How will you guys ever recover?

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But they had plenty of petrol, and look how that turned out.

Abbos didn't matter then, Abbos don't matter now

Thx for inventing the stick!?!?!?

fair point desu

Easily, since we don't need to pay for the welfare and imprisonment of ~13% of our population while they increase the crime rate by 50-100%

>no homeless

I might just be out of the loop here, but what did abbo houses look like?

> No sickness

Aussies, please enlighten me, a dumb burger... How did abbos handle a simple tooth infection pre- colonization?

Ok no 6/8 of those, primitive people definitely had. Especially the stress and crime. 'Crime' back then.

At least i'm not a nigger.

plenty of cannibalism though

Good question.

>no homeless
more like we had no homes lmao
>no junk food
yeah i'm sure bush meat full of parasites is healthier than burgers lol
>no stress
sure, constant tribal warfare and living with the constant threat of dying to wildlife is super relaxing
>no sickness
>no poverty
this should read "no property" i guess
>no crime rate
when there's no law there's no crime, so this is technically correct lol

pick one

wtf i hate white people now

>a fucking stick

when you have a lifespan of 35 and an infant mortality rate that is greater than the infant survival rate, you are primitive and savage

also most of that image is incorrect

the noble hunter gathers had to deal with subprime mortgage rates, that is what did them in
this the first time I can honestly say 'first world problems'. Hard to care about much else than living long enough to fuck.

Because they're too stupid and primitive to do, or invent, any of the shit mentioned in OPs pic.

something like pic

they were primarily nomads

depending on which particular tribe, it could be as simple as "lol youre fucked m8" to secret medicinal chants, to apply herbs. nothing standardized, no empirical basis to support it afaik


Who cares?

No wheel
No string/rope
No metal
No permeanant housing structures
No mud bricks
No bows
No arrows
No arrow heads or spear heads
No looms
No fabric
No ceramics

>Denisovan DNA
No humanity.

No shit
You'd need an advanced, working society to make those problems

Is it true that abos used umbilical cords to heal their soldiers? I remember my mother telling me that as a kid

This, people act like these cultures were something worse preserving, it would have been a mercy to wipe them out.

>No arrows or spear heads
This is hard to believe. All you have to do is throw quartz or flint at a rock and strap one of the sharp pieces to a stick. Did they have atlatls?

nigger what the fuck

No pollution? They purposfully poisoned water ways and call it fisihing ""

Same as the other Australian fauna. They just died.

Nothing less primitive than burning and ruining fuckloads of fertile land because you're too fucking lazy to hunt isn't that right cunts?

One point in the favour of the Abos.
They did survive for 40000 years in Australia.

>No homeless
It's because they had no homes. No they have no land. It's good

they had sharpened sticks. They hadn't even worked out how to make fire. They could carry it tho.

Literally making shit up.

You guys are obsessed.

Also never invented the wheel.


It's because they don't fucking do anything.

They genocided each other. Who has the capture about the aboriginal tribe that was starting to farm and grow crops and the brute tribe came in killed and ate them so no smart ones were left?

How is a 100% homeless rate 0%

Yeah, that's why I was asking. How the fuck can you heal a stab wound or a dingo bite with some paleoniglet's umbilical cord?

>no sickness

you guys are angry, aboriginals are good and smart people!

>No bombs
Because they were too stupid
>No homeless
Their homes were shacks
>No Junk Food
Because they didn't know how to make it
>No stress
>No sickness
>No crime rate
Because they didn't know statistics
>No pullutiom
Hur durr CO2

You also had no vaccines or cars. Or anything resembling modern industrial technology.

>No homeless
Every single one was homeless unless you count fucking mud huts

>no sickness
Yet no hospitals or doctors, I call bullshit

>no poverty
Yeah those mudhuts sure look the high life.

>no crime rate
Only because no cunt could write to keep track of it

Bunch of primitive cunts.

How many have you met?
>hur dur muh teacher say they be witch doctor and holy man.
Most of their race walks around with coke bottles filled with petrol and ask for ciggy and light.

they used dome-like tents made from boughs, leaves, bark, sticks and cordage.

they were somewhat nomadic but mtDNA distributions suggest that tribal groups remained relatively static after originally settling throughout the continent.

