You alt-right/stormcucks should support Planned Parenthood. It was founded on the good old fashion notion of eugenics. What better way to eliminate the unwanted than culling their newborns. I'm sure if you showed up to pro-abortion rallies and showed your support for the Planned Parenthood organization and it's efforts in the furtherance of racial purity, the results would be very entertaining at least.
If you took it seriously and low key, it may even catch on and they would do all kinds of mental gymnastics to accept your support.
Austin Morris
That is precisely why I do support it.
Jack Long
i just realized the planned parenthood logo is a swastika
Oliver Price
But would you support it publicly, at a women's rights rally?
Luis Morales
If I hated a people and wanted them gone I would normalize killing the next generation via abortion
Brody Mitchell
>Supporting child sacrifice to Moloch. >Hah.
Anyone who falls for these shill tactics nowadays, likely deserves to have their genetic bloodline destroyed.
Jason Green
Doing it this way is dishonorable. We're not merchants
Cameron Reyes
but i do support it
Henry Brooks
Parenthood logo is an OWL also, and so are some their initials...
Anyhow - "Planned Parenthood" is oxymoron, anti-label and outright lie. It is not "planned", and it is not "parenthood".
It is the very possible opposite of it - "handling of the Unplanned", and "destroying the parenthood"...
So please call it "Abortion clinic" or even better "Abort the troublers" and then it would be time to think about it...?
(Would less attract intelligent people, who are not wise enough to see below the nice anti-label)
John Turner
What would be the point of that?
Luke Howard
Thats not the logo, dum dum
Angel Davis
>Jamaica >commenting on who deserves to have their bloodline destroyed
Jayden Stewart
holy shit!
Joshua Reyes
They support pedophilia and whoring. They represent degeneracy. Did you people learn nothing from Andrew Breitbart?
Jack Rodriguez
I just want to see those feminists who now love the idea of punching nazis faced with the prospect of punching themselves, and thought this might be a good way to facilitate that.
Matthew Sanders
Chekt > rekt
Nolan Lewis
Like I don't loudly denounce abortion while loving when every mudshark and minority aborts their future criminals.
Jeremiah Nelson
No because women shouldn't have rights and attenting such a rally would be a farce.
Josiah Martin
>be a woman >be scientifically proven to not be able to make a purely logical decision, all decisions have emotions attached >vote liberal all the fucking time because they make you feel good
Landon Cooper
Fuck off faggot. This isn.t strmfront. Soul>blood.
Leo Jackson
>be a feminist >hate fascists, but doesn't really know what that is >being brave and fighting for freedom like Madonna >evil Nazi approaches! >but he pulls out pro Planned Parenthood signage and joins in our chants >feeling confused and conflicted now