Shit like this is literally ALL OVER my campus. Why don't we have any groups to back eachother up...

Shit like this is literally ALL OVER my campus. Why don't we have any groups to back eachother up, I'm fucking alone here.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_law

You really want to paint a big target on yourself, and anybody you meet up with?

I want a fucking nod from someone to tell me they'll help me run.



Civic nationalism is cucked, and anyone who calls themselves "alt-right" is an autist.

Blood is the only factor upon which a sucessful society can be built.

Just hide your powerlevel while in college. Seek like-minded people somewhere else. You are in a cathedral of degeneracy anyway.

Fell for the college meme, eh?

Those mandatory SJ classes aren't going to be much help in The American Civil War II.


Thank Dicky Spencer for being a coward that couldn't even defend himself. Now y'all are easy targets in their eyes.

Stop being retarded, there isn't gonna be a war. When one side is so fucking afraid of being called a WORD that they're willing to literally kill themselves to not be called that word, then you know we need to fight some other way.

stop going to college

resist anonymously. Put up posters or just trull your universities social media with an alternate account.

Why are you in college just use your white privlage to manifest your destiny.

Summon Kek

Anyone who calls themselves anything but their name is an autist

Definitely the commies

That depends on how you define success. America is incredibly successful in many aspects but it isn't exactly a homogeneous society.

You're seripusly fucking dumb in a number of ways.

until we re-open the asylums you'll just have to tolerate them like we do spergs and tards.

>the reason there aren't any groups is because a normal person doesn't identify them as anything and these antifa retards are trying to push their brand of crazy as normal

Here's another ANTIFA poster to remind you all what we're fighting. Fags.

>Why don't we have any groups
Because you retarded nazis are the bad guys, and also you're pathetic cowards.

This. The need for party politics doesn't exist until your security is threatened. Until that day comes where you will have to take a stand or face starvation, people will continue to use fashionable politics to network and socialize like ANTIFA does.

this alt right meme is a useful diversion
let them jump at shadows and imaginary fascists while Trump gets shit done

Paste this everywhere. Just shitpost them irl into beating you, its the best possible scenario. I always do this but people get weird reactions from me since I look like antifa myself.

I'm thinking about putting up "alt-right" fliers around the campus I live right next to. I don't go there but I have to deal with their shit all the time and it's not like it's illegal to put up fliers

I just know the reaction would be huge, this is such a liberal fucking campus

i wonder if they can see the irony

>racist coward
>do anything outside of Sup Forums safespace

that aggression is what will end the left.

Don't retaliate! Let them take on the role of violent oppressors. Political correctness will subdue people, but violence will make them stand up again.

Carve a swastika into the stickers faggot

If you get caught just say you were making a point that antifa are the real fascists. Its what i do


Fuck off

Isn't this a provocation of violence?

meaning that, if you attempted to pull them down, and someone who put them up confronted you, you could punch them and claim self defence, as that person had stated their intention to commit violence against you?

you know for all your cries about liberals being special snowflakes needing a hugbox, you trigger yourself over nothing all the time. Hypocrisy is fundamentally something that pisses people off across the board yet everyone pretty much is guilty.

Just tear dowm the posters and report them for incitement to violence

well, they basically took over that retarded livestream from shia labeouf

This. Fuck Newton and the Alt-Right.

Remember The Chalkening my dudes.

Fight back you pussy

I hope anyone calling themselves alt-right gets the shit knocked out of them. Go white nationalist or go home.

Put up anti-communist posters

Im not even white, kek. How am I racist? Do you not interact with the world outside of your hugbox here?

And literally 1 out of 10 is actually White or neo-nazi-right

University campus is literally a leftist brainwash center wtf do you expect

We will have to retake them eventually but for now all you can do is lay low and rely on the internet for actual information

Good luck user

I wouldn't worry about it...the left is most countries are way too divided, while it might seem that they are onto something bigger, matter of fact is that they are too unorganized and lack he energy to achieve real change, all due to petty disagreements between front groups.

Just be on the lookout for violent thugs, make sure that you are able to trace them down in case of an assault.

Stay safe and shitpost.

>America is incredibly successful in many aspects
Like being owned and controlled by the kikes? Or having cities full of niggers chimping out against whites? Or even having most of the "successful" companies in the world and not even one factory out of China?

someone pls answer

This just tells you how hated the modern left really is, also I am sure they all hate the jews

Everybody without ideology is a moron who should have not voting rights if not purged.

I fucking love that I go to a University where everyone loves everyone and gets along with everyone and respects everyone's opinion.

It truly is grade-A academia.

Depends how they "confront" you. College professors tear down (((racist))) posters all the time, its all on the reaction.

>being alt-right
Are you an imbecile?
Might as well hang yourself before they lynch you.

I was thinking about this yesterday

We need to start organizing, I refuse to watch my fellow white man on a deserted island like this

We need to start on campuses, or the regional level. We need action groups that can make a presence known within minutes. We need to be prepared or we lose.

