Who else is enjoying the immense meltdown from the left as Trump fulfils his campaign promises?

Who else is enjoying the immense meltdown from the left as Trump fulfils his campaign promises?

Times are changing, a new day is dawning and I can't fucking wait.

Would he be the first president to do so?

Kinda desu

Quite possibly, the rest seemed too worried about how their speeches sounded instead of actually implementing policies correctly.

>Rational arguments confuse me

the thread

Replace the swastika with the bogs and I'm in

Been enjoying every second of it since the 8th

It always takes 15-20 years for the century to truly change. Now is the beginning of the true 21st century.

Why are alot of trump supporters mostly senile old men/women?

I just hope he makes a permanent difference with attitudes to immigration and multiculturalism etc.

Like Thatcher, she made a permanent mark on the UK and it's attitudes to privatisation.

There's a meltdown from the right too. Look at Peepee's approval ratings. Trump's group of supporters is contracting as everyone is beginning to see how much of an idiot he really is (not as if it was not always obvious, but many thought he was just pretending to be stupid to get elected.)

>TFW you elect the worst possible President who self-destructs due to his ineptitude, destroying your shitty neo-Nazi movement and crippling the right for decades to come.

I fucking KNEW it! I knew that Trump would be the best president for leftism. In only a few days I have been proven right.



To any of your conservaturds reading this: when Trump falls and the right collapses on itself I want you to know that it was your own stupidity is to blame. Hillary would have been better for rightism. May your failure haunt you forever.

hi plebbit

You sound like a commie talking about the imminent collapse of capitalism, in the 70s.

>Trump's group of supporters is contracting as everyone is beginning to see how of an idiot he really is

Where did you get this from? Do actually think him fulfilling his campaign promises as soon as he possibly can is somehow making his supporters dislike him?


Doesn't work like that m8.

You are fantasizing

That's pretty elitist of u user. And u fuckers wonder why the left lost the working class.

don't use the prince for your commie bullshit you fucking cuck

You wish you fucking commie bastard. Move to venezuela if you like socialism so much

Trump is a retard for trying to stop abortion though. Less abortion = more niggers.

This is almost too easy

>create a thread saying how I'm enjoying the lefty meltdown
>Lefties reply and have a meltdown

Not the brightest bunch of niggers are we?

The left was always the real racists

Johnson buckled down and swiftly implemented all the liberal shit JFK wanted as soon as he took office. I don't agree with the man, but he was at least alpha enough to push for what he wanted.

I'll agree with you on that one. Personally though, abortion should only be used for eugenic practices.


All Leftists can do is project.

and a bigger era of human suffering is upon us


muslims aren't humans

Kek has blessed you too.


Oldfag here. The first Prisident I remember is Carter. Total faggot. Reagan was ok Clinton was ok then we had faggots. President Trump is the God Emperor.

Don't forget that son. This motherfucker will MAGA.

Is this the new evolution of Madame President? Liberals claiming things are falling apart?

Not an argument.

It's not new, they've been claiming trumps support base is falling apart for over a year now.

Once trump fixes illegal voting leftniggers will be locked out of power for decades. They're scared shitless

What do you mean?

>So self-conscious about his wealth that he refuses to release his tax returns, and actually made the demand that his wealth not be targeted when he was on comedy central's roast

He's low-tier

>This motherfucker will MAGA

I sure fucking hope so. The chances of him being assassinated have got to be the one of the highest in recent years.

I'm paying he isn't killed before the MAGA process is fully complete.

Laws will be upheld. That's why we elected him Get those 30-40 million illegal fuckers the fuck out of here.

Every penny we spend on them fuckers is a waste. Penny's make dollars.


Becuase that's the narrative they want you to see. My wife and I are mid 20s and actually took the time to investigate the syrian refugee issue via IntelligenceSquared debates and it redpilled us hard.

From there Trump lined up with our views and beliefs quite well. Initially I was fearful of him, but I realized that was the narrative being pushed just like the idea that only racist [insert-term-here]phobic facists support him. By reading articles, watching interviews, listening to rallies, and watching the debates we realized that there was a massive conspiracy against him.

Example: During one of the debates he explains how import taxes would cut back on businesses moving overseas and it's a sensible point. After he finished elaborating they ask "How would your plan prevent them from moving the company overseas?" as if his explanation made no sense. The media recorded him stuttering afterwards, because frankly it was stupid to ask again after explanation, and they cut out the bits of him stuttering and pausing after the question he just elaborated on and make it seem from that snippet that he has no idea what he's talking about. Those who watched the debate will know what I'm referencing. Unfortunately the masses are content with a highlight reel on their favorite biased media outlet and take it at face value without investigation.

>low tier billionaire

He's still a billionaire at the end of the day.

The fact he may be self consciousness about it is essentially irrelevant.

>trump won't be nominated
>trump won't be elected
>trump won't succeed

Like holy fuck the liberals have truly lost all credibility. Instead of making predictions about the future based on their f-f-f-feeeelingsss...no, scratch that. Instead of making predictions about the future AT ALL, you should try living in the present and working with trump instead of against him based on your own "predicted failed future".

