You can only post in this thread if you were not a leftist in your teens

Only superior people didn't fall for leftist propaganda in their youth.

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I've always been a communist.


19 yo

You will always be an idiot then.

But blacks are better without whites. Look at South Africa. it's a much more diverse and vibrant country now than it was back then.


>Obama democratic socialism
what is this

I'm still a leftist. Well, kind of.


My parents lost everything to commies, I was raised to hate commies.

For a moment when I was a teen I thought that it may have been irrational but when I learned of what really happened to them in their old country it just stoked the flame in me again.

I hope I'll get a chance to physically remove commies like my dad and uncles did one day

Gusano or some eastern european subhuman?

Either way I wish your parents had been caught so that they would be dead and you wouldn't be shitposting right now.

If you kill all leftists you remove 80% problems from our society

(((They))) will never allow such a thing.

Is this really important?
>Registered as a democrat when 18
>At 19 fill out ballot straight republican

I've only voted for 3 democrats, 2 were local level, one was for Senator who I regretted mere months later because she showed her true colors and became an utter fucking cunt (Gillibrand)

I'm still a leftist.
But I ate too many red pills and now I worry about (((Them)))

They tried but your comrades weren't good enough to take them out.

Can't say the same for the ones my uncles killed, people like me are the reason you will always fail you commie peace of shit

I wish.

Always libertarian

that family of yours is too binary comred

This is a nice thread

ancap from 14-17.

ahh yes definitely a leftist socialist am i right?

We're going to have to do something about the red menace one of these days

I was an edgy libertarian/ancap in my teens. Now a right wing populist/nationalist

I was a socialist when I was 12. Does that count?

I was getting ready for the Army in my teens.

When I was a twelve year old pagan, I read this;

>Neither a species nor a social- gene-pool can lurch off one direction after another, aimlessly, as each mutation comes along. There has to be some preservative central tendency. I honor and respect the conservative forces in society and the DNA code which puts brakes on change
>At the same time it is my genetic duty to
stand before you, spray you with Electronically Amplified Brain Waves designed to activate
you, to cut you loose for all-out, post-hive change
>Africa is a checker-board of mammalian savagery
>Why did the left-hand-continent, Africa, fail to produce mobility-freedom-gene-pools? Why did Africa develop slavery and Europe capitalist-democracy?
>Why did the freedom- genes cluster along the North Atlantic beaches?

I didn't have the historical knowledge to question any of these assertions. A hippie idol was telling me that black people didn't share my love of freedom - my parents thought Leary was a CIA agent, and refused to even discuss him.

So, I festered alone for years. It was never really a conscious rejection of leftism, but rather a creeping doubt that couldn't be ignored. Leftism felt like a kind of best-fit - something better hopefully existed. The cracks in my parents' worldview were just too big.

I'm still so lonely. But I have hope that soon, everyone will get it and I'll have tons of people to talk to about this.

14/88 we need a 4th reich which is going to save europa

watched WW2 documentaries on history channel at age 6+ and noticed inconsistencies in the holocaust story that public education taught about, asking teachers how they got the 6 million number, they said, ITS FACT, DONT ARGUE.

Zionist socialism and pedo pissbeds

Monarchist socialist checking in

I was super apolitical in my teens. Even in school when learning about history, I didn't really give a shit. I absolutely hate questions like "in your own words, describe why the nazi's felt like blah blah blah". I always wanted to write down "who cares?".

Probably why I'm so pro-realism, because I didn't care enough to be indoctrinated in my teens.

I went over to the right by the right by the time I was 18, so do I count?

While it can be argued that in a capitalist country only 1% of the population is happy, it could also be argued that, in a communist country, 0% of the population is happy. Amirite?

You fuck!

Hitler is not left wing!

kys commie