What's his fucking problem?

What's his fucking problem?

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he is litteraly TOP KEK

>He is pawn of the Capitalists like his predecessors. And the Capital wants to destroy the nation state now and have open borders for cheap labor.

>Check out the last real Communists left, the Alliance against Conformity

He's a commie.

He's a conman in a long line of conmen that claim to speak to god.


as a building contractor Trump depends on the American domestic market in the first place, and
secondly, serious and widespread mass pauperization will not help him, otherwise the
recession on this market would be massive. This allows him to preserve some sense for the
national dignity of peoples different from his own, too, as well as for the injustice in their
being slaughtered and subjugated (“Putin-understander”, which in our liars’ press is supposed
to be an abusive name; similarly, the “Völkischer Beobachter” might have written about

As to the international US capital, for which Clinton stands, the opposite is true: they do
not care a bit about the pauperization of their own people, they hate the Europeans, to whom
the many sacrifices of their late workers’ movement often have brought a more decent living,
which now finally is to be flushed away, as “bad example” for their own people (but they also
despise the Europeans, and they do so rightly), and every further conquest of, for instance,
rest-Arabia, Russia or China makes them even wealthier and their position stronger. This
explains their and therefore Clinton’s policy and strategy.


Fake news, his words are subtly interpreted by anglo media complex, that's why you hate this pope so much

t. Italian who has to hear pope's speeches brought on TV

also he's a pedo didlers enabler

I'm not sure but #NotMyPope.
He just looks at the latest political trends and agrees with them or not, I think the political polarisation is his undoing because he really needs to pick sides, and he does in fact need to be pick the conservative side since the liberal side are not God worshipping people.

He is South American. In fact he's an Argentine so I don't know why the Left doesn't love him. A Black Pope.
He has no connection to the plight and struggle of European Catholics against Islam and so on and so forth.
That's why i'm Orthodox

He's a Jesuit.

If the pope finally realized that Godly powers are attainable by mere mortals then we really were made in gods image. If we were destined to be held back at some point only to be a shadow of what "created" us then what would be the point of this whole ordeal? By "create" I do not mean to disparage religious beliefs, life can very well be created, a genome guided to be a complex being. We may suck at it right now but the "god" that created us knows much of this topic, if that's how shit went down any way.

So what is a god but a being with power unexplainable. If Man is destined to rise and join his God in heaven after life on Earth, couldn't that also mean once mankind has become powerful enough to leave Earth behind we will meet our gods and join them in the heavens known as the galaxy.

inb4 flat earth faggots.

he's a south american commie infiltrator into the church. probably homosexual as well.

Look at his nose

I'm sure he's a Semite

Fuck Pope Francisco and fuck Jesuit people.

>inb4 flat earth faggots.

HIIIIIIIIIIII, the catholic church has been lying about the shape of the earth for 600 years

he said christ failed on the cross, and tries to lump the quran with the bible

you must be deaf

He's a gesuit
Wants to talk about things he doesn't understand and are outside his competence
The medias changes everything he says to be 1000000+ times more liberal than it is as to ensure infighting amongst us.
We are morons and fall for that.
Here's what's wrong with him.


That Argentinian windbag has ruined us! Prattling on and on about the poor! We are the house of God, not a fucking soup kitchen! And what does he do with the golden throne? Replaces it with a wooden chair! Probably carved by more poor people!

Do not start me on the homosexuals! Oh, if you love them so much, why don't you fucking marry them?! You seem so okay with the concept! And he has the gall to renounce the Old Testament as mere stories! "We should be more like Jesus and congregate with whores, and homosexuals, and POOR people!"

fuck off templar your days are over

He's the High Sparrow he can be defeated!

He's a (((jew)))suit

Everything he does is in the Bible like it or not christcucks

jesus was not a commie
don't say that kind of bullshit

>People are turning away from the Church
>Bunch of old cardinals disconnected from reality notice it
>"We better elect some cool and hip guy who media will like, because you know, kids love faggots and smiling celebrities nowadays"
>Liberals are happy but still hate the Church while traditionalists become even more butthurt
>Turns out it was a retarded idea to elect a liberal after all

Cucktholicism is cucked since the early 1900' and was cucked beyond repair with Vatican II

member of a death cult infiltrating everything including leadership of actual religions. Pretty simple m8

he's an argie

The Pope is an actual Catholic. People here want him to reject globalism and be anti immigrant. That goes against Catholic teaching. In other words you want him to stop being Catholic.

“For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in; Naked, and ye clothed me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” Matthew 25:35-36

but jesus was his wifes son

he's a Peronist

the smoke picks the pope

He hasn't taken the BOG pill.

^^ this.

Communism is not to give money and shelter to the poor you dumbfuck
Communism is the state expropiating factories
Jesus never talked about the role of a state
He spoke in an individual level
So take your commie fairy tales back to leftypol where they belong

King of cucks

>What's his fucking problem?

He's a good man.

He's a white male

This is why you call your doctor a kike and walk out and never come back. I know this look and it's a person who was fed way too much uppers and now they need to cling to anything to get that dopamine flowing. Retarded parents.

fenian bastard