

Y'all sure you wanna start this war?

Article 5

This can't be real

If it is this could be greatest thing this faggot has ever said.

My dream of US annexation may finally come to fruition

Oppose what? Are they gonna take all our Mexicans?

American Empire when? Trudeau is going to ruin us


How in the fuck did this joke get elected?

Day of the rake soon

I love Aubrey de Grey!

So canada france germany mexico and china vs US UK and Russia. Holy shit this is going to be amazing. Day of the rake is becoming real we are literally going to be scorching leafs anons i cant believe it.

He promised to make weed legal (still hasn't done it), virtue signals like a pro SJW, and he's relatively attractive, so he got the female, minority and dude weedlmao votes

Women voters.

Is the quote real?

He will NEVER make it legal, you got baited bud. Liberals are completely fucked in 2019, no way they can win at this point. This guy is by far the most incompetent person to every run a first world nation

Just out of curiosity, where do you leafs store your strategic maple syrup reserves? Close to the border?

Get your boy in check

>California fucks off
>Canada gets annexed
It's like nothing changed


mattis... get the nuclear codes button

Be careful!


What is Article 5?

Justin can choke on Joseph McCarthy 's cock

Invasion of Quebec 2 electric shoahloo when??

As far as I know, it's not within his power to make weed legal? Obviously he could have influence, but can't do it himself I don't think?

Fake and gay

That wasn't passive aggressive enough

The collective defense part of the NATO treaty, i.e. that an attack against one country is an attack against all countries.

As if all the other NATO member nations besides the US combined could defeat the US.

Also 75% of Canada's exports are to the US so we could cripple Canada economically too.

Nice fake tweet shitpost leaf

On behalf of Canada, please ignore everything he says. He's drank too much from the maple syrup fountain.

Trudeau basically has no choice but to follow whatever economic and immigration policy the Donald does. Our economy would be in ruins if trade relations went downhill, especially since he wants to "phase out" the oil sands.

Please save us

No Mexicans.

So now that the dust has settled, what are you Canada fags going to do? Will you be our leaf's in the bag and fuck shit up so that annexing is easier? Or will you fight for your country and be Trudeau's lapdog?

it means they will defeat him by doing fellatio

Fuck Canada and fuck yellow people