Are slavs a race or just a languange?
Are slavs a race or just a languange?
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Both to some extent
>gypos with a country
>turk rape babies
>turk rape babies 2.0 that accepted their rapist religion
>slavs in any shape or form
We are not slavs.
I don't know what we are, but I know what we aren't. Cuck baguette faggetts.
t. aussie cunt
There's only one race, the human race.
Fucking baguette-nigger
we re not slavs
we re just a bunch of retarded half turk half gyppo rape babies
You speak Slavic language though
Yeah, cuz we made that shit. Bulgars are not from the slavic peoples though.
well since you do have litteraly more gypos than romania, yes i have no other choice but to agree with you you filthy scum.
Bulgars forgot the language of their ancestors. Sad.
Did you repeat Albania three times
ok : D
4, but it is applicable to other countries as well
Western Slavs masterrace.
We write in a slavic language that we invented. It spread around the slavic world. You want to call it slavic? - that's fine.
Bulgaria gypos 300k, Romania gypos 3 000 000
Really made me think, Croat.
>implying Greeks are slavs
Do you still use runes in France?
>The English word slave comes from Old French sclave, from the Medieval Latin sclavus, from the Byzantine Greek σkλάβος, which, in turn, comes from the ethnonym Slav, because in some early Medieval wars many Slavs were captured and enslaved.[8][9]
Balkan people (especially ex-Yugo) are South Slavs mixed with indigenous people like Illyrians and Dynarics.
Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian are basically the same language, but Slovenian, Macedonian, Albanian etc. are very different.
slavs are a people,like how the english or swedes are germanic.
I am Thracian
>Id has BG in it
Literally kys, namefag
A half-kebab girl in Bulgaria told me her classmates are racist becuse they call her a terrorist.
I told her to call them half-Turks in that case, she won't even need to lie :-D
>true thracians
There's difference between Bulgars and Romanians?
>toothpaste mutt speaks of purity
78% of our population is ethically Bulgarian, considering that 1300 years of Bulgaira were spent under the gaze of two of the most influential empires in the world I'd say that's a win.
Have fun being washed away by the tide, colgate.
Slavs are a race, but this extends only to the following:
Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovakians, Russians, to some degree Slovenians.
The rest are language shifters, Balkan tribes who changed their language during the migration of Slavic tribes to the south. This is confirmed by genetic studies.
Look at this fuck talking shit about Netherlands. They've accomplished way more for whiteness than you ever have in your 1300 year history of being slaves.
We have the most % of Thracian in us according to all studies.
Romanians are a mix of all the tribes that came through their land, including Bulgars, Huns, Pechenegs, Magyars, Slavs, etc.
They have no defined ethnicity or history. Romania did not exist 150 years ago.
% of Russia is mixed with chinks
% of Slovenia is mixed with Italians and Austrians
How can you say that?
Shit dude, I knew americans are stupid, but you bring the bar low. I bet your girlfriend gets her ham wallet stuffed by niggers behind your back.
At least I can be openly racist and xenophobic here, also no mass shootings or trucks driving through crowds.
Enjoy your crumbling "country" in 2018 though.
>two empires covering the Balkans and a lot of eastern Europe
>one of the three major Empires along with Byzantium and the Franks
>literally stopped muslim invasion of Europe for centuries
>invented a ton of shit
My village house is older than your nation, John :)
I can say that because you're an egregious liar, my friend, and there's nothing that supports your claims regarding Russians.
only macedonia is white on this map
Triggered tatars lmao
If I gathered your collective butthurt I would fix Bulgaria
Pseudoscience from a We wuz Kangz-tier page.
The Dutch have invented much more than Bulgaria. How you can keep propogating that lie while providing no sources is absurd
I can be openly racist and xenophobic here too fuckbag, and I can criticize Islam all I want. Mass shootings are only a problem if you're not armed, which I am. How's nogunz working out for you?
You faggots are so cucked by us you need our military to help train you.
I have dirt in my backyard that's older than a thousand years, doesn't mean I can do anything with it though.
l1 = Viking
l2 = Thracian/Native
l2b = some germanic shit
R1a/R1b = Slavic and Western
G = Greek/Caucasian
J2 = Greek/Caucasian
J1 = MENA/Caucasian
E1b1b = Thracian/Native
T = Mena
Of course haplogroups aren't the best source, but like that you can trace the paternal lineages at least
>Bulgarian invented the computer this muslim Swede uses to shitpost
Really made me think
I never understood the Tatar meme, can you explain?
Why the fuck does Sup Forums call your shithole country macedonia. Macedonia is greek.
Im not saying all Russians are mixed but big chunks of the society are mixed with Siberians and Mongols
A multiethnic society like others but not of all Russians are the same race
There's a misunderstanding that often occurs between Greeks and other people. When we say Macedonia we mean the country, when you say Macedonia you mean the geographical area.
Macedonia the country - literally the other half of Bulgaria
Macedonia the geographical location - currently shared between 3 countries with the biggest part being in Greece.
If you clarify that a lot of bullshit is avoided when we say Macedonia is Bulgarian. We mean the country not the geographical area in greece.
Charles Babbage invented the computer, Atanasoff made the first electric one, which is trivial at best because there were several scientists in the process of creating it simultaneously.
Based Hrvatska!
>% of Russia is mixed with chinks
Proves? Russians are as far to chinks as possible.
