M-muh merkel dont know what she is doing!

>m-muh merkel dont know what she is doing!
>m-merkel stop the refugees u dunno how the world works!


Putin: Law degree

Trump: Economics degree

Merkel: PhD in physical chemistry

Xi Jinping: Chemical engineering and Doctor of Law

Yeah, shut the fuck up high school dropouts on the internet.

I guarantee Trump is the dumbest person on that list. Won't even release his grades from Warton. Sad!

>doesnt know how to meme

fuck right off media plant.

>u dunno
huffpo intern making first steps at shitposting on 4cinz

gotta use chemistry to run a country

At least it shows some fucking IQ(Merkel probably has 160+). Not your failing, barely-passing trump(less than 100).

Merkel has more achievements than Trump.
1. PhD.
2. PhD as a woman.
3. German fucking Chancellor.
4. German fucking Chancellor as a woman.
5. Not being a fucking stay at home mom like Ivanka.

God damn I love this strong, smart, independent woman.

o7 to merkel

She's also a fucking communist who probably sucked off the local commissar to get that PhD

>High-degree of education =/= Intelligence

An ape can learn to communicate through sign language and it still has the intelligence of a 5 year old.

A man can post on the internet and mock the intelligence of another person but, OP is still a faggot.

>A tongue in cheek bait so good he made it twice

just admit it. merkel is great

If in great you mean how much she has fucked this country over, with her emotional politics then, yeah, she's great3

>implying the faggot in the picture even has a job

Didn't she cut your military in half, and enact policies that cucked Germany?

>wanting peace on earth is cucked

jesus fuck you guys are stupid apes

Career politician? Wowzers she's almost on par with Comrade Sanders

world peace is a meme dreamed up in a 5 year olds head. people are fucking savages.

Merkel has a PhD in quantum chemistry. As a fellow PhD in quantum chemistry, that makes me sad.... I have a higher h-index though!

knowing how the planet works is not the same as knowing how the world works.
shit tier trolling

basically doing anything to promote peace is bad? do u even have your own opinions or do u parrot Sup Forums? or do u take the satire here seriously? fucking mongol

if i were parroting Sup Forums i would have said all non-whites are savages.

You're right, Merkel is more then aware of the fact that she's destroying Europe with no survivors.

Communist tend to be big on education.

The Soviet Union had a huge brain drain problem. I'll give the filthy communists their due when it came to literacy and free university.

They still lived like cockroaches though.

Merkel is just e3vil. She knows what she's doing.

Women shouldn't be active in the public sphere in any capacity.

How close to the Canadian border are you?

So, why have the shills been doubling down on Sup Forums lately? Are they sliding something, or is it just more anally devastated libtards coming here, when they should be working?

When are you going to release your grades from The University of Phoenix?

What's wrong with u of p

The fact that I can enroll and take classes right now without a highschool degree and while loving across the country

If there's no requirement to get into an educational institution, it's probably a shit institution. And it will be even worse if it's online

Because leaving yourself defenseless is a surefire way to world peace. You lost a lot of lunch money in high school, didn't you?

Doesn't make her smarter than Putin.

Germans sure do love their chemists.

You're not gonna pursue higher learning if you can live a comfortable life of hedonism since early childhood.

>Muh world piecez!
Muh overpopulation.


>Merkel: PhD in physical chemistry
>graduated in the GDR

That's like a b+ on a chemistry test in highschool

this is why Australia shitposts fuel 4chin


Violence is the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived.

Would you willingly let another have authority over your entire nation? By cutting your military, anyone with a bigger stick who comes along will have power over you.

>Chemistry has anything to do with government

Merkel should be arrested for betraying the German people and all of Europe

literally how would a fucking physical chemistry degree make you any more qualified than bob down the street to govern a country

Why would you assume that critics of Merkel think she doesn't know what she's doing. She knows what she's doing. She's a libtard cuck who wants to kill her culture because muh holocaust.

History's biggest rebel and biggest roadblock of Western imperialism since Ghandi

First time out, takes on your ENTIRE corrupt power structure, everyone from the Bushes to Michael Moore, and wins.

How are these men bad or not impressive?

And why would anyone care who pays for the wall? I mean I think Mexico probably will, somehow, I guess? But the point is that it's getting built, which smug idiots thought would never never happen. Way to change the argument there.

>Merkels Degree from most pretigious University of Soviet Party Comrades who is most of loyal gets best Grades, Da.