Leave your state-provided homes, schools, doctors, grocery stores, etc etc etc and go nobly back to wandering around the desert.
This hurts the civilized world how?

They never built mudhuts.

They litrially had no permenant structures.

The closest they got was a type of upside down basket: wood weaved together, then grass thrown over the top. It wasn't water proof.

they did have atlatls, called woomera by some groups. i think they largely used wooden tipped spears, but there are examples of stone spear heads.

Has anyone met any of this subspecie? Please, enlighten us with your experiences.

I've read that one so many times. It's always as fucked up as I remember

Humies BTFOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>No Homeless

As long as you could stick some mud together you had a home.

>No Stress

Yeah I bet there was no stress when you sent young men out to kill everyone in their path as a coming of age ritual.

>No sickness

I'm no expert but you can get a lot of diseases in Australia because of the warm climate. I would say there was more disease on average than most places.

>No poverty

There was no concept such as poverty unless someone had less of a mud hut. In which case everyone lived in poverty compared to the leader.

>No Crime Rate

There was less of a concept of crime. Killing someone else was justified in some cases as well as beating the shit out of your wife.

>No Pollution

Yeah if they ever had a city it would have polluted water just like every other city. The difference is there would be pollution based on how much human waste was dumped into the water.

>They called us primitive and savage

Well yes a tribal society is fairly savage. They give no fucks about personal well-being and say for example : Send people out to kill each other for whatever reason. This is why civilization won, we simply had more numbers and technology. The combination of the two produced super powers which could overtake most of the world.

Your idiotic way of life ended because we were superior in military and cultural matters. I have no sympathy for savages who bring things upon themselves.

my only experience is being called a white dog and everyone saying he's not racist but i am

>No homeless
Didn't they sleep outside? Doesn't that make them all homeless?
>No stress
Wtf do you call trying to survive?
>No sickness
Oh now you're making shit up
>No poverty
Sure you did.
>No crime rate
No civilization ever was crime free
>No pollution
None of them ever pisses in a stream? Or smoked anything?
>Primitive and savage
Yeah, well, it's probably due to the whole lack of civilization.


They did have a lot of those things but they couldn't record them because they are illiterate sub-humans


leftist savage niggers BTFO

and so do some animals

but im not a dog am i?

If filthy abbos would listen to this song instead of their didgeridoos they might be able to make a comeback.

They are living fossils basically. They came to Australia when humans were very primitive and just stopped evolving. It's possible for some animals to have very little change in genetics over evolutionary time (alligators are like this IIRC) when they are small in number and the environment doesn't change. Abbos are very similar to what the earliest humans looked like.

Ok fare call.

I think they just did not encounter selection pressures having to do with winter. When winter is a selection pressure that forces you to form societies of agriculture and to, I believe, engage in cognitive tasks which involve thinking about 9 months ahead. Winter looms over you like death itself, so everything you do becomes about surviving winter. Whereas in abbo society and african societies they seem to only need to think about a day ahead.

And you choose all of those things instead of returning to a pre-colonial lifestyle. Your criticism holds no weight unless you're willing to take a stand against individual freedom.

Stupid fucking theory. Eskimos are primitive AF

As much as I hate Abo's, that pic is bullshit.

The man that wrote that, Lloyd deMause, is fucking insane and completely discredited. Pic related is how he views the American political system.

abos ate every second kid to make the first kid stronger

They had a better life

god tier: living in a permanently warm environment, hunting, sleeping, eating fucking good woman

average tier: welfare leech. Sup Forums/videogames

shit tier: spending almost all your adult life being a slave and making another man wealthier. Giving tons of money to some woman who cheat on you. Saving in order to pay your cancer cure
>tfw you thought you'll retire D:

Greenland had no agriculture .

how did abbos even end up there before anyone else?

"He did graduate work in political science at Columbia University and later trained as a lay psychoanalyst, which is defined as a psychoanalyst who does not have a medical degree." this fool isn't even qualified. you're right

Does that make the guy who sleeps in a tent in the downtown area of my city a home owner?

Well, tasmanians forgot how to fish despite living on an island.


Thank you, i always wondered what the sauce for the abbo-story pic was.

Seriously? Haven't heard that one before but it wouldn't shock me

>No hospitals
>No schools


Abbos had no anything actually.

They are that fucking stupid