Carlos slim press conference

Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world, and future Mexican president, held a press conference to BTFO and dispel the myths surrounding the paper tiger commonly known as donald trump and his plans

The hardcore trumpfag salt in the comments is hilarious

Better start leaning Spanish merifags

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Better suck my dick before I come up with a Mexican boi pussy fetish and fuck your ass faggot

God dam ma boy check out my id

That is a good ID

Can you speak Spanish?

I speak Spanish decent but not as good as your moms pussy on my dick after I've attached a glass condom to it pointing outward of course. Your mom is so Mexican she thought black rocks were beans and cocaine was rice when she birthed you she shoved them in your ass.

what a fag. checks his own post

You want a wall too Canada?

Are there any mexibros online now? Have you seen the video yet?

Salty cucks are already projecting their butthurt itt

Yeah sure, the US is going to fall in to a civil war within two years and the people will flood north.

Beware the trump curse