Why is calexit even considered a good idea? Consider the following likely outcomes post referendum:

Why is calexit even considered a good idea? Consider the following likely outcomes post referendum:

1. Annexation by either Mexico or her cartels once the US Military pulls out post-independence.

2. Lack of sensible trade with the US due to likely high tariffs or sanctions to make up the loss of US GDP as a result from secession.

3. Inability to defend their own borders or even enforce their own laws due to the loss of the Military and the necessity to form a military and peacekeeping force from a relatively anti-militaristic population. Additional inability to produce their own arms due to a lack of a big experienced gun manufacturer in the state.

They cite a lack of electoral representation when they are the state with the most electoral votes in the union. They also note on their website (yescalifornia.org/) that election results are often released before their votes are even counted, even though this is merely the result of time zones.

This is a largely emotional decision that is only gaining momentum due to CA's large population of ingorant youth who just turned old enough to vote yet have no knowledge on the actual affairs of nations. All this serves to do is harm the scarce good people living in their borders and serve as the systematic suicide of the state as a whole.

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It eases your demographic decline.

They'll never do it. The whole state is underwater financially. It just doesn't make any sense other than "muh feels"

California is a fucking shithole. Think of it as a surgery for America, where California is the tumour.

I can't wait until that great earthquake finally hits and sinks Cali into the fucking Pacific.

Let them bail, then let them die.

Get independent from US:

>San Andreas earthquacke and they all got btfo
>Jewllywood take over and makes a philocommunist jewish paradise with mexicans as slaves
>Mexicans take over and annex it to Mexico and Alta California

Please go fuck yourself and root in hell, Cali.

You're right it is a stupid idea

Californians understand where their water comes from, right? Just cut off the Colorado and see how quick they come to the negotiating table.

It's a brilliant idea. Every user from California needs to put their name on the petition and vote leave in the Calexit referendum. It will destroy the state, but it will save the other 49 from leftism. Without those 55 electoral votes the Democrats will be finished.

Come on Calianons. Take one for the team.

We are going to need a bigger wall

This. They seem to forget that once their 55 electorals are gone, there will be a real and observable advantage for the right in the foreseeable future. All they're doing in leaving are killing themselves and damning leftism in America.

Two birds, one stone desu.

I'll sign that shit lol. I'm a weekend warrior in the army reserve while I go to school so I'll just get transferred to another state anyways if they manage to secede

It is a good idea, for everyone but California.

>save other 49 from leftism

Umm, leftism is a good thing, honey. It's called tolerance. It's called including all races. It's called recognizing the dangers of white supremacy.

Just let them go.

We have Scotland here who are basically the same except they don't contribute positively to our GDP either.

We're doing the same with the EU.

Just let them go. Either they'll succeed, proving the lack of requirement for large continental governments, or they'll fail, and then everyone else can laugh at them.

It's a win-win either way.


All water rights out of state....gone. Granted they will be ok for a year or so now after the rain....but they will come crawling back. Muh colorado river.....hahaha

I hope Calexit happens and we give full statehood to based Guam and/or American Samoa.

If calexit happens, that's 55 votes for the left gone.

All in favor, say AYE!!!!

OK guys , I'll do it for you. You'll remember me when I'm gone right ? You'll tell em I died for the motherland won't you , user?

Dont forget water

this. it's still amusing watching them though.



I'm user and I approve of this message.

Yes the most important thing about a country is the ability to make weapons

You are Nearly.a 30,000th of the population of your rock and you chose to post on Sup Forums

Nah leftism is slavery by the big state. You can be tolerant without wanting to steal half my shit and give it to mud people.

I'm personally hoping to spear leftist trash on a bayonet during civil war 2. Trump said he wanted to be compared to Lincoln so let's get this started.

This state needs to be broken up into at least 3 different states, gerrymandering and extreme left politicians that have been happily pushing cultural Marxism for decades.

This led to white flight due to taxing the middle class into oblivion until becoming middle class equals "yay now we can move away" to a vastly suprior standard of living in Nevada or Arizona in the south or to Oregon/washington/Utah in the central or north . The rest of is are stuck here in financial or familial bondage.

Education pushes every left wing buzzword and political position you can think of, It's powerful too due to a lot of media coming out of this place. If I didn't have family throughout the country and had to move a lot as a kid I'd probably have been a militant sjw in high school because that's all you're taught.