The guys you see on stream are just trolls, Sup Forums-tards.

Why would any minority support Trump?

I go to a private Liberal college, wear my Trump hoodie and MAGA hat with Smug Pepe pin on it. No one has ever said anything negative to me about it... Feels good man.

5D chessmaster

Good, let them fight ghosts

Oh fuck off. If we have a group of more than 3-4 people it is THEM who will have the target

Animal mentality, safety in numbers, stop being a fucking cuck and you can get shit done

This is also a good alternative.

Not likely. If they hit you first though, you could defend yourself, but leftists are favored by the system.

Take this incident in 2001 for example where they attacked a guy with a tire iron. They arrested two people for this (a kike and a nigger) and both got off free because they had a nigger judge.



Good goy

I'm a MEfag. What's the bottom equation?

We have to replace Marxism in education or Marxism will never end.

Americans...own guns,have the right to defend themselfs and they are still pussy faggots,just get a gun and shoot up the campus,then when the FBI interogates you drop all the redpills...fagg.

That picture looks useful.
Making them less threatening is a great way to discredit them.

Just bait them into overreaction by putting up your own posters and stickers. Normies don't like them anyways and getting them riled up will just make them more hated.

drop out

Pepe poster would be a great start. Not the retarded TRS SECURE THE WHITE RACE posters, just simple Pepe because it would confuse normal people and make them sympathetic.



No, not having ideals is what the kikes want for you. Look at all that zombies voting based on TV and social media instead of thinking by themselves and realising how big of a joke the system is.'s_law

>Why don't we have any groups to back eachother up
Because the alt-right is an organisation invented by the hillary campaign


This is fake as hell.


>thinking for yourself=following a pre-made ideology

Actually the secure the white race type posters are the right ones to use. Do not use anything that negative about anyone, just something about celebrating european heritage. Antifa doesn't care about pepe, but they will flip their shit over this. Normie conservatives already know that there is a double standard when it comes racial/ethnic pride. The overreaction will help them see just how bad things are on this front.

You could even go so far as to include contact info for the various african, asian, and other racial groups on campus if you want to make even less able to to be construed as neo-nazi propaganda. They will still flip their shit.

Anyone with right of center is considered "alt-right" to them. They lump everyone into one category and attack everyone.

Amren is planning something;
All posters are pro-white. No racism at all. If someone complains, you can call them on their bullshit

Euler-Lagrange equation.
You can formulate classical mechanics by saying that the path a particle takes is the path that minimises the time integral of a function called the lagrangian.
You can do a fancy transformation and turn this into a hamiltonian, this closely follows the hamiltonian formulation of quantum mechanics.
If you keep the lagrangian and integrate the exponential of i times the lagrangian across "all paths" between two points you get the path integral formulation of QM, this formulation is well suited for QFT too since lagrangians are easily adapted to cope with fields.

The lagrangian formulation used to be taught in all engineering and physics courses in the 60's and 70's. The fact that this knowledge is left until 4th year or committed completely shows quite clearly how far standards have falled.

People are literally putting up posters of that at your uni?

Do these people not see that this is a picture of a man punching a cartoon frog? How autistic can leftists be?

Just take pictures and report to your state government that your university is creating a hostile environment. Or sue the university over it. Show the world what liberals look like till they are forced to enforce their own policies equally. Each step is the death of liberalism


>University campus is literally a leftist brainwash center wtf do you expect

>Not seeing the correlation between higher intelligence and leftism


I saw an antifa sticker on my uni and i just tore it down. Life is so much easier when youre not a giant pussy.

Yes civic nationalism is cucked. Ethnic nationalism always

Cowards like you are why antifa exists. It's a shame you'd never share your views in real life because you know you'd get stomped.

>higher intelligence
>arts students

>implying apathy and moral-relativism aren't totally responsible for the decline of the West?

Blacks have the lowest IQ's and are fervently liberal.

This!! I graduated with a masters in gender studies now I'm smarter than all these Drumfdards!

Agreed. It'll be easier to take you out in groups.

Freedom of speech doesnt cover inciting violence. Dumb ass anti fa dont know that. Enjoy jail time with those poor minorities



Why are alt-right shits as bad as sjw when it comes to testing their hypothisis

There are different kinds of high.

Yes, because The United States, a civic nationalist country, is a failure
Rake yourself leaf

>college meme
Lol its only bullshit if you do the joke majors.
I'm an Architectural Engineer and when people see I want to Texas they pay fucking attention.

My hypothesis is that youre an idiot.
There is no testing of ideologies, because any research design would be overdetermined by definition.

kek, I really wish they'd try. But leftists are even worse than shitskins who only come at you in packs. All of antifa is but the retarded laughing stock of society, if the government did not support them or generally turn a blind eye, they would amount to absolutely nothing.

>how far standards have falled

You should totally give us your name and address so we can meet up.