Niggers eat mud

Why can't niggers achieve basic civilization?

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Damn, I forgot when the last time I saw this was. Long time ago, man. Thanks.

It's the same shit as taking a multivitamin man. Certain vitamins and minerals are scarce in food in their region.

Many forms of clay and mud contain big amounts of minerals that are good for you. It's not food though, supplements at best.

Literally worse than Africa. This is what happens when you kill all the white people.

One crappy paddy, pls.

Found the niggers.

I thought Hilldawg and her husband, the penis with legs, saved Haiti?!

leave them alone.

oh those stupid poor fucks. :(


A..and when do you guys open again?

8 o clock. In the mean time, I've got a date with a lucky lady, and her name is cl𝘢rinet


Dirt has little to no nutritional value. These dumb nigs don't even know how to plant a crop or catch a fucking fish


Those stolen kids that are being passed around for sex in DC literally have the best life they could have from being born in Haiti

No, no, it's true. I've heard they mix the crappy paddies with margerine or butter even.

>8 o clock
Klar wie Klose. I mean, Klara. Klarinetta.


Its like they used to be humans.

They do human "like" things, like try to make cakes. But they make the cakes out of mud and shit?

It's like they know they should be cooking something, but can't quite remember how.

Its like what a alien might build a creature to do if they just saw a picture of a human cooking, and didn't really know what was going on.

This is partially fake, they don't eat them out of desperation but they treat it as a folk medicine of sorts.

But sensationalism sells I guess.

Because lazy unemployed Mexicans steal all their jobs, once we deport all of them. African Americans will have jobs and will improve our nation

When you give nigs irrigation systems, they break it apart and sell it for scrap metal.

>they cost $5 a bag
Why don't they use that money to buy real food?

Da fuck? Is that Dave Chappelle in the center?

It's soccer, dude.
It's not about whose team wins, it's about whose team managers or whatever can buy the best niggers from Whocares to win in their name.

who is this QT3.14?

I hope they are happy their ancestors killed all their slave owners and other white people in the island now they can freely play soccer and eat dirt.

Instead of innovating a way to deal with their issues they settled for eating dirt. Take that for what you will.

Are there people who actually use shit like this as wallpaper?

>buying dirt on credit
And I thought Americans were good goys.

brown kids who think they'll be soccer legends one day because of their skin color

It's non-fattening, maybe Americans should try it.

hahaha, you dumb mud eating nigger



You should google image search cargo cult. That'll blow your mind.

>"we do not even steal anymore, there is nothing left to steal."

>the translator woman editorializing the nigger speak

Give me 1000 strong men, 1000 FAL rifles and 10 million dollars and I'll make Haiti a functioning country by the end of the decade

>fish in the desert
>farming in sand
>farming with the tsetse fly

>desert and sand
Good goy would you like to borrow some shekels to give to the Haitian relief fund?

>living for generations in the desert
>all of a sudden cant figure out how to survive day to day in the desert
What happened?

The dirt gives your stomach the illusion of being full, so it is satisfying to some degree. Also, they mix what tiny bits of actual food they can get into it, like some scraps of a cabbage maybe. Better than sitting and being hungry, but still shit.

As for why they can't cultivate, they can't work with nothing. Loggers have deforested and burnt everything down into charcoal for currency. They have no vegetation, no fertile land to plant food in, no seeds to plant with, no bush meat or animals to hunt, nothing. They don't even have enough bugs to mash into paddies. They are 100% fucked.

They are victims, just not the way the media likes to paint them as. Smarter ethnic groups of humans, like Anglos, Chinamen, and Jews, came into their grazing pastures, raped all the goods and worthwhile material, then left them with nothing. This is the end result of a people that never evolved beyond hunting and gathering, for a lack of reason to.

>FAL rifles

Is that what it takes? I would just give Dominican Republic a credible promise that international media would look the other way for one weekend.

>eats literal dirt unironically
>"meh, it fills your stomach"
>"meh it's a necessary evil"
>"it makes us sick"
>"but we're used to it"
>"well, better go have 5 children now"

Wow, really makes you think.

fuck off cracker
makin up shit to keep us down while we out there fucking your women lmao whatever make you feel better

white ppl ned to get the fuck out of haiti then black folk wouldnt have these problem

y-yea. he jus makin it up.

cracker ass crackers

you just know they would revert to cannibalism if white people didnt keep an eye on them

that was pretty weird

I think we should stop all aid, all intervention, all attention to places like west Africa and Haiti for like two years. Just to see what happens.

>cargo cult.

patent pending on a fucking circle with a spring?

>live next to ocean
>cant get food

Fine, gimmie some L1A1s then

The only time that it's good to have worms in your cookies.

didnt mean to quote that

At this point we're likely to see mosquitoes evolve into sentient beings before we see blacks create a peer civilization.

>Look we're eating mud! Give money!

They're starving niggers, I doubt they care about vitamins and minerals like the hipster cucks in the 1st world do. These fucking "cookies" have almost zero nutritional value.

the thing that really told me blacks are a shit species is when i see great apes using tools that they cant. like quite literally.... here is an orangutan using a saw.

>sending aid at all to a people who genocided whites and ruined their country's resources by themselves

we should make ape babies and teach them to control through force

This is sad, some one should teach them agriculture.

>1000 strong men
We only need one.


I don't mind this, France is very multicultural and gives some youth in the suburbs hope for the future. As a matter of fact, I really don't mind brown athletes and you find them you're just a dumbass.


I'm always disgusted by these, but I wonder how they got the mud so smooth and neat looking.

Except when there's literal nutrients and minerals in the dirt and you can actually eat it for health benefits as a supplement to the protein from bushmeat and the natural veggies in the environment.

No agricultural knowledge will help you farm in a barren land.

