What is the REAL NEWS Sup Forums

If CNN, BBC, Washington post etc. are all fake news, what is the source of real news, pol?

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>Implying CNN and Washington Post are on the same tier as BBC.

Check out super male vitality too

ZeroHedge, Wolf Street, Ponziworld among others.

Breitbart, zerohedge, and infowars for unbiased news

Stormfrontnand Fox News gets it right sometimes

Look at me, look at me!

I'm the real news now.

Also natural news is based af

Anything that agrees with them of course.
The same goes for the left.




Sup Forums is as real as it gets bby

Sup Forums

There is no such thing as "real" news. All news has a bias. All news is a second hand observation of a what is claimed to be a real event. Journalists can alter the facts by adding information out of context, or removing information from a story to suit their agenda.
The only "real" news you will ever be able to obtain, is the news that happens directly in front of you, as it happens, in live action. When you are able to confidently gather all the information of that event, from all perspectives, all witnesses, and all preceding conditions, you will have "real" news.
I mean to say that "real" news is wholly unobtainable. As a responsible citizen, it is up to you to sift through articles of news by different outlets, study and learn where a journalist is using heavy language, study other articles to confirm bias, and to make up your mind on the issue yourself.

>If CNN, BBC, Washington post etc. are all fake news, what is the source of real news, pol?
I question all MSM and alternative news but usually more inclined to trust alternate news after cross referencing their sources.

Just never take a Jews word and you will get closer to the truth.

infowars is biased as fuck. It took me a long time to find a source for their statistic which talked about many illegals taking part in the election

Sup Forums

Straight from the horses mouth.
Want to know about the white house, watch the daily press conference.
Want to know which bills were voted on, check government websites.

its really easy to get info straiht from the source, don't be lazy

We are the real news.


Reuters is pretty unbiased

Sup Forums

Sup Forums is news crowdsourced by autists

If you are a newfag you'll just end up pissing away your time looking into a bunch of shitposts but if you are an oldfag Sup Forums will give you espedient factual news you can't get anywhere else

Sup Forums

Society is doing well when the stock market is up and unemployment is low. The "news" is just entertainment.


Follow the money, financial news provide a pretty good lens of what different interests are pursuing


democracy now
some RT
panama papers
the intercept

To be fair Reuters is pretty unbiased.
Look at the title of their post then compare to Foxnews or Cnn

Havent checked out ponziworld but zerohedge and wolf street are solid

you're on the

World Wide Web

Obviously a leaf would ask this incredibly stupid question.

The answer is, always has been, Sup Forums.

kys, newfag

Reuters/AP are pretty much the only ones I'd consider trying to be completely bias-free

The economist is also pretty good, articles without an opinion only tell so much and I think they do a pretty good job of keeping it high quality while opinioniated

Your brain.