Why did he tweet this? What happened to
>he's a social liberal
>he doesn't care about abortion
>it's settled law
>he has more important things to focus on
Why did he tweet this? What happened to
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Go to sleep, fag.
There is always time for a good shitpost.
That was fake news spread by Russian hackers.
He's bringing attention to a women's march that is a complete opposite of the one after his inauguration.
He's always been pro-life, but not interested in changing the law.
you seem to forget that its the little things that matter, a post here and there about shit he cares or could care less about, someone sees it, someone believes it, they spread it soon all the pieces fall together, its social engineering.
Kill yourself scum
Fuck yeah. This is why I voted for him.
Because if the liberals are gonna be suck sore losers, he might as well appeal to the people who stuck by him