Why is there so few women with interesting personalities? I meet guys with interesting personalities all the time, but met just a few women with interesting personalities in my whole life.
But I'm still sexually attracted to women. Are traps the ultimate redpill - the best from both worlds?
Traps are degeneracy. It just means you're a weak man who can't get his sexual needs met the normal way so has to twist his mind to loops to have the illusion of having his sexual needs met.
Jaxson Hall
this. stop brainwashing yourselves into being gay because you can't smalltalk chicks
Noah Russell
That's the problem actually - smalltalk is the only thing you can talk about with most women. Otherwise they have extremely boring and uneventful lives.
Isaac Walker
I have no problem with having sex with regular women, it's just so boring. A fleshlight has more personality than average woman.
David Stewart
Women are all emotional, manipulative, cronic liars.
But traps are not the way.
Benjamin Morgan
Seems like kek agrees that traps are the ultimate redpill, and not gay.
Cameron Williams
Weird. I'm a straight guy who has both male and female friends.
When I want to do stuff, like play sports or vidya, I meet up with my guy friends. When I want to have a chat about life, work, gossip, etc. I meet up with my female friends.
It depends what I'm in the mood for.
Logan Rogers
So if you want to get your d i c c w e t t, you go to your guy friends? Do you consider your trap friends male or female?
Blake Sanchez
Kek is a god of chaos. Of course he would agree with something that increases chaos and decreases order.
Caleb Morales
>Are traps the ultimate redpill checked and yes (obviously)
Jace Evans
Stop putting women to the same standard as men.
Nolan Barnes
I have a girlfriend, so I go to her. No trap friends.
Liam Turner
This implies that you also have a boring personality, and have nothing interesting to say.
Ayden Baker
feminine penis
Landon Bennett
How on earth did you infer that?
Justin Wood
There is this trap in my town rarely goes out, but occasionally she orders pizza and that is when I see her. She's great, I want to snap a pic of her. She looks like a bootleg dakota fanning.
If they can look like her, and be based or interesting I'm game.
Isaac Gomez
Preach, brother!
Asher Ross
That's a nice bone, wud be ruff to keep myself from eating it.
Jayden Lewis
Women are weak and easily manipulated. They do what the strong tell them to.
That is the ultimate redpill.
All of my gfs ended up playing vista games and taking an intense interest in world politics. Because I was strong and they preferred my approval to that of Chad.
Take the redpill, women in the world are just acting out because men are weak and do not control them. Women don't want that. They want a strong authority. That is why they bow to the establishment so much.
Ayden Clark
I've seen a lot of her videos where she covered riots or extraordinary events, and whenever she feels like she could be threatened or in danger, her voice starts shaking and all her femininity comes out of her like a big tsunami out of a calm ocean, which I consider her most attractive feature.
That really shaky voice, in combination with this sharp look in her bewitching eyes and her naturally glamorous looks, suddenly makes her seem so incredibly vulnerable, that the only thing I constantly think of watching her, is take her in my strong arms and tell her to run and don't look back, as I take on all the antifas and muslims in the world, fighting until the light takes me, fighting until Lauren is safe somewhere far away.
Because at that moment, when the atmosphere is overpowered by the smell of blood and lunacy takes over, all I want in this miserable world, is for her voice to regain the stability it once had.
Sebastian Campbell
Is this really a redpill, because it's quite obvious.
Mason King
>White people and their predisposition to sucking dick on a pseudo-female...
Jacob Brown
Women have a lot more of their time taken up via personal maintenance of various kinds. We men have a lot more time and money on our hands. When was the last time you saw a guy who looked " high maintenance " that wasn't a faggot or douchebag?
Aaron Gonzalez
Traps are the ultimate redpill that white males do every thing better, including being white women
Julian Nguyen
Adam Perez
Samuel Nelson
men are meant to socialize with each other, iron sharpens iron. women are for breeding and comfort. women just aren't good conversationalists but they are good complainers
Leo Ortiz
women are the worst to chat about life with. there's no inspiration.