I live in the desert now where people want to be left alone with their guns and families and healthy activities that horrify leftists but have no idea what that feels like since over regulation of everything has been the rule since time immortal.

Taxes to pay for illegal immigrant legal defense fund, civil liberties are constantly under fire (my rifle will be illegal and a felony to posses at the end of this year), and Senate bills passing that make 'nonviolent offenses' equal early realsease from prison even if other crimes the prisoner has committed are brutally violent.

Me and the millions of people that want less taxes, more actual freedoms guaranteed by the constitution, and for criminals to be punished have zero represenration in the state governemt since 100% of the power here comes from Sacramento, San francisco, and Los angeles.

Calexit is the result of crybabies that for the first time didn't win by default or get a participation trophy for all their 'effort' in believing in the 'right side' of things.

The only thing we can really do is let the experiment that is California fail horribly, I wish someone would just fucking nuke us

Defence is important. If you can't defend yourself you need to suck the dick of someone who can.
If you suck the wrong dick you might get in trouble anyway.
Everything is preparation for violence because at the end of the day you can win in every other measure but it will mean nothing if the other guy kills you.

California almost gets one dollar back for every dollar they give us in taxes. They're not really worth keeping around.

I think Trump should approve CALEXIT and immediately invade the New Calistan afterwards for being a threat to the safety of America. Don't integrate them back into the USA. Hold it under our military control to hold all the liberals who complain and don't want to be part of America. Let Calistan be the cucked nation we use as a holding ground.

Maybe sink it into the ocean. Probably not.

New zealand should know all about that

>Why is calexit even considered a good idea?
It's not. It'll fuck over both sides (moreso the US), but California's pissed enough to take everyone with them.

Good for them. I hope it brings everything down.

i would support this, just set up on the mountains and arty the fuck out of the basin

The A-NZ-US treaty you monger

A calexit would be better than christmas

We are in the same boat. Before we sucked UK's dick (thats why we fought in the world wars) and now we suck Americas dick.

Na uh

They rely on imported water, food, power, and have the highest percentage of homeless in their cities than any other state, barely just got themselves out of a drought.

They're fucking stupid if they think they're going to make it as an independent nation. And would be completely relying on Trump not taxing the fuck out of imports and exports to their "nation". But hey, at least they'll finally be able to have a communist shithole they can fill with refugees to their heart's desire.

It's a terrible idea. Sure California is filled with all the bleeding heart liberals, however we can't let Mexico take it like we took Texas. If anything we need to make the people of California suffer.

Thanks. It requires some work to get done right but I think Trump could get it done.

I also think maybe a #Jump4Trump where everyone in California "jumps in anger" at Trump on a certain time and day.
What could go wrong from a million people jumping on a fault line all at once?

yes leave, we don't need you, you're all beaners

>Dems mad about Repbublicans freeing their slaves so they try to secede.
Probably go about as well as last time desu.

As opposed to Asea?

>One thing that must not be ignored is the fact that the US government spends more than it takes in nationwide. During 2013, for example, the federal government spent a dollar for every 80 cents it took in via taxes.

>Nationwide, the tax-spending ratio is not one dollar, but it about $1.20. So, states that are getting around $1.20 back for every dollar extracted in taxes are really just at the national average.

Effective range of field artillery, max 27km. Yeah bud, that won't quite work...

Either way, you're going to have to have a fighting force that is willing to occupy a land that they consider to be part of the US. And oppress a people they consider to be American...

Good luck there chaps.

Top shitpost

Get fucked

They consider it a good idea because they don't think things through. We consider it a good idea because it'll fail hilariously and we can either annex them as a territory or make them Mexico's problem.


Cal exit is being primed because it's looking like trump might actually pull the trigger on pizza gate. If they think they can do cal exit they will keep their homes and stay out of jail otherwise they need to move to a new country which could actually be a lot harder than cal exit if the US is after them.

thanks straya, learned from the best

True, god knows how many illegals and refugees they'll immigrate over there. Gotta make sure they're quarantined properly.

California will be shittier withouth the U.S. And is actually shit with the U.S

Shitty bait, even by pol standards

>California secedes
>loses protection of American copyright law
>all hollywood and silicon valley productions now free forever to the rest of the world
The state will starve to death in a week.

It's the best idea ever.

What would happen to my citizenship? I'm a US citizen and a California resident. Do I get both?

Here's what will happen.

