see?
Israel. Denmark is nothing but a bunch of cucks. Genetically, I like the Danes better - but, they are such a bunch of white pussies that I prefer the manly, 75% white Israelis.
Jayden King
Fuck off, Justin. You know why we hate jews.
Connor Kelly
Purim Fest 1946
Adam Brooks
asks the person from a nation that 63% of its people live in diaspora i'm sure all those tens of millions of polish in diaspora are tolly 100% patriotic to their current place of residence and would defend it against poland if a war broke out.
Zachary Long
>Jews remember the holocaust by committing a holocaust against flowers pottery
Dominic Hughes
he died like a pig
Ayden Cox
America rules the world 6/10 of america's richest people are Jews. Therefore jews are responsible for all the schemes that undermine white people.
Brayden Morris
we dont really hate you, it's just humor and you need to get over that holocaust thing you keep talking about so much
Nathan Thompson
Don't you mean """"Palestinians""""?
Joshua Jackson
Mason Torres
Imagine for a second that you're one of the good black, like Ben Carson. It's all well and good that you're a productive member of society and that you aren't some bang bang dindu; but what guarantees that your 2nd or 3rd or 4th generation isn't going to be the next Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Van Jones, Don Lemon, etc.... Notihing at all. So you may personally be good, but we can't guarantee the future. Plan for the worst, hope for the best type of deal.
Joseph Ross
im pretty sure the whole jew hate is more of a meme for edgelords.
Owen Cox
Because you are all universally completely and utterly morally bankrupt, child sacrificing, Satan worshiping kikes who have tried for literally hundreds of years, to destroy the West. And whenever someone calls you out on your lies and tricks, you double back and begin playing up the part of the victim, with your brainwashed puppets lynching any who actually speak up against your kikery. You never take the blame for any of your actions, and you always find a way to slip out of any situation that would have you paying for the consequences of your actions. You have tried, time and time again, to bring about the downfall of the West. Whether it be through, infestation and subversion, or through using your vast control over the masses, to try and get them to open themselves up to destruction. That's the reason why we hate you kikes, and wish for your total annihilation everyday we spend on this twisted, corrupted Earth.
Josiah Morris
I love jewish women tbqh
Jonathan Gutierrez
I actually have a page with Talmud quotes available if you would wish to see them, America. Kinda opened my eyes to how vile Jews are, most of the time.
David Lee
>jews earned their nepotism by unethical practices then blaming whites for it >if whites are successful it was white privilege >white societies should hamper whites in favor of ethnicity that isn't white >whites are social social retards that play video game