What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

they mean your life is entirely controlled by oil companies but its a liberal issue so it doesnt matter go back to sleep

Whoa you mean there are pipeline spills where there are pipelines? I suppose there are also train accidents where there are train tracks...

fuck off buffett

And there are drownings where there are backyard pools! It's an epidemic we must squash. No more of anything for anyone. We must all revert ourselves back to 20,000 BC.

Or instead of flying off the deep end like a lunatic, perhaps we could use that same time and money to generate clean renewable energy.

That would be preferable, absolutely.

>but user what about the birds

War for oil is just a meme they let circulate among bluepilled normies who like to think they're redpilled. No one fights war for oil. The only reason America is involved in the ME is because of Israel.

>clean renewable energy
To bad every single renewable energy source liberals love suck ass. Nuclear is the way to go.

i think most liberals like nuclear.

Correct me if i'm wrong but pipelines are safer than ship the oil/gas through barge or train. So if a new pipeline is built and less gas is shipped by rail/boat than isn't it good for the enviroment???

I can't wait until liberals discover what it takes to create and maintain solar panels. They're going to be so disappointed

wait to til they realize the environmental destruction that minning those rare minerals used in pannels causes

Don't worry they won't.
They're almost soley about narrative and their vision and wont let reality get in the way.

haha no

>fell for the clean renewable energy meme in 2017

Nice meme
We're going to keep using oil until someone can find a realistic alternative energy source and that's that.
So when it comes to transporting oil, pipelines are the cheapest, cleanest (least spills AND little damage to ozone), and safest method.

You dishonest shill cunt.
>Nixon cuts a deal with the Saudis to flood the market with cheap oil and demand only dollars for it.
>Everyone has to buy dollars for oil.
>Demand for the dollar pushes up its value.
>Trade gets easier between countries who have stocks of dollars, so demand increases more and any country with resources cuts similar deal.

>Obviously turns out to be a shit deal
>"serves him right, he trusted an American".
>Now the only thing keeping the dollar at its value is false demand from countries having to exchange their currency for it, to buy oil.
>It is a matter of survival now for America to ensure it stays that way.

Saddam dumped the dollar for the Euro.

Gaddafi dumped the dollar for a pan-African currency he was leading an effort to create.

Assad was doing the same, too.
Russia WAS demanding dollars for its resources but id decoupling from the dollar and will be demanding whatever currency you have (euros, rouble exchanged, yuan) for their oil and NATURAL GAS instead.
Saudi Arabia however will still demand US Dollars for the oil and gas they're looking to pipe to Europe through Syria.

Go neck yourself, cunt.

Wtf i hate water now.

based pasta

Here's the issue, there are more rail accidents, and way more truck accidents, than pipeline accidents.

The problem is that when there are pipeline accidents they are larger than train accidents. In total, more gallons are spilled from pipelines than trains, even accounting for different transport volumes.

Rail is marginally better in this respect, but its only about 20% of oil transport.

>We're going to keep using oil until someone can find a realistic alternative energy source and that's that.

You can't beat the energy density and ease of use of hydrocarbons.

Biomass power plants 20% of generation
Wind 5-10% of generation
Hydro 3-5% of generation
Solar Panels 15-25% of generation
Heliocentric Plants 20% of generation
Combined cycle process plants 25% of generation
Base Load Coal 10%
Base Load Nuclear 10%

There you have it, don't put all your eggs in one basket. This is what we should be shooting for.

except that is literally the only reason they want to get rid of assad, nobody gave a fuck about him or his shithole of a nation until he told them to fuck off with their plans, why the fuck would russia even care about that shithole in the first place anyway?