Why does male/male homosexuality get called degenerate while lesbianism gets a free pass?

Why does male/male homosexuality get called degenerate while lesbianism gets a free pass?

Protip: lesbianism isn't really a thing

>Protip: lesbianism isn't really a thing
>true,unless a male brain

It's arguably worse.

it gets a free pass because while lesbians have a lot of problems they aren't very apparent/broadcasted. Those who know them claim they are absolutely crazy.

I get physically ill looking at things like "Rachel" Maddow. It obviously wants to be a nerdy boy but got shit out with a vagina instead. Ha ha.

It's almost certainly worse because it offers women sexual control that they should not have.

I hate lesbos more.

What kind of asshole is against lesbians?

pic related, average lesbian couple you bigot

Lesbians actually produce something valuable to society. The market share of porn would fucking plummet

Because we view women as sexual objects.

Because lesbians are hot and so the patriarchy is ok with it

Now go make me a sandwich bitch


It's only good in 2D.
3D lesbianism is destructive for those in the relationship and divisive to their family.

Double the lost fecundity. Stop lesbians now.

>lesbianism gets a free pass

I'll just leave this here.

Thats fucking disgusting

I agree completely.

Because lesbians don't exist. Just the pissed off, easily lead, ugly, and obese.

everyone knows that only gay men (only tops, not bottoms) can be gay.
women are only gay for attention or if they can't get a dicking from a man.

we know lesbians are just fucking around and arent actually gay, but we know that men who are gay are fundamentally fucked up

All women are gay to some degree. Every woman I've ever known is at the least, a little bi-curious. If they won't admit to this, put them in a room with others that will and before long, you'll have your confession.

complete bullshit

>it's true

it just fits your worldview like a libcuck who is anti-science about race

i have a theory that it all has to do with the butthole. no joke--it's because they put their dicks where the poopy comes from-- lesbians don't do that-- so its weird, but lesbians have less of a gross out factor. we're all second graders.

Neither is homosexuality
It's a fetish, not an identity

then why are gay boys different as fuck their entire childhoods, whereas fake gay women get to turn bi/gay in highschool because they either a)can't get fucked by a dude, or b)can't get over being molested/raped by a dude.
it's a stereotype that girls but not boys turn bi/gay during their teenage years because they biologically cannot actually be gay

>says no peer-reviewed study anywhere
that's a lot of anecdotal world-view confirming bullshit

I know plenty of girls who acted like tomboys as kids and grew up into total bull dykes. I know plenty of adult men who liked girls their whole life and got married, and when they reached 40 they divorced their wife and married their best male friend.

Wow. My anecdote cancels yours out. How magical.

>I know plenty of adult men who liked girls their whole life and got married, and when they reached 40 they divorced their wife and married their best male friend.

how on earth does THAT happen?

It totally happens, sexuality isn't some hard and fast rule. It's a process. I know a 40-year old british guy who has a wife and a 7 year old who started flirting with me intensely after 5 days of knowing each other. He said "I've never liked guys before but as we get older we start to become more open" bullshit or not, he was clearly attracted to women his whole life.

>thinks the lack of evidence caused by social norms prohibiting studies to find the objective knowledge surrounding homosexuality as a man only trait is evidence in itself that it isn't true
biologically speaking youre wrong and philosophically speaking youre stupid for trying to use society driven science journals as a metric for absolute truth

Lesbians gtfo

>thinks because of a lack of objective evidence his world-view confirming bullshit is reality
biologially speaking, there are plenty of women attracted to women, just like there are men attracted to men. Women can be just as fucked up as men.
>Society driven science
Where is the evidence found on thousands of pages of peer-reviewed science on this "absolute truth"? Where is your metric?

Lesbianism is worse simply because it is almost entirely socially constructed.

Some men are genuinely 'born gay' and it's due to a hormonal exposure in-vitro. Women are much more malleable in their sexuallity and you can create a lesbian through conditioning. With gay men it's possible but much more difficult.

Women are much more malleable in every aspect of their psyches, hence females being the main target for the communists to destroy the nuclear family through feminism rather than an equivalent MGTOW movement.

This is why accepting Lesbian behaviour is so dangerous for a society. Once a significant proportion of your womenfolk are living lesbian lifestyles and having virtually zero children, your nation/race/society is doomed to fail in a very short space of time.

We must train our women to reject lesbianism.
Even in counties where homophobia is illegal, when you find out a woman is a lesbian, stop speaking to her immediately and refuse to engage with her. Be light hearted about it and maybe laugh at her like you would a child who just said something ridiculous and cut contact.

Also, as a man, if you still watch pornography (which you shouldn't) never watch lesbian porn and support it through ad revenue.

>they put their dicks where the poopy comes

It doesn't. Is OP's pic properly named? Is that really her girlfriend?