Emmett Till accuser admits she fabricated her testimony at his killers' murder trial

>Emmett Till accuser admits she fabricated her testimony at his killers' murder trial

> The white woman at the center of the Emmett Till case has admitted she lied in the case that led to the murder decades ago of the 14-year-old black boy, according to a new book.

>“Nothing that boy did could ever justify what happened to him,” Carolyn Bryant Donham is quoted as saying in “The Blood of Emmett Till” by Timothy Tyson.


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Guess this time he really was a gud boy and din do nuffin

>people will simply make this about white privilege without connecting the dots that this happens everyday with false rape accusations

the supposed quote you provided (without any links to back it up) doesn't claim rape or sexual abuse did not happen. it simply says he didnt deserve what happened to him.

The good old days when whistling at a white woman would get a nigger killed

> I done goofed

>google is hard to use

what happened? explain the news

>be 1955
>be white woman in Mississippi
>tell husband some 14 year old black kid whistled and made advances towards you
>husband gets his friends together and kidnaps the niglet from his house later that night
>body is found later at the bottom of a river beaten and mutilated with a big piece of metal tied to his neck
>goes to court in Mississippi and husband and his friends are found not guilty
>she testifies in court the niglet made advances
>just recently white woman said well maybe he didn't actually do that stuff

blacks killing whites today makes emmet till look like tellietubbies. The burning alive incident and the niggers feeding white girls to alligators comes to mind.