Are they right, /pol? They make a pretty convincing case.
Are they right, /pol? They make a pretty convincing case
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I don't know, I am not against abortion. I am against using tax-payer money on abortion.
This would be like banning periods.
This is fucking retarded. That is the equivalent of saying that if a woman doesn't get pregnant, it's murder. Classic librul straw manning at its best.
Liberal women are so retarded that they equate the end of taxpayer funded abortions as outlawing abortions entirely.
They can't imagine a way to meet their needs or wants unless it involves a giant government program handing them free stuff.
>American education is so bad they don't understand that abortion is still legal
exactly, 100% of women would need to be arrested and hanged for murder
I think we should pass this law
Not to mention that the male reproductive system routinely flushes out millions upon millions of dead sperm.
>women think them not getting gibsmedats is men telling them what to do with their 'muh VAGINA MUH PERIOD BLOOD!'
No one ever told me I could jack off using Tax Payer dollars before.
Boy, have I been missing out!