American values

>American values

Lmaoing @ your life

only in a non union workplace would shit like that happen

t. nyc union carpenters apprentice

that notice is probably hung up in a pizza restaurant

Pizza is a human right in your country and that's how you treat the workers to bring it to you?

Dam son, and you voted in 4 more years of this bullshit

Lmao, if i even sneeze on work my boss asks me if im okay, wtf amerika

no, its part of being employed at that a pizza place. why the fuck wouldn't you work that day? super bowl is great for tips

>part of working at an American pizza joint is being a literal slave

Americans everybody

Meh. I work for Amazon and for the entirety of Thanksgiving week to Christmas eve I was pulling 60 hour weeks with a vacation blackout for the duration. A single day for some pizza joint is fucking nothing.

>Calls the staff "Team Members"
>Proceeds to patronize the shit out of them while reminding them of their place as wage slaves

kek, this must be a Walmart or something.

if they don't like it they can get a new job