The left is dying, and it is wonderful

enjoying? it's part of my morning routine. I'm legit groggy as hell before work, but just look on Sup Forums or any major new thing from Trump and I am filled with happiness and wide awake.

All I have to do is think about it and my mood is instantly lifted. It's the best therapy for hard times. I can't wait to MAGA

Hello nerd virgin of ctr, back in action it seems.

What's it like to be total shit at your job?

lol the only thing the left has now is
>y-you'll all see!!! I'm predicting his down fall! I'm a prophet now!!! haha you fools!!!!
faggot you have literally nothing anymore except acting like a buffoon on a soap box. btw don't use the prince of all saiyans for your bull shit, he would have voted Trump and is conservative as hell.

Yep but it raises the ire of actual communist parties wanting to maintain control.

They were going the slow burn route before, but consider what happened in 1917, now that they've failed with the slow approach.

I heard they were supposed to use that protest in washington during the inauguration to just plain take over, but just because they didnt have the guts then doesnt mean they wont rally support.

The commies need to be crushed.
pretty much

Most presidents lie to get into office, do some of what they said then keep running business as usual.

Trump kinda lied by downplaying what he was gonna do, thats my opinion, and at least he is doing things he said he would.

Trump has an IQ of 156, as extrapolated from his SAT scores.

It is amazing.
Trump is the only effective anti-depressant

There is no chance. If (((they))) wanted him dead ,he would be already.

I can't wait to see how hard he wins.

>low tier
choose one, you jealous nigger. you make 30k a year, tops, guaranteed.

Liberals aren't used to Presidents fulfilling their campaign promises.

If I had a small loan of 10 million, I'd make double that. Believe me. I'd make so much you wouldn't believe. He makes 2 billion? Small number for such a large loan. SAD!

>By reading articles, watching interviews, listening to rallies, and watching the debates we realized that there was a massive conspiracy against him.


Before I knew the truth about Trump, I was pretty cucked but after a while I thought to myself that I should actually watch one if his rallies to see what he's actually like.

After watching a few rallies, interviews and reading some of the non mainstream media outlets I actually felt pretty fucking angry at how much we've all been lied to.

From then on, I was riding the Trump train.

>a new day is dawning

Trump is a jew puppet


It's glorious. Every fucking day I check the news to see who's had their shit stomped by trump. I don't know how long I can take this much winning.

Just do a 360 and get the fuck out back the way you came kike

Higher hombre

Goes to show what you can do when you don't give a fuck if the political party you ran with is back in power after you are done, so you don't have to leave things broken so they have issues to run on.

I'm impressed, he's kicking ass.

I hope he does medicare for all just to see the Dems heads explode because they couldn't do it first while the republicans take it like the cucks they are.

I am just waiting for Europe to rise and i can die happy

I fucked your Mom in her ass,then I fucked her throat.

You might be my son if that cum leaked into her snatch.

* and by saying he lied by downplaying...

people think that for example draining the swamp means passing laws in congress... when actually it probably means suddenly having most of the government arrested for tREEEEason

(the media will probably be arrested too, the ones who make the decisions within the media companies, since they are encouraging sedition)

In the movie A Few Good Men there's a quote: "You cant handle the truth"

Lying to get in office because if he said what he was really gonna do even the rational normies would have probs voting for him.

No shit, in fact I heard somebody got spontaneously cured of something at one of his rallies because of all the high energy.

> someone's cancer went away I believe

they tried to assassinate him at the inauguration and the assassin was caught, it was somebody behind the security glass with a smuggled weapon

> thats why the guards stood first, then turned away

they've thrown everything they could at him and its been thwarted every time

Swedish immigrant confirmed.

The commies are not to be feared my friend, the are all beta faggots. They get humiliated when fighting neo nazi groups despite always vastly outnumbering them.

I tried to fuck your Mom by putting my dick in her pussy.

Now I have a retried son.

its hilarious how they think we take anything they're saying serious

Don't tell me what to do you impetulant piss-ant.

Thanks for playing, but I've been saying that Trump would be good for leftism for months.

CTR doesn't even exist anymore you drooling mong, come up with a new trolling routine, the one you are using is played out.

What's hilarious is that all of you will remember my post now, and when your little movement of fearful weaklings collapses you will realize that I was right. Pity that I won't be there to lick the delicious tears from your cheek, but your panicked delusion now is nearly as tasty.

I dunno about that.

Assassinating him too early on would be way too obvious. Don't forget (((they))) aren't stupid and underestimating them is our loss.

>CTR doesn't even exist anymore

Trump is Mr. Satan IRL.

>Narcissistic to a fault
>Thinks he's the champion of the world when he's a fraud.
>Personality cult.
>Fake News = "Tricks"

I think that's kind of slandering Mr. Satan though, as he at least isn't completely emotionally dead.

Nice arguments faggots

Why dont all you piece of fucking shit foreigners posting ITT change your own shithole countries instead of living vicariously through GOAT 'Murica

And pol as usual will be silent on this.

But post a captioned picture of Trump coincidentally saying something that sounds like a line from a 5 year old Superhero film and you'll get 50 replies consisting of "BASED." "Librul tears."

