

Can't wait for the Republic of Texas to BTFO Commiefornia.


this is just salty libs LARPing.

they aren't going to actually secede. if the Feds even thought for a second it was actually going to happen they would drop the fucking hammer.

>state is invaded by hordes of Mexicans, legally and illegally
>whites are accepting cucks as usual
>Mexican majority

I didn't see that one coming.

>Why did you succeed from the US, California?
>M-muh state rights.

Because that worked so well for the south.

WE need to meme this into reality.,

>Born in SoCal
>Live next to refinery that regularly has "non-toxic" leaks
>Don't have enough money to move
>Now California wants to trap me here forever

Why are you fags so mad if we do leave......

Nigga please don't I live in this shithole

No military personnel would ever defect to California. If they tried to leave the union, they would be under a police state for the next ten years and every non citizen would be deported regardless. California would be punished under martial law and the cry baby liberals would learn their lesson.

Same bro. I'm fucked.