1.) California secedes
2.) The United States immediately invades them, imposes martial law, and congress is tasked with perpetually appointing a new governor. The people there may not be federally taxed, but do not receive a vote for US president, nor representation in the house/senate.

The US would never permit the possibility of losing control of major seaports or military bases there. The US would never permit California to sell out to China or Russia in exchange for protection. There is no strategic advantage for the US to allow California to be a sovereign nation.

UNfortunately, it will never actually happen. The US does not tolerate secession, period. Remember that little skirmish way back when, a little thing called the Civil War?

And you guys wonder why people think leaving the EU is a bad idea?

Will do I'm moving to Idaho anyways

But user, the benefit of them trying is the wholesale slaughter of California niggers, faggots, retards, Marixsts and twats by federal soldiers.

Why waste tax payer money when mother nature will take care of the problem herself and for free?

It's not a country, it's a special subdivision of Finland

We need another civil war. The wrong side won. States should decide their laws without "federal power" being able to reign over and override them.

Not your honey you oppresive cunt

> Be Texas
> concerned about US federal government, since Texas was established
> give every citizen guns ammo and armor
> create food independence by only eating cows and drinking piss beer
> build massive wall so the Mexicans have to cross in Arizona and California
> does whatever it wants because Texas
> US government knows they have no real authority
> FEDS try Waco, makes the US government look bad

Texit happened like 150 years ago.

>Born too late to explore virgin wildlands
>Born too soon to explore outer space
>Born right in time to witness balkanization of most of the world and get more flags on my map
still feels like a consolation prize, though




Holy shit rare Alandic user

>Jew York

>Thinking the US will give up access to the pacific
nice fantasy though

California is way more powerful than Mexico. Austria would also not Annex West Germany if they would split. Us Military is financed to 25% by California. You cant just keep it you would need to give Californua parts back and all Californuan military personal. And part of the nukes. Would be a comlicated process which would cost USA a huge amount of Power. Mexuco would not be able to stand up to California. California would be a global Power a but smaller than France. Eclipsing Russia.


>If anything we need to make the people of California suffer.
this honestly, and the civil war already decided that states do NOT have the right to secede

>Umm, leftism is a good thing, honey. It's called tolerance. It's called including all races
all while trying to exclude 49 other states.. lulz

>> build massive wall so the Mexicans have to cross in Arizona and California
That's the one thing we haven't been able to do yet because Obama didn't want it. Fuck Obama.

all of california's military is US military though fag.
if california leave every soldier stays where they are because their bases are US soil and they are United States soldiers not Commifornian soldiers.

>I've loved the Californian immigration to Texas so let's prompt further infiltration of Texas
>WTF why are there so many Leftys here and why can't we enforce our borders
You really should look into some way to keep Californians out

Build wall.

>North cali split from South cali, renamed Jefferson
>South cali leaves
>South cali realized how fucked they have made themselves while Jefferson enjoys actually being represented and having their rights back
>US gets to keep the nicer redwood parks

i say this

Secession is an act of war, it's illegal. Do none of you know this?

>South cali gets fewer electoral votes
>Jefferson votes red
It's like pottery.

I'll pour out 55oz of beer for your noble sacrifice.

The EU is a different beast completely for one the EU is not a fuctioning state

well can you at least create the state of Jefferson first, we're not degenerates like the rest of california

>A few questions about Calexit

It will never be allowed to happen.

Retard its not illegal. The US just got butthurt the last time it happened and manipulated the confederate states into taking the first shot. 10th amendment allows it as it is a state's right to secede.

That would probably work. It would be great if based citizens of Jefferson were given the right cull the greasy, untrustworthy, "hippies" that live in Northern California. They are dear level.

What do the Republican states even do?

>leech tonnes of gibmedat money
>contribute little to the economy

If I was a American democrat I'd get fed up with all their constant bullshit/fucking things up.

>calexit meme

When will this die?

CA is libshit controlled in the cities but the rest of the state is pretty red.

The second they declare independence from the US is the second CA is purged of leftist filth.

>US military pulls out
Nope, Trump will go full God Emperor on them if they try to declare shit. He will never allow a peaceful secession.

Regular people haven't considered California to be part of the US for many decades now. It'll be like putting down a rabid dog. Sad, but something that has to be done.

>He will never allow a peaceful secession.

As any good president wouldn't.


forgot pic, fuk

I don't want to leave the country man. I hate the types of people who live around me. Fucking bay area is a shithole.

they would.