Gavin Martin
>Sweden being gay IHMAGEHN MA SHOKK
Justin Kelly
James Taylor
I'm torn, this thread is degenerate ... yet true
Michael Martin
sauce me up senpai
Kevin Martinez
Dude, i hate to break it to you but i think you might be gay
Nathaniel Russell
Why do you need to find a girl interesting, if you're attracted to them anyway? Traps are the solution to those who want to be gassed among subhumans.
Camden Gray
>why aren't women interesting people? because they don't have to be interesting to succeed in life
>are traps the ultimate redpill? fuck no
Ayden Gomez
Because for a relationship to last, I need to be interested in the person.
Anthony Murphy
>woman >INTENSE interest in politics
B8 harder waffleman
Adam Davis
>mfw I see a cute trap Women are boring as shit, the only interesting thing about interacting with them is listening to my own voice.
Camden Gonzalez
Women must constantly fend off unwanted social/sexual advances from men, whereas men do not have to deal with this at all. This is why females have developed to be not as outgoing and stranger-engaging as males.
Owen Hill
>I meet guys with interesting personalities all the time That's because you're a fucking fag. Everyone thinks women are attractive, they're aesthetically pleasing. Being attracted to them is something else. You know you want to find a guy with a really interesting personality and suck his dick.
Zachary Peterson
Liam Diaz
Women don't actually care about politics... they latch onto what's currently popular in the mainstream. They are the ultimate sheep.
Ethan Rogers
But you can't even chat about life with guys.
Thomas Collins
Christ I can hear the fedora from here.
Caleb Long
That's not the point... even if you have a gf or female friend you know well the level of conversation's you have are trivial at best
Josiah Mitchell
truth ... so much of it
Colton Jackson
Bullshit, women hit on handsome guys all the time, and guys hit on pretty girls all the time but ugly guys or ugly girls equally get 0 attention. They're just generally less creative than males.
Isaac Morgan
Traps replace personality with sexuality - like a woman. How is that an alternative.
Seems you have taken the final redpill women are inferior to men. Some say they are the niggers of gender.
Jason Mitchell
Why do you want women to have personalities? Do you want to talk to them or something? I think you might be gay user...
Parker Wright
Austin Campbell
>Are traps the ultimate redpill - the best from both worlds?
Mentally ill homosexuals and the word best don't belong in the same sentence.
Samuel Wood
then ur gay mate
Owen Carter
That's a dildo. traps will never look that good.
Nolan Collins
You might be in for a treat, famalam.
Camden Ortiz
it's simple. during the formative years of your life (13-25 or so) when you're supposed to develop a personality and depth of character, women spend literally all of their time thinking about boys, fashion and he said she said bullshit ...not that i would have it any other way. wanting a smart / 'interesting' girl is underage b& shit
Jackson King
Thomas Johnson
traps are 10x worse because 10x estrogen.
Noah Taylor
Average-looking women attract thousands of times more interest from males as average-looking males do from females. Also, most good-looking men do not feel so uncomfortable with all of the attention they recieve from females, as compared to what attractive females feel from their situation. Women are generally not willing to put up with the extra attention they will recieve from males were they (the women) to be more extroverted. Their personalities suffer greatly for this lack of participation. All of this has, of course, a genetic basis.
Justin Rogers
traps are 10x worse because they pump themselves up with 10x estrogen.
Connor Jenkins
See faggot Shill have been doing this for some time now here
Connor Jones
How do you know there is not a penis under that strap-on? She probably has the feminine penis under there.
Ryan Fisher
Fuck off with this shit. You people are the reason long term relationships are neither happening nor lasting in this day and age. You for some strange reason want a partner who you connect with and can have an engaging conversation with every day, and also someone who has the same hobbies as you.
What the fuck is wrong with you? You can't find some friends to go rock climbing with? Why does it have to be your wife?
