In 1976 liberal states such Califoria and Washington voted Republican

In 30 years they became 100% democrat.
What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What went wrong?

Stop calling the Democratic Party """liberal""".

Both of the parties are neoconservative and stop thinking in black and white (le left le right, which ACTUALLY refers to ECONOMICS, which are FAKE, NOT politics).

As long as you blinding accept your """"facts"""", or better yet, (((alternate facts))), you will never not be a cuck.


The leftist brain dead meme is not a meme after all.

See what I mean? Always the namecalling, LE LEFTIST THIS LE LEFTIST THAT


You're mighty stupid bud

Alot of North-Eastern and Western states like Main, Vermont, Washington, Oregon etc. started to go blue because they were more socially moderate and secular states.

Meanwhile the Republicans became more religious and socially conservative. This won them the south but they lost alot of support in former strongholds.

Trump, being a more secular and socially moderate candidate, could change this. But he still panders to Evangelicucks a bit. You have seen states like Maine and Minnesota become more conservative though.

In the 60s-80s California was the place to go to get away from conservative tradionalist towns and cities. Then those folks had kids and raised them to be good liberals. Pathological Altruism kicks in a we give illegals all the same rights and welfare. Illegals have lots of kids...

>mfw genuine posts like this get slided and barely any traffic, while all the top threads are "POL BTFO" ,"well pol" and *sips tea* shitposts.

Lax enforcement of immigration law by the Bush-Chicago axis.

Medical Marijuana

San Fransicko.

I live in the bay area, I doubt anyone else on pol does. So many cucks out here

>Neocons cant be democrats
Look up your fucking history faggot.



Look into Mexican immigration

Vermont in the 1970s was a hotbed for the counterculture, and the influx of young people had a lasting influence on the state's politics, agriculture and food and offbeat culture.

After two years of research, the Vermont Historical Society's exhibit "Freaks, Radicals & Hippies: Counterculture in the 1970s in Vermont" opens at the Vermont History Center in Barre on Sept. 24.

"We quickly realized it was more than just getting back to the land and living on a commune and having organic farming," said curator Jackie Calder.

Vermont's population, which had been relatively stagnant, jumped 14 percent in the 1960s and 15 percent in the 1970s, with more than half the increase in the latter decade from people moving in from out of state.

Some of what the researchers found after surveying 725 people online and interviewing others, most of whom said they were members of the counterculture.

Most of them were baby boomers who were born between 1946 and 1957.

"So people coming to the state, and especially the people that we interviewed they weren't youngsters. Some of them were already in their mid-20s. They'd finished school. They were adults. Twenty-five is very different in 1970 than 25 is today ... so a lot of these people were not kids," Calder said.

They were involved with politics, community organizing, protest movements, food and sustainability, environmental conservation, arts, crafts, and music before they came to Vermont.

Very few answered in the survey, "We're just dropping out."

wow user, look at that divide! Will you tell us about how the western states seceded because their voice wasnt heard?

Amnesty was given to mexicoons by Reagan, forever turning those states blue.

Oklahoma Never changes I don't think it's ever gone blue.

Pol can't even apply eugenics to it's own topics. Wish we ad pol elected mods but shills would sneak in etc

So Vermont became the Commie version of the Free State Project! Wonderful....

Behavioral sink of dense-populated areas.
Watch the more detailed maps, every big city votes liberal.

Ikr. If your going to reply to a slide thread at least lower it by using the magic "s" word.

Get the fuck out


go back to r/the_donald you fucking idiot

Democrats are neoliberals, m80
