What would Africa be like today if Europeans never colonized ?

What would Africa be like today if Europeans never colonized ?

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death, destruction, death

Think of the shittiest place in Africa -- it would all be like that

still better than Australia if the British never came here

The same thing except with less medicine and cities


2 billion dead bodies

Change the Kalashnikovs by spears and slave work by real slavery. Nothing really diferent

Africa would have surpassed Europe and have brought humanity into a global gilded age. The white man could not let this happen, because his small dick makes him jealous of the superior black man. One day Africa, the mother of all life, will rise and take its rightful place as the true rulers of Earth

Really makes me think...

Pretty possible if w have a nuclear war, no one would ever spent a nuke in Africa.

look at ethiopia, which never was successfully colonized.
and remember that ethiopia was by far the most advanced civilisation in all of sub saharan africa. everything else was even further behind.

Are abos definitively worse than Africans ?

Ethiopia was never colonized because it was successful not the opposite.

Ethiopia wasn't colonized Becusse it was given to the Italians during the Berlin Conference and we all know how Italy is regarding wars

Flying pyramids and free cancer vaccinations for everybody

They still wouldn't have agriculture, infrastructure, government, education, religion, wheels, fire, language, clothing...

theyre not as dangerous but theyre so fucking dumb

my sister used to live in Darwin which has a high abo poulation and this one time some an abo broke into her house at midnight and only stole an ash tray and spare change on the counter, and one thong (flip flops). thats right, not the pair of thongs, just one of the thongs, he literally took just one thong instead of the pair

aboriginals huffing petrol fumes isnt just a meme, its actually reality in the Northern Territory and it literally kills brain cells and makes people dumber


Do you guys have reservations for them or something similar like we do for native Americans here in the US?

i wouldnt call them reservations, they just have communities in the middle of no where and we basically leave them alone

sometimes we build houses for them like this but other than that we dont disturb them

its actually good because this keeps them isolated and away from civilisation and out of trouble, although they are known to trash the houses and then have to live in the trashed house because we refuse to build more

very similar

The world's largest penis belongs to a white man, nigger. We're better than you monkeys in every single way.

Africa without Europeans would be what it was before we colonized it and eventually apes would evolve faster than you, shave their whole bodies, and another "white men" would make you their slaves.

Stick huts.

It would be 100% Muslim.

Lot's of cannibalism, rape and slavery

Sounds eerily similar

Nothing would be happening in Africa

Weren't most central/southern Africans animists of whatever

there wouldn't be any infrastructure in Africa for Muslims to take over, except northern Africa

A lot fewer Algerians shitting up France, no white genocides either in former colonies. Most would probably remain in tribal bands with a much smaller population and disconnected like those savages in the Amazon. The Turks would likely have penetrated farther south to the Horn of Africa.

Nobody would have ever told them about the magic of the fucking WHEEL

Muslim Arabs would still spread their religion even if they're not living there just like they did in Indonesia.

The soviets would have Stalin'd the shit out of them. Not to mention the chinese who are CURRENTLY colonising africa.

>What would Africa be like today if Europeans never colonized ?
A significantly emptier continent, thus more space for the Chinese to take over.

That probably wouldn't be that bad, they would have the technology to kill anyone but each other

the downsides should be obvious and excessive.

The upside would be that the states that would form would likely better actually reflect the nations of that continent. Places that want to actually be decent like Biafra wouldn't be shackled to others. Infrastructure, once developed, also would be based around a more efficient and less distorted market system. Rather than a self reinforcing cycle of resource extraction based economies that distort future development and political incentives (see Angola, Congo, Nigeria, etc etc etc.).

Basically a lot of places would be worse off in general and in a lower state of development than today, but those few places actually trying to develop would be in a much better position to become an actual decent country. Mozambique for example would probably be two countries and in a better position to develop while being unified politically. They might have developed later on and been in a poorer state for most of the 20th century but once they actually got started things would be a lot more efficient and a virtuous cycle would be easier to kick off.