In the past, nobody cared about this shit. Men were kept so busy with their job that they didn't have time to converse with their wife. Nowadays, you have the internet and an abundance of hobbies to keep yourself busy with. But nah, you want to have an engaging conversation every day. Kill yourselves.
You don't need that shit. You just need someone with the same values who has the same goal of raising a good, stable family.
Thomas Evans
What makes someone interesting is if they're intelligent or knowledgeable and have things to say which hold your attention. This means studying and reading and learning.
Women are incredibly shallow in my experience, they don't think deeply about anything, their lives revolve around social interaction and the drama that comes of it. So they'd rather hang out with someone who talks shit about other people than who knows something interesting.
Ask a woman you know to talk at length (an hour or more) about any intellectual topic of their choosing. Most of them simply can't do it.
Do the same with a male friend. You'll get an endless stream of conscience.
But this is the same mistake I made when I was younger, in my 20's. First you want to date the fit women because you've not learned yet how to not think with your dick. Then after all the crazy and uninteresting women you decide that it would be better to settle down with women who share your interests or you're more fundamentally compatible with. And that turns out to be a near impossibiliy because women are interested at best, in shoes.
Then you take the final red pill which is that women are for procreating, they're not there to share your interests or have intelligent conversation with. That's what other men are for. What you have in common with women is the child they'll squirt out once you've fucked them. That's the female role, and you bond over that child, you don't bond over political belief or ability to talk about quantum physics.
Alexander Stewart
I think I'm saying that females have been naturally selected to be as they are, due to the dynamics of human sexual dimorphism, as it relates to social/sexual pairing.
Adam Morales
Because 99.9% of traps have different physical features than pure females.
Justin White
>how to fit the most amount of inane bullshit into 4 sentences: the post I know plenty of "good looking" girls who still receive basically 0 attention. A girl needs to be good looking and extroverted to gain any attention. Same as males. Stop being such a projecting insecure virgin.
Aaron Miller
Women are not meant to have interesting personalities. You have male friends for that.
Levi Mitchell
I know you think you're being red pilled with your little rant here, but you do realise women (including married women) say the EXACT SAME SHIT about males, right? >I used to want to settle down with a guy who shares my interests and understands me but the true red pill is that all men are the same, wanting nothing but sex and video games all the time. Men are just there to kill bugs and bring in extra income.
Lucas White
Stare-rape is real, user.
Christopher Green
Why do fags love hanging out with women?
Xavier Reyes
I don't know, ask this guy:
Liam Brooks
Only ugly girls care about stare rape, because they don't get any.
Nathaniel Bell
From biological point of view they don't really need a lot of personality.
Carter Moore
You sound gay Only gays can talk to women and actually be interested in anything they say. Unless the woman is a lesbian. See where I'm going with this?
Logan Ramirez
>But you can't even chat about life with guys. Correction. You can chat with -one- guy about life, love, the future, your ambitions, anything really. You'd be amazed what deep and thoughtful conversations you can have with a friend if it's just you and him and not the whole team of bros bullshitting and trashtalking. Not that goofing off and having fun for a night is necessarily a bad thing. Just remember that where the pack gathers, herd mentality tends to follow.
I have one male friend whom I only hang out with just mano a mano and we've had fufilling discussions about nearly everything I can imagine, in greater frequency and much more contemplative content than I've had with my wife and me and her have been together for twice as long as I've known him.
There are many things that women cannot do and getting lost in deep, pensive, musing thoughts is one of them. There is a reason the supreme majority of great philosophers are men and what handful of women philosophers tend to spout garbage about feminism, intersectionalism, multiculturalism and other drab shit that is every bit as intellectually empty as it is spiritually empty
This may be the most autistic thing I've written in some time but, goddamn, that doesn't mean its not true
Easton Clark
>plenty And I don't know a single good looking girl who is single, regardless of how introverted she is.
