Bill Maher Tweet/Video

>"#Democrats have gone from the party that protects people to the party to the party that protects feelings. #whywelost"

What are your thoughts on this?

I don't listen to whiny militant atheist

Smug white atheists are abundant and low value

Completely fucking irrelevant, leave Sup Forums, seriously this is all you faggots do.

Somebody is Jewish
>fucking Jew

Somebody is Atheist
>fucking Atheists

Somebody is Muslim
>fucking Muslims

is this a christian only board? leave Sup Forums you fat retards

fucking christians

welcome to Sup Forums


too much of a cuck to call it by name: feminism.

Peace be with you

Why do you people come running to tell us every time a commie says something remotely reasonable, as if we're supposed to be any less threatened by their agenda because they stumbled onto a grain of logic as they speed us toward the cliff?

And that's all that is, really. The American left right now is in the early stages of internecine conflict over where they should speed us off the cliff at 60mph, or weather they should break the speed limit and put the medal to the metal. Bill Maher is just in the 60mph faction.

Both factions need to be stopped.

Yeah but he'll forget he said this by next week. That's his problem he's so up his own ass that he thinks everything he says is groundbreaking that when he finally mentions something worth addressing he'll just think it was a one time deal and it's all better now.

The democrats are about the fucking go to war with themselves and this isn't gonna cut it when you're going up against insane Trotskyists.

Why do liberals always say "ok new rule"?

The sound of this man speaking is the sound of a white man in love with his own voice

sorry chief, we're done relitigating the primary. we're uniting around a common enemy now.

Why do non-liberals keep policing their language?

And that's why it's gonna be 8 years.

No, he's correct. Maher is a smug kike atheist who wants to undermine the West. We obviously shouldn't listen to him--but we DEFINITELY should be encouraging liberals to ignore him too, because the longer they do the longer our reign will last.

social media is just an echo chamber

this is pointless

Who's policing language?

Unless the Dem's cut off their own legs they don't be able to separate themselves from the PC libs. They are too deeply rooted in the party.

it won't last long when you're eating pavement

Maher is also an ethnic jew

>pure coincidence

he's right, but the motherfucker is a jew, so he's adapting to the new zeitgeist. he needs his audience back, so he'll start saying more reasonable things.
also he always was pretty much redpilled on muslims.

That's barely intelligible. What are you even trying to say?