The Negroes in Negroland
Hinton Rowan Helper
for the US Congress

"The common food of the natives of Ansiko (former Bantu tribe) is men's flesh,
insomuch that their markets are provided with that, as ours in
Europe with beef or mutton : all prisoners of war, unless they can
sell them alive with greater advantage, otherwise, as we said,
they fatten them for slaughter, and at last sell them to the butchers.
To this savage barbarity they are so naturalized, that some slaves,
whether as weary of their lives, or to show their love to their
masters, will proffer themselves freely to be killed and eaten.
But that which is most inhuman, and beyond the ferocity of beasts,
is, that the father scruples not to eat his son, nor the son his father,
nor one brother the other, but take them by force, devouring their
flesh, the blood yet reeking hot between their teeth." Ogilby's
Africa, page 518. "

“Before they sit down to eat meat in company, the Kaffirs are very careful to immerse their hands in fresh cow-dung, wiping them on the grass, which is considered the perfection of cleanliness. Except an occasional plunge in a river, they never wash themselves, and consequently their bodies are covered with vermin.” — Steedman’s Africa, Vol. I, page 265.

“There is not a tincture of letters or of writing among all the aboriginal tribes of Africa. There is not a hieroglyphic or a symbol…. Oral communication forms the only channel by which thought can be transmitted from one country and one age to another. The lessons of time, the experience of ages, do not exist for the nations of this vast continent.” — Murray’s African Discoveries, page 233.


Well without resource extraction and what not how would countries be able to even have an economy in Africa since they lack anything besides natural resources

islam would have pushed southward and turned the whole continent into an islamic caliphate.

10's of millions would have died and been bought into slavery. islamic already slaved and killed over 100 million sub saharan africans from 800AD to 1700AD

Basically Liberia.

Even worse than it already is.

They'd still be living in literal mud huts. The semblance of civilization they have is what the Europeans left behind.

resource extraction when built by a country for the country can be beneficial. The colonial history of africa and the infrastructure implemented did a greater than normal job of disassociating the extraction of resources from the wealth of the nation. It's the difference between coal miners in Pennsylvania or Iron mines in the northeast and the towns that spring up around the vs the Chinese coming in, creating a Chinese owned mine with expertise limited to Chinese imported to run the mine and allowed only to sell to China. and then when the mine runs dry the Chinese leave and nothing got reinvested in the local economy.

Imagine a series of small ethnically unified african states centered around the resource rich coastal areas and natural harbors. Imagine states that didn't have to patrol mountains and jungles filled with people that don't speak their language and hate you. And the only reason you are there is to get the resources and get out.

There could have been spots of development in Africa. The vast majority of the interior would remain undeveloped but those trading ports across the coast would have been in a better position to be stable and develop a proper economy than today's states.

To maintain control over territory that made no sense colonial countries would pit tribe after tribe. Often ensuring that the more barbaric inland tribes had dominance over those that had the potential to become actually decent. See -


So basically the way the Swahili city states developed along the coast




Exactly. and maybe there would be one or two of those in west africa. and they'd be shitty but they wouldn't be so distorted ethnically, politically, and economically that they'd be doomed. Maybe they'd even move into the interior eventually and there would be an Oman situation where a single coastal city rules over an overly religious interior.

I have absolutely no idea wtf happens in South Africa.

Space niggers
Martian niggers
Barack Obama as leader of the free galaxy

See this -


That small decent section down south that the Portuguese colonized. That natural harbor would still be decent now. It's position as a halfway point around the continent would still be useful. The small ethnic group would still be there. But it's be shitty and poor and probably under the rulership of some king or tribal confederation. And when modern investors go in an try to set things up and get a garment factory going there won't be tensions and political problems with trying to govern the entire northern half of the country that hates you.

actual analysis, good posts user

China probably would have moved in, enslaved those who somehow didn't starve yet and begun to stripmine the whole damn place.