Whats gonna happen when they run out of black gold and the west/asians leave them by themselves?

Islam and the Arabic Slave trade removing the leaders, warriors, and resources.

It's in the batter user. The melanin batter.

The white man will never understand how to make the smoothest and neatest mud cakes.

I've probably said this in a dozen threads already but I told my mom about this before she went on a mission trip to Haiti. When I told her this she didn't really say much and probably thought I was making it up.

After she went on the trip though she saw these savages actually eating these things and was taken aback by it.

Praise be him.

all of these problems would be sorted by nature if we just fucking left it alone. there will always be problems when you artificially prop up an inferior species.

black are around because they used to be isolated in africa and the population was kept in check from constant wars and famine.

now that we have given them the fruits of our own intelligence they have no fucking idea how to live. its all bound to fail. just let it fucking fail.

a spoon dude. it's no different then smoothing out frosting

So THAT is how they became that colour.
Guess you really are what you eat.



"Clay minerals have been reported to have beneficial microbiological effects, such as protecting the stomach against toxins, parasites and pathogens. Humans are not able to synthesize vitamin B12 (cobalamin), so geophagia may be a behavioral adaption to obtain it from bacteria in the soil. Mineral content in soils may vary per region, but many contain high levels of calcium, copper, magnesium, iron and zinc that are critical for pregnant women and peasants, as nature typically tends to favor behaviors based on survival."

No suprise this post comes from A FUCKING LEAF

>They'd all die.

Huh. You're right. Makes you think.

If white people went on mission trips in our own fucking country and helped the poor here, in urban areas and poor rural areas, helped to build public gardens, greenhouses, help the poor deal with energy costs, etc... this place would be great again.

But instead, they go to shit holes with no potential and """help""" them. Sad!

How many times has the USA invaded Haiti?
Also: Earthquake/hurricane combo

Not my fault the progressive liberals don't pay for their food and not my fault they continue reproducing even though it just means that they'll starve

Heck, the blacks in America do that too.

"In Africa, kaolin, sometimes known as kalaba (in Gabon and Cameroon, calaba, and calabachop (in Equatorial Guinea), is eaten for pleasure or to suppress hunger. Kaolin for human consumption is sold at most markets in Cameroon and is often flavoured with spices such as black pepper and cardamom. Consumption is greater among women, especially during pregnancy.

In Haiti, people afflicted by poverty are known to eat biscuits made from soil, salt, and vegetable shortening. These biscuits hold minimal nutritional value, but manages to keep the poor alive. However, their long-term consumption is reported to cause stomach pains, and could be a source of malnutrition, and is not recommended by doctors.

In the United States, cooked, baked, and processed dirt and clay are sold in health food stores and rural flea markets in the South. In the rural areas of Mississippi and other southern states, the consumption of clay-rich dirt has been a common custom and has been practiced by poor whites and blacks for generations. However, geophagia has become less prevalent as rural Americans assimilate into urban culture.

Bentonite clay is available worldwide as a digestive aid; kaolin is also widely used as a digestive aid and as the base for some medicines. Attapulgite, another type of clay, is an active ingredient in many anti-diarrheal medicines."

After Haiti got hit by a hurricane they poured money into the country to rebuild, only for the money to disappear into the black hole that is political corruption and greed

This stuff is literally just oil and salt with a clay binder. Any minerals present are trace at best, and this literally has next to no nutritional value; at best making you feel full despite starving.

40% of the country is farmland. The problem is, most of those farms are operating with literally medieval technology. next to no automation, no chemicals / fertilizer, no anything that would boost yields to modern levels. There's other fun problems too:

> Broken irrigation network
> Peasant attitudes
> semi-broken economy
> Little to no innovation

The democratic government is only getting in the way. This place needs a king, or to be a protectorate of some sort if it ever has a shot of recovering.

But then you wouldn't get to go on a vacation to a caribbean island ya turd.

Who wants to go on a vacation to detroit?

>Also: Earthquake/hurricane combo

Both wouldnt be so devastating to Haiti if they didnt cut all the fucking trees holding the ground together on their half of the island. Building domino slums doesn't help either

>Haitian revolution
>Blacks genocide the whites. Men and children are killed in the streets, women are given the option of marrying slaves or being killed as well

But no we should totally help them out

Let them all die. When the land is clear of the scum, real people will move in.

Mission trips are not a "vacation" sort of thing. You work your ass off and eat (sometimes really shitty) poor people food, and avoid gangs and corrupt government officials/police if possible.

Anyone going on a mission trip for a getaway or a vacation is a virtue signaling cunt.

hurricanes should be expected. That earthquake was a huge blow, I'll give them that. But they were poor as shit even before it.

I honestly don't even know how involved the US is in Haitian politics. I mean as far as cold war soviet nuclear launch sites I can see that, but other than that the country is a wasteland

And they are called our equal

Wtf I'm eating dirt now

its fucking Haiti you retarded leaf

Looks like that killing all white people thing worked out pretty good.

>The 1804 Haiti massacre was carried out against the remaining white population of native French people and French Creoles (or Franco-Haitians) in Haiti by Haitian soldiers under orders from Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who had decreed that all suspected of conspiring in the acts of the expelled army should be put to death.[1] Throughout the nineteenth century, these events were well known in the United States, where they were called "the horrors of St. Domingo" and they polarized Southern public opinion on the question of the abolition of slavery.[2][3]

>The massacre, which took place throughout Haiti, occurred from early February 1804 until 22 April 1804 and resulted in the deaths 3,000 to 5,000 men, women and children.[4]

>Squads of soldiers moved from house to house, torturing and killing entire families.[5] Even whites who had been friendly and sympathetic to the black population were imprisoned and later killed.[6] A second wave of massacres targeted white women and children.[6]

that's not what a modern mission trip is.