Trump administration is letting Obamacare continue!

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I'm assuming trump's obamacare replacement is planning to use obamacare registry to get a quick sort of the number and type of people they'll be dealing with.

why would that matter?

it's called not being an idiot who just randomly does shit blindly with no idea of what needs to be done or what you are actually going to be doing.

if you have a list of the exact types of people who are going to be using your service, get this, you can properly design it to target them and minimize resource use at the same time.

Seriously i feel bad for you. You do know that your ID is showing and that we can see that you are samefaging?

he literally hasn't done anything that could qualify as samefagging.

Crap wrong thread reply.

While im here though, he already said he would keep it so why are you surprised?

It also dont hide all the bullshit hes pulling.

Google Patient Freedom Act 2017.

No more fines, if you like Obama care you can keep it, go with the Trump replacement or opt out of insurance all together.

I thought he was working with Rand Paul on a replacement plan, but some parts he is keeping like staying on parent's insurance until 26.

Guess I'm a newfag, what's samefagging?

Daily reminder that Obamacare is an OK solution to a dire problem and that only autistic libertarians and business hating liberals want to get rid of it.

When you fill the thread with posts of your own replying to your own posts.


All of you, leave my board

Stick a cactus up your own ass and sing "I have no authority, i have no authority, i am verry small"

>Implying it's OK to force someone to pay for healthcare
>Implying it's OK to steal from the well-earned and give to the non-earned

Oh that's gay

Cash me ousside how bow dah

holy fuck just leave now


He killed the individual mandate tax which was the important part for now

I could see this being the plan they go with, although I like Rand's plan better.


Hey, we're all in this society together, so why don't we contribute to help our fellow man so everyone can flourish, so our society flourishes? Surely you wouldn't want your community to decay because people cannot get health care!

I want more competition to drive healthcare prices down and more private charities being used to help those less fortunate.

this is the operative word. The article is typical misleading shitty journalism to drum up clicks. They cannot immediately cease all Obamacare ADVERTISING for 2017.

I agree with having more competition, but when there is a significant chunk of the population on the ACA due to the pre-existing coverage clause, and you take that away from them, how do you get them back into the market? I honestly don't know, either those with that protection forgo health insurance or try to find the cheapest plan. But they won't be able to buy into a plan, because it'll be too expensive. So that chunk of the population that could be used to help make insurers compete are not taken out of the equation, meaning less people in it, meaning less potential for competition.

As for private charities, while they are great, they are not the end-all be-all source of infinite funding, nor do they command a powerful lobby to get money. The amount of people needing financial assistance, coupled with a limited resource (charity $$$) does not equal the opportunity for the less fortunate to get the care they need.

**are now taken out of the equation.