this fucking moron is going to destroy Germany
what are your thoughts Sup Forums
He is a traitor
Say it with me:
We can make him the Hitler of the next generation, a perfect example of radical globalism
I think he will lose against Merkel, and CDU/SPD coalition again.
the only thing i've heared is that he's a hardcore israel shill so i assume it'll be bad. If he gets elected then germany is done for i guess
Loves muzzies. Wants to integrate more. People like him make me embarrassed he's a fellow Catholic. He will make Merkel look like Trump
What state is he from?
Not a single person I know takes this faggot seriously. And it won't matter anyways, AfD will get 20-25%, and the other parties will be forced to form a great coalition to stay in power.
He did an alright job keeping the EU parliament in line with German interests
The least he deserves is some sort of ministerial job
[spoiler]Seriously though. His behaviour and attitude is similar to Francoise Hollande. I hope he becomes chancellor, because after his term SPD will be at 10%. This will never happen though, because in Germany the CDU never goes below 30%[/spoiler]
>merkel vs schulz
>literally choose your poison bundestagswahl
he will loose to merkel, and there will probably be a CDU/CSU, FDP and SPD coalition
Good. Germany has to be destroyed
How can the SPD win an election? In all seriousness.
>Merkel vs Schultz
goodby Germany, nice knowing you
EU-parliament in Germany has two functions.
1. as the final depot for disused politicians and
2. gulag for politicians who threaten the careers of the established ones.
For him to make a career there and come back is a statement. He's still a third way social democrat like Schröder, Blair, Holland and Renzi and it will be painful 4 years, should he actually win.
>literally choose your poison bundestagswahl
Wasn't it always this way?
Last time, it required a megaflood and a lot of PR, otherwise that asshole would've only had one term.
It's called politics.
[happy clarinet music in background]
>das Gefühl wann ich lerne Deutsch seit etwa 10 Jahren und jetzt habe keine Lust, in Deutschland zu wohnen, wegen Merkel und Flüchtlinge
>be from a family with strong republican traditions
>this is what most of them literally died for
I wonder, if they knew the consequences of their actions, would they still give their lives away for this?
Germany is an idea. It can't be defeated.
>immigrating to Germany is ok when I do it
>no one else should be allowed to go to Germany though
Nice double standards there, koala cuntfucker
That's it, I'm learning Australian starting today
Oh, wait
R.I.P. Deutschland.
This is the exact sort of attitude that makes Australia a white man's paradise and Germany a brown pile of garbage
>attitude that makes Australia a white man's paradise
What are chinks?
What are lebos?
What are abos?
lmao you're a big blubbering vagina
>koala cuntfucker.
I like that insult user. Thanks.
2% Muslim
I'll take a few Chinks any day thank you
Auf der Heide steht ein kleines Blümelein
und das heisst
You are trying to compare Germany and Australia? There isn't even a contest user Hans.
Btw, I'd welcome immigrants from western nations.
you've all got a thing for the selfdestruction
it is in your genes
and it shall be repeated much the same as in the matrix
you are the prissioner of your function that got stuck in the loop
hope you this time implode, and NOT explode
>You are trying to compare Germany and Australia? There isn't even a contest user Hans.
This is correct.
Meep meep :^)
So? At leat we got a dead Pole out of it, so I'd say it was worth it.
Ironic or not, you're garbage. Yes, you personally, as in the individual reading this post, are worthless.
Sorry user
GDP per capita
Australia: $37,828.78 per capita
Ranked 15th. 11% more than Germany Germany: $34,065.12 per capita
Ranked 22nd.
>educated man who spent ten years learning our language
>gibsmedat nigger
That Pole was the only person who was uncucked in Germany user.
That settles it, we should send more refugees to Australia :^)
>educated man
Did you just assume his gender, shitlord
your troubles are only just beginning user
Eastern Germany is like 18 million people with wages around 70% of the West.
Real Germany is comfortably ahead of Ausland, Steve.
Yea, nah bro, We're full.
>low-skill wageslave
WRONG. It's going to be this moron
She certainly has my vote.
I mean, it's gonna be my first general election and I want my vote to really matter :^)
I don't know, you people are fucking weird.
>puts in effort
>not a white male
pick one
>in line with German interests
>globalism and multi-culturalism are German interests
>mfw Sweden will be uncucked before Germany
It's not wrong to put Europe under German control. We defeated them before. We have a right.
Sure, I get it, women keep rejecting you so now you hate them.
It's ok, user. That's why God gave us Polish prostitutes that will suck your dick for a warm meal and a diet coke
even the 3 SPD members I know are posting memes about Schulz on facebook
lmao this still makes me laugh every time I see it
Thanks for sharing!
Trade and stability are German interests
Just show it to any Swede on pol it triggers the fuck out of them.
He's gonna gas the germans isn't he?
Why would your suffering and demise trigger anyone on Sup Forums? It's hilarious af
security, the existence of our people and preservation of our culture are German interests of higher value than that kikery
>Cuckmany will cease to exist in your lifetime
But Germany harbors around 70.000 Polish welfare niggers. Where will they go?
Where indeed? :^)
Ach, psychokraut.
It's not my fault that his agony is gorgeous.
That kike calls himself a "German".
Say it with me:
> soon
So you're saying you can't even get a cheap Polish whore to suck your dick?
lmao that's kinda sad
He is never going to get elected.
The only thing I yearn for is the return of the Kaiser
Just kys
In addition to what I said (that he is never going to win) it is great that the SPD burn this guy already this election. The new hope of the socialdemocrats gonna lose and go the way of Steinbrück et al.
When the AfD loses, Sup Forums's tears are gonna sustain me for weeks.
>implying anyone expects them to win
Trumps America + European Union.
The Zionists have won.
This. CDU means stability and Germans at large want a stable society. There's no place for shills and nutjobs as the governing party. inb4 Schröder
>The only thing I yearn for is the return of the Kaiser
He never left, user
Why would it trigger me when SD is gonna clean house next election? Lawyers, media people, celebs, career politicians. They will all be gone soon enough. Can't say the same for Germany. That nazi guilt is gonna stay with them forever.
There is lots of wishful thinking from Americans and Brits
All memes aside, that's one of the most jewish looking motherfuckers I've ever seen.
AfD is never gonna win, that's a given. But they don't lose either because they will be the third biggest party, which is crazy for a new party.
Also they are definetly not ready to govern, because they are too young of a party to have experience. If they were to be in a government already, they would be "exposed" as incompetent. Opposition is better for everyone.
"Was die Flüchtlinge zu uns bringen, ist wertvoller als Gold. Es ist der unbeirrbare Glaube an den Traum von Europa. Ein Traum, der uns irgendwann verloren gegangen ist."
- Martin "I suck Kike dick" Schulz
>inb4 Schröder
Schröder was before my time, but weren't his reforms what led us out of a recession and caused long-lasting stability and economic success?
te ssti ng human ity
thoughts Sup Forums
I prefer him over Merkel and Gabriel
Let's say he merely postponed what the CDU wanted to implement much earlier.
>if I clap extra hard maybe Lieselotte-Gretchen and Jamal will let me watch tonight
Every German leader since 1945 has been exactly the same.
Getting 15-20% is a victory.
He postponed it by implementing it?
Got it :^)
Yeah, I get it, the refugees are getting laid while you're reduced to posting on Sup Forums. That stings a bit, I get it :^)
His chancellorship could be the death of the SPD.
We have to think long-term here.
It's not like the other alternative (Ferkel) is any better, the CDU is here to stay, no matter what.
Who dat cutie :^)