Gavin Martinez
Man I don't fucking know. This board talks about bitches way too much. Most of them are crazy as shit, that's the answer to pretty much every "why do women..." questions. They are unstable, that's why.
Time to move on, can't fix bitches if you hate them.
Brody Williams
Seems like you are inflating wkmens looks then, like a real whiteknight would do. The other user is right, avg girl gets shitloads of more attention thanavg guy, as hypergamy predicts.
Austin Hall
>too pussy to admit he might be wrong >comes up with some unrelated reason to the other person's point of view This is how I know you're underage.
Do guys like talking about life in general? Do they like talking about their jobs? No. They get bored and want to do things. Which is fine of course, but sometimes I just feel lazy and feel like a chat with a coffee.
>I have one Nice outlier.
Jonathan Williams
Putting aside the obvious bait the reason women have no "game" is because they've never needed to develop one, lets face it we guys will fuck about 80% of the women out there, for some that figure is even higher because they are more desperate or even less discriminating than the average man, women know this, they know that as long as they're not to fussy they can get that hole filled 24/7/365, it's not the same for guys, we have to work for it, and the uglier you are the more you to work even for the scraps, those who have little or no game don't breed and their DNA is left behind, it's simple natural selection.
Michael Rogers
Hunter Roberts
Maybe talk to more than 5 people. The amount of decent looking single girls and single males among normies is pretty much the same. Stop basing your experiences on the internet and deciding that your perfect dream wife is the average woman. Yeah any ugly bitch will get huge attention in a wow raid discord. Doesn't happen in the real world though. If you interact with less than 200 people on a regular basis then you have literally no clue about the world.
Christian Price
Because they don't need to have interesting personalities, because most men (read: betas) will worship the ground they walk on since they have vaginas.
James Hall
traps are hot. especialy op pic. i would totaly fuck her even tho i am not gay
Alexander King
Is this new pasta?
t. a guy who is helping Google to identify stop signs
PS. If I don't stop at a stop sign, is it rape?
Parker Rodriguez
same here
Jaxson Roberts
Words of wisdom right here.
Dominic Parker
> muh real life experience is better than yours xd Not an argument
Brody Morris
pretty woman just need to look and act pretty, they'll get attention sooner or later.
but yes, I'd really suggest going out and being involved with your hobbies or interests and sticking with women you meet in those venues. More likely you'll get someone who has same interests as you.
James Fisher
Not a counter argument. It is better if you don't even interact with enough people.
Gabriel Cox
Women have their game too. They are competing with eachother for alphas. There are too few alpha men out there and all of women want to get their sperm. Therefore women must secure loyalty of an alpha. They are doing all those stupid irrational behaviours and speakings for make men loyal.
Easton King
what is an interesting personality? talk about sports and vidya games? ''XD''
>traps no you fucking degenerate, get married and don't be a part of the problem. western people have lost all their family values and will soon end up like japan
Isaiah Sanchez
>wants to fuck a man in a dress in the ass
im not gay i swear :DDD
Nolan Robinson
That only means your circle of interest includes these kind of woman. If you're boring yourself you're surrounded by boring people.
Ryder Johnson
>doesn't want to fuck something literally more feminine than a woman
im not gay i swear :DDD
Ethan Ortiz
>Are traps the ultimate redpill? No, the thing is you met 2 women in your life and they were just as autistic as you. And living in the Czech republic you probably met a lot of traps and them being degenerate you had a lot of things in common with them. So your sample group isnt valid and you cant just claim that all of women are retarded just because the 2 you met are retarded. They can have personalities, much different from men. But if you have a problem with that i have news for you, we have a name for you. Its FAGGOT. KYS.
Owen Evans
Mature creativity, which women generally lack. It literally feels like talking with sensitive children when interacting with them. Even with the most liberal guys I know I can joke around about niggers, any normal girl would get literally triggered into oblivion because they have no sense of self consciousness at all.