Remember that the best way to defeat feminism is to go gay. If women can't even be valued for their bodies, it's all over.
Remember that the best way to defeat feminism is to go gay. If women can't even be valued for their bodies...
want to defeat everything? Go for the Bogpill
Didn't help Canada
>go to a job interview to cook a new superfertilizer made of duck feces.
>put on my scorpion jacket and racing gloves.
>enter store.
>ignore the "Employee Only" sign.
>walk straight into the interview room.
>manager says "umm, are you appyling for the open position?"
>stare out the window.
>"i cook"
>manager tells me they are only hiring for driving positions
>i stare at him silently for 2 minutes
>walk out the store
>a real human bean
>Saudi Arabia
Just got back from a night of banging filipino boipussy in bahrain did ya?
/lgbt/ go. These newfags might be stupid, but you're not going to fool them.
that's literally the quickest way to degrade your society though, it's literally what comes after feminism
I wish I could ever be as happy as a Korean dictator looking at that.
This user gets it
Also, here's the clean redpill for feminism..