>franciscusEN: Today I want to remember in my heart all the victims of the Holocaust. May their sufferings and their tears never be forgotten.
Pope francis visits auschwitz to remember holocaust victims
The infallible cuck pope....
How many times a year does he visit the Shoahpark™?
I'm serrious guys if you don't remember the 11 million RIGHT NOW theres gonna be reverse holocaust.
fairly certain this is a threat to Jews.
this actually pisses jews off.
They want specifically to be named "the Jewish victims of the holocaust"
if you simply say "all the victims" the jews get really upset since the H-card doesn't hold nearly as much power anymore
Looks straight outta the Omen
It's some old shit, that cucker isn't in Poland right now
Jews confirmed not being innocent people
But those 10 million german citizens who were killed and raped after ww2 will be forgotten.
>i came..i saw..i shitposted.
All jews must die. You didn't take you're job seriously Germany.
>reverse holocaust.
So bolshevik christians will kill jews? Sign me up!
Kind of like how you didn't take your English lessons seriously?
>he doesn't look too convinced.
>Bolshevik christians