
>U.S. dead- 58,000
>Commie Vietnamese dead- 1,000,000+

Remind me again why the Vietnam War was a "failure" for the US again, Sup Forums?

>Donald Drumpf votes: 63m
>Hillary votes: 66m

Remind me again why Hillary didn't win the presidency?

Because you did get nothing ou of it. The Vietnamese lost more men, true, but they gained their freedom. What did the US gain? Hippy culture. Was it worth it?

Electoral College

Cry more about the US election system, your tears are very appetizing

Because that's not how the US electoral system works, are you guys the new CTR or what?

It layed the foundation for the counter-culture movement and the birth of the modern Democrat party.

>German dead: 5,533,000
>Soviet dead: 11,000,000

Remind me again why the Second World War was a "failure" for the Germans again Sup Forums?

we kept communism contained in Indochina.

Because fuck California. Hoping for the mega quake on San Andread faultline. Let it fall like Atlantis. Kek make it so. The sodomites have gone too far.