In general russians are: 40% slavs. 20% balts. 15% nords.
Holy shit you made a shitty meme to convince yourself that your country was great ? Topkek it's pathetic
If they're mixed, they're not Russians. Northern Russians are genetically Finnish, hence Asiatic traits.
>Im not saying all Russians are mixed but big chunks of the society are mixed with Siberians and Mongols
>called "the father of the computer"
Nice revisionist history, really made my dongle jiggle.
I know but doesnt the country called fyrom or something
Caliphate of France it's prayer time, stop shitposting.
>Atanasoff, of Bulgarian, French and Irish ancestry, was born on October 4, 1903 in Hamilton, New York to an electrical engineer and a school teacher.
>All European history past the fall of Rome is repeated efforts to repel muslim invaders in between several centuries of "peace."
Huh so I guess that just means we are on the shitty part of the cycle where we get invade and are losing. If history repeats, then we will BTFO of the muslims at some point.
Only Bulgarians call him that. His computer was neither programmable nor Turing-complete.
>called himself Bulgarian
>Bulgarian parents
>visited Bulgaria before his death and said he never was anything else, but a Bulgarian and was very proud of it
Really made my turbofans spin
Half Bulgarian*, his french and irish are in one person
Slavs are Mongoloids who happen to have white skin.
kill yourself for posting that
That give me hope as well. The muzzies have been trying their shit for 14 centuries and have been getting BTFO on the regular, after biref periods of domination during the Caliphates in Iberia and then the Roaches on the Balkans and Central Europe.
TRhey changed tactics again and are doing it from within when they saw they were too weak to do it with military force.
Eventually the eternal European will awaken and the muzzies will be genocided in a bloody civil war.
>invented by bulgarians
Have fun with that list ova hea
You ham-planets also seem to enjoy another invention of ours
If you don't know that, how did you finish kindergarten? Slavs are neither race, nor language. Slavs are historic origin of similar elements in culture.
>lived, worked and did all of his research in America
>only his dad was Bulgarian and got cucked by ottoman soldier who shot him
>literally only visited Bulgaria TWICE in his life, when he was much much older
All of your inventors were Jewish tho
Slavs are definitely both a race and a language. We know this because Northern Slavs are genetically identical to the people who are credited with spreading the language, i.e. the eastern extension of the Corded Ware culture and it's descendants. South Slavs are merely Slavicized due to the power vacuum after the collapse of the Huns.
Nice meme.
Slavs are a culture and out of that culture many different languages came, which we call Slavic languages. Famous Slavic culture is kolo dance, but that by far ain't all.
Kekkkkk that fucking list
>literally only 3 or 4 people in each field
>90% of them immigrants to America
>"muhhh inventors"
This is just sad, are you actually proud of having this few inventions in your, what, 1300 year history?
Try and compare with a nation that's only existed not even 250 years
>yfw we have more nigger inventors than you have actual inventors
>being this jelly
Bulgaria is the oldest country in Europe to have kept its name. I am proud as fuck of my history, you have nothing.
You are just lucky to be living during the highest point of your Empire.
Thx for those inventions borg.
>tfw when all of your inventors aren't actually from your nation
>being jelly of real men
You are ok Serb, don't make me come over and slap you again.
>cucked by us
We were forced to get rid of our nukes (yes nukes) in order to enter NATO. We were in no position to bargain. Small, deliberately impoverished countries don't really have a say in a Zionist controlled world. Remind me, where is the zionist foothold again?
Your country is crumbling, the sad part is you'll take a lot of countries down with you. We survived the fall of several empires, two of which were ours.
What are you talking about? I just told you that the proto-Slavs are still very much alive and they live in the Northern Slavic countries. You can take the autosomal DNA of a Pole and let him cluster on a PCA-plot with the remains of a 5th century BC proto-Slav and they will be genetically identical to each other. Likewise, these people still speak Slavic languages, i.e. not only are they a race but they have their own language that they can spoken continuosly since it first split from Balto-Slavic. They are certainly a culture as well, but only Balkan Slavs are culturally Slavic.
Are you still waiting for Bulgaria's highest point?
At least we could have a future, you are doomed, my fat, uneducated, friend.
>sucked Hungarian cock for almost 800 years
>now an irrelevant country
>slavic race
What nonsense are you talking about? Russia is home to many races, who all speak Slavic language. Just a reminder that Mongolia has Cyrillic, a Slavic thing, but they aren't Slavic race, they are Asian. Slavic races, not race, if you want to group people by genetics.
I can't wait to see Bulgaria's future, maybe your proud and noble people will invent a space tractor
you kept your mongol customs, noice
>real men
THIS is what real men look like, you silly tatar.
Okay, Oskar
I think it long passed. Centuries ago.
It's the same custom moran.
Can you explain the Tatar meme please, I am serious.
Are there any non-subhumans in Serbia? Jesus Christ that is sad.
>Serbs talking about looks
>Not subhuman
Pick one achmed.
I'm afraid you won't be there to see it, user. Such a pity, the USA was the greatest human experiment ever, must suck to be the ones who failed, eh?
Also have a look here.
Repeat after me: Indo-Aryans
what matters the most is the fact that we're full and "xenophobic" af
at least we're not mixing with them and treat them like trash
>posting Romanians
What did the American mean by this?