Thanks user, i try. The question of why africa is so fucked and what could be done about it i think actually forces one to really confront what they think is actually needed for a country's success. Focusing just on the colonial beatings and how bad white people were is politically correct and fucking useless when it comes to figuring out what the underlying structure of a political economy should be.

An interesting comparison to his is actually Costa Rica in central america. Unlike the rest of Spanish Colonial America costa rica was a shitty place that made practically nothing and was worthless to the spanish. That meant less plantations and overly centralized development all meant for selling to the mothercountry for the profit of landowners who wern't even present but just left the job to overseers. Landowners that then used those profits to buy stuff in the economy of their homeland and not in the colonial region. So costa rica was just outright shittier for the a couple hundred years and everyone looked at the potential profits in silver elsewhere. But thanks to that hands off approach now it doesn't have the same level of ruling family corruption problems that honduras or nicaruagua does. And it doesn't have the oil resource trap that Venezuela got into. And now it's one of the most stable well developed and functioning countries in central america.

And that stability and functional democracy makes it a more attractive place for investment. So a real economy develops with a diverse job sector instead of just "did OPEC set the oil price high enough" or "oh shit the price of copper went down this year, well there goes our budget and now it's causing a demand deathspiral" or "The family that runs like literally 10% of our country's economy just said not to raise taxes slightly to invest in a less corrupt police force and I don't want him to put money in my opponent so i guess i'll give in."

and as a result:

Nominal GDP per Capita
Belize - 4.4k
El Salvador - 4.1k
Guatemala - 3.3k
Honduras - 2.1k
Nicaragua - 1.2k

Costa Rica - 9.5k and growing at steady healthy 5% a year. With a democracy that's held the peaceful transfer of power since 1948. And none of the temptation to kill the powerful landowning class that the soviets provided to the other countries of central america.

Btw this puts Costa Rica's per capita GDP on par with Panama, a country with one of the single most important canal's in the world.

That's what can happen when colonialism doesn't completely fuck up your political economy.

I've done my fair share of research into similar topics like why some parts Eastern Europe are shittier than the rest and everything really boils down to history and how a country was ruled in the past even going hundreds of years back. I also found a really interesting anomaly in Africa, Botswana. Botswana has one of the most transparent governments in the world, not just in Africa, I believe it ranks 30/176 according to transparency international ask their GDP per capita is ssomething like $16000. I don't really understand why they stand out like this, in South Africa the higher levels of development make sense due to apartheid and a governemnt that could actually run efficiently, by people who knew what a governemnt was, and how invest in the country. But Botswana just doesn't make sense, do you know anything about this user?

GDP per capita is in PPP not nominal

Bostwana's a pretty cool example of a country in Africa desperately trying to become decent before Zimbabwe notices and descends upon it. I honestly wish them the best. Some shit in Botswana's favor.

1. Comparatively ethnically unified and without a history of using a vicious minority tribe to rule of a peaceful majority tribe.
2. Few natural resources to trap the government into corruption. I believe Bostwana has like diamonds and that's it. That's just enough to help give it a healthy budget without giving it an oil curse.
3. Hates white people less. Took in whites from Rhodesia. Didn't try to reappropriate all the white owned land upon independence. Doesn't obsess over restitution from the white population like South Africa or other places did. Was quite happy to let them run their own business's and farms. That respect for property rights even by former colonial rulers is paying massive dividends.
4. A geography that is flat instead of a mishmash of mountains and jungle to rule over.
5. English is a more common language there, which really helps in the modern economy.
6. A functional democracy. Which makes for a much better investment climate than some armed strongman government or oil backed corrupt ruling clique that likes bribes.

I wish i knew more but i'm afraid I don't. Unrelated, Botswana has probably Africa's most badass metal scene. Metal is still most commonly enjoyed among whites in Africa, but Botswana is the exception with black botswana also enjoying it. They dress like cowboy's and are actual badasses. Pic related.