Mel Gibson doesn't like Jews.

Andrew Garfield, the star of this movie, is Jew as fuck.

Andrew Garfield paid more to Hillary Clinton than any other individual.

This movie is so fucking cringe.

Other urls found in this thread:

maybe they mk ultra'd him. there was a joke about nazis and confederates being losers in blood father as well

That movie was pretty gud

This movie was awesome

I like Apocalypto a lot

If you were actually an American, you would realize how bullshit the main character's behavior is.

May as well watch The Notebook.

it was a great movie. andrew looks huwhite to me and technically his mom wasn't jewish so ultra jewy-jews won't accept him

maybe he did it as a way to extend his hand to the massive jewish branch of hollywood after his anti-Semitic rants?

The movie is gay as fuck.

Arrogant faggot too good to use a gun.

It's cringe as fuck.

>using cringe as an adjective


You realize that this was based on a real story, right? The dude existed.


it promotes christian cuckoldery.
pacifists are dangerous, especially when the white world needs a fighter spirit.

This movie basically says: it is good NOT to kull, but save lives... refuges for instance.

The fact that such a cunt actually did this only makes it worse.

Why make a hero out of this faggot?

Literally - how are you all not self-aware to this cuckoldery bullshit?

OP can't possibly be older than 16 right?

Nice buzzwords, you almost formed a coherent thought in this post.
I'm calling your parents.

Are you trying to debate? LOL

It's a shit movie for post-emo faggots.

Don't kid yourself, there are no phones in your barrio

It is painfully ironic that Sup Forums is defending a cuckshed of a movie like this.

He wouldn't even target practice in order to get married.

What a fucking shitty guy. "Moral Objectivist"

Jesus fucking christ.

Divergent (WW2 edition)


So edgy, I'm really impressed and I wish I were a guy just like you


i like you

No christcuck is truly red pilled. So long as your fallback position is to push the Salvation is of the Jews and you should choose Jesus narrative, you remain under semite control, whether you know it or not.