
Hey Sup Forums

I'm trying to compile evidence for each successive redpill that I've taken over my time here.

NWO is jewish
The genders are not equal
each race is totally seperate
Nazis werent evil
Holocaust never happend (but it should have)
white genocide (still working on this one)

I think I missed some minor ones on that list, but are there any threads on the evidence behind all these? All I want to do is catalog them for myself for future use.

this looks correct to me

thats a pretty edgy list you have there desu

I just want to find and spread the truth
kill yourself you kike

no, you're a teenage trying to rebel in the only way he can without getting his ass kicked rofl

We all live in a computer simulation. Theres your redpill of all redpills. Your redpills are worthless as is our existance. You are literally a megabyte in someones life simulator hard drive. You are trying to find the truth, but in reality your whole life is a lie.


I hope your parents will die in an oven and (((they))) will make fun of you, subhuman gentile.

>tfw you have nothing to say so you post a le funny meymey pic

The Holocaust happened, but the numbers and the killing methods are exaggerated/fabricated.

>the nwo is jewish

err, what?
khazarian, you mean. there are no real jews alive today. the khazars took on the mantle of the jews of old which got killed (by the romans or god, whomever you prefer) back in the day.

got to fine-tune your knowledge a bit. it's always the little things.... in the end

Yes, and most of the Jew's you see in the mass graves, or just all emaciated as fuck, had typhus.

the state of israel was founded on a lie, there is no birthright to imposters. none of these kikes could tell you from which of the 12 tribes they are. because they are not hebrews. so fuck what trump says, these satanist imposters go down, period.
it will still take a while, though. we're not quite there yet....

>tfw you get blown out by a single png

Your list is a good start, but I'm going to rename some into subject titles in the interest of science. Let's see if we can define the Canon of Redpill.

Operating defintion: Redpills are truths which are uncomfortable, largely unknown or socially stigmatized.

> Global Socialism and International Banking Cartels
> Jewish Control of International Banking
> Sexual Dimorphism and Modern Gender Roles
> Human Biodiversity
> WWII Marketing: Misinformation/ Post-War Propaganda
> WWII Marketing pt. 2: Versailles & Holocaust
> White Genocide

Proposed additions:

>Biopharma: Categorizing and diagnosing mental illness as a business model.
>Crisis in Climate Science and Peer Review
>Fractional Reserve Banking, Monetary Policy
>Transsexuality, Homosexuality & Reproductive Dysfunction

Proposed additions:

> Democracies require informed, rational electorate who have self-serving interests in continuing their existence (What do you call this?)

> Military Industrial Complex
> Prison Industrial Complex
> The War on Drugs
> Prohibition Markets
> Tragedy of the Commons

> The Surveillance State
> The Legacy Media
> GMO Truth (They're great)
> Clinton Deaths
> Nixon (wasn't as crooked as Obama)

> Influence of U.S. Jews in Media and Entertainment
> U.S. Public Schools (State Indoctrination)
> College Meme
> Afterlife was the first Jewish Trick
> There is no God
> Rhetoric Warfare (Alinsky/Trotsky)
> Keynes
> Frankfurt School & Bolshevik Communism (guess who)

i'm permanently woke, i could do this all day

>the state of israel was founded on a lie, there is no birthright to imposters. none of these kikes could tell you from which of the 12 tribes they are.
Who cares? Anything that weakens Islam is a good thing.

The red pill has nothing to do with politics.

what about Keynes?