Bunch of retards. Trump just pissed off 2 of your 3 major trading partners for no reason and will likely cause the western power dynamic to shift eastwards plummeting the dollar and passing the expense onto you.

Enjoy sending your kids off to die in Iraq again. Atleast this time trump was honest when he said it was for the oil. Realise you'll be attacking a fucking allied government though.

When are you idiots going to learn that attacking trump only makes him stronger?

>people think that for example draining the swamp means passing laws in congress... when actually it probably means suddenly having most of the government arrested for tREEEEason

Draining the swamp means closing the revolving door between government and business/foreign entities that has popes up. His plan is to make so elected and powerful appointed officials get in, do thier job and get out.

Currently they hang around and sell thier connections to the highest bidder.

What it does not mean is not appointing successful people just because they were successful.

The funny thing is LOTS of leftists have complained about this very problem. Generals going to work for defense contractors, senators and cabinet members becoming lobbyists, and representatives who have perverse incentives to not solve anything because they NEED to have issues to run on for the next election.

I do think he's also going to round up a lot of treasonous and corrupt folks from both parties though. That's going to be great.

>scheme a Nazi world order
>oppose Germany

pick one tbphsmhfam

When are you going to learn that attacking reality only makes you less able to respond to it, deepening your delusion and ability to respond strategically?

I hope you never do. :^)

>Listening to Right-wing interviews.
>Attending Trump rallies.
>Reading Breitbart and Russia Today.

Real great research you did there, pal.

Around 1917 is when extreme anti-semitism started brewing. 15 more years boys.

This time we don't fuckup.

Remind which side won the election and which side has a prolapsed anus and has been locked out of government for the next several decades again?

fucking pleb

Because young people aren't white

Old people are what's holding us at 54%

Once those "old fucks" die, were probably down to 30%

The leftists of my youth would be dancing in the streets at protective tariffs

To bad the left is gone and replaced with people who care about getting a D next to legislation.

On the plus side, I suppose that means the republicans will shuffle behind trump which is good, since they are in charge.

Opposes Merkel, not Germany.

I'm certain if afd won the next election he would change his attitude. Why would he want to have good relations with a leader who has scarred Europe with her appalling immigration policies?

The best thing about Sup Forums is that the only white peole here are angry democrats.

The Republicans after how much they'll fuck up on the global stage.

Calling it now. They'll throw Trump under the bus first chance they get once he passes the more controversial of their bills.

They'll then claim he wasn't a REAL republican and try to claim a hero role for taking him down. Trumps a patsy.

>Implying I only read and watch right-wing material.

Fucking good one potato nigger

nah 9/11 was a pretty clear era changing event

American offensives in the ME and North Africa fathered the refugee crisis. Merkel's hand was forced.

My entire adult life i've lived under a weak mealy mouthed loser president. It's surreal having someone strong and proud in office. He has defied all the odds and continues to do things said to be impossible. Trump is doing God's work

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
If you actually consume an equal portion of different sources of news and still support Trump you severely lack critical thinking.

He isn't a real republican.
He never has been.
Anyone who followed him from the beginning and listend to unedited versions of what he said and did thier own research knows this.

That's why they had the Never Trump movement. That's why the Bushes endorsed Hillary.
Of course they will throw him under the bus if they can. They are mostly traitorous neo-cons.

What you should remember is that there is more coming. This has been the first week; this is just the beginning. This is Trump being restrained, because he still needs to get his appointees through congress, and needs to get some legislation passed. After the appointees are in place and the major legislation is complete, the real work will begin. Things which look like half measures now will be expanded dramatically.

April will see the following:
> Mass deportations (including "dreamers")
> Complete ban on Muslims entering the U.S.
> Prosecutions for election fraud
> Investigation and prosecution of Clinton and her aids.
> U.S. withdrawal from NATO
> breaking the UN by sabotaging it's operations in NY (vetoes of all resolutions, UN employees getting their visas revoked, etc.)
> Russo-American Detente

screen cap this if you doubt me

The offensives may have caused it, but you didn't have to let them swarm into your country.

That's not how it works though, is it. You're suggesting if I had, by your standards, decent critical thinking then everyone would agree with you.

Which is fucking retarded

Because they can never just shut up and admit that they might have been wrong, they have to keep finding things to use as a cause, for example, with the riots, the new thing was "I bet the fires and smashed windows were done by paid trump supporters"...we're now moving onto "he has low approval, its all falling apart!"

Few weeks and it'll be something new, then again.

Then in four years time, they still won't grasp why they lost, and Trump will get another 4 years and it'll be amazing.

ITT: Right-winged people try and get the Left-wing to cry, Left-wing says something and all the Right-wingers get pissed off and say the Left is crying harder. Both denying they both fucked up this election.

Tl;dr a perpetual idiot snowball effect.

>Merkel's hand was forced
Forced to what, push the lever and open the damn flood gates? Face it, she handled it poorly, forced or not..and now ordinary people are paying the price by either being ran over with trucks, gunned down in the streets or raped to death by groups of tanned germans.

Not good and it seems that only now, she see's the mistake for what it was, but it is too late.