Civic nationalism is code for "I'm a shitskin"

Daily reminder

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What the hell is civic nationalism?


So basically what we have now only with a tad more patriotism

Why not just nationalism? Are you implying that a minority cant be patriotic, or a nationalist?

anyone that's christian is good in my book

I need to expand my Civic Nationalist folder

>implying America isn't a mongrel nation

Nigga, just askany "white" American what they are;


Found the turd skins

And it's part of why we got into this mess.
What's with all the civic nationalism threads on Sup Forums today anyway? All the same guy or just a new meme?

Move to Uganda.

I keked.

And RWDS is a code word for Right Wing Deportation Squads.

Because milo is attempting to push it and some shit skins are pushing it here


Praise Kek, and check my digits.

No, answer the question. I've met many blacks, hispanics, asian, etc that were nationalists and extremely patriotic. If you love America preserve our constitution and respect our way of life, i don't see what the problem is.

"civic" nationalism just sounds like more liberal kyke subversive nonsense

It's admitting you're not actually racist and never stepping out of the anonymous online LARPy circlejerk to normalize white interests in real life

>having pro spencer shit on your computer

you have to go back

>I've met many-

90% of shit skins voted Hillary stop lying to yourself you self hating mutt

let me guess you're going to tell me he's controlled op

If I'm half shitskin can I be 50% civic nationalist?

Getting kind of sick of this jewish d&c bullshit. I want to stop white genocide too but I don't think there's anything wrong with the idea of civic nationalism. Seems like a false flag operation to me

if you wanted to truly stop white genocide you would support ethno nationalism.

We already have civic nationalism

Any ideology that pushes for equality while shaming xenophobia is doomed to fail

Wait I don't understand, correct me if I'm wrong here but under civic nationalism wouldn't there be strong immigration laws and a secure border?

I always thought the problem with civic nationalists is that they refused to realize that it would always lead to ethnonationalism in European Countries or historically white majority countries.

I'm a bean too but I realize that civic nationalism, if actually implemented correctly, would lead to this country goong back to majority white until it stops being a civic nationalist country.

Or is that part of the plan? Either way I don't have a problem being a minority, my parents immigrated legally and living a majority white nation is comfy as fuck

Nigger spotted

Which basically mean shit since the basis of nationalism is the defense of the nation, a nation is basically a political version of an ethnicity. The thing is that the "natonalistic" shitskins will be very much in favor of murrica interests but they will never be in favor of white people interets, so the question is what to you gain from it ?

>oh well bu-

No but carlos. Shit skins are not compatible with western culture .unless you are 90%+ euro your opinion on our future is irrelevant

There may be, but ultimately immigration and demographics aren't concerns to a civic nationalist because for him there is no difference between a white American citizen and a black American citizen. An American is an American. There is no social (white) or legal racism like there was with the National Origins Formula, and the absence of those things defines our civic nationalism and the slow death of the majority.

But is that not the issue with the civic nationalists argument?

Most of them are pretty scared to be percieved as racists or bigots and yet civic nationalism would lead to less beans, niggers and hajis in their country if they enforce strict immigration laws that is called for under civic nationalism.

I can't be the only one on here that realizes this, I mean if that was the original intention then I have to say, its pretty smart.

Pull the rug rigt from underneath them

Civic nationalism wouldn't stop the white minority trend since most of non white demographics is mainly increasing through births, ethnonationalism would favor a policy of welcoming white immigrants is order to bump the numbers of the white population.

What don't you get about lack of xenophobia

Civic nationalists think Carlos and jamal are the same as xang and james

Civic nationalism is just multiculturalism with a slight patriotic slant

You need to off yourself you shit skinned subhuman

>no difference between a white American citizen and a black American citizen

Yea thats a problem, niggers and especially beans are ridiculously prone to falling for bullshit like communism, the more injun you are the more prone you are to falling for it.

Its a conundrum for me really, I don't want to live in a majority nigger or bean nation but I don't want to get gassed or deported to a place my parents left and lawfully immigrated from either.

>live in 90% white county
>dark red on map


Which is why Trump was a yuge thing, immigration is a huge source of not-useful people, and his immigration policies are some of the things that coincide with ethnonationalistic policy. He also normalized white racism and white politics to an extent.

But non-whites still out-vote whites (talking rates here), out-breed whites, out-pace whites with things like welfare usage, and of course out-crime whites. The fact remains that we don't cohere, and that's why civic nationalism can't be the end goal or history will simply repeat.

I don't think most people want to either. That's one of those things that sounds good in theory but doesn't work out in practice: anyone can be an ethnonationalist and everyone fits in better with their own people, but no one wants to leave the US or European countries because of all the nice modern technology and gibs.

See thats what confused me a out the whole civic nat. thing, I thought xenophobia was part of it.

I thought that all the citizens living in the country would want to close the borders down and keep foreigners out, pretty much if you're not American, stay out.

And also, under civic nationalism wouldn't you need to drop whatever culture you had and assimilate to the American culture, lets say pre-1965 American culture for the sake of the argument?

Isn't that the opposite of multi culturalism?

Im trying to help you out here, you're coming off as frothing at the mouth and not very rational here


nig here, can confirm
What happened with /hwndu/ general?

>I'm trying to help you

T. Shit skin

what the actual fuck did the mapmaker do to Barnstable and Plymouth counties

This is true, you have to really concentrate on the south west border, its ridiculously easy to commit voter fraud in Commiefornia, my dad found out that someone had used his name to vote through the mail because it sounded ethnic and they STILL let him vote because they automatically assumed a bean would vote for hillary or because they knew it didn't really matter there.

You put a plug on that border and kick out the millions of illegals in this country and it'll be a step in the right direction, next would be repealing the immigration act of 1965 and deport anchor babies as well

Well it could work in practice, you'd have to be sneaky about it but there's always going to be somebody who'll catch on

Best Aussie post this year

Well you're not really presenting an argument there ozzy

hello fellow goys, i use love civic nationalism, right?

Me not arguing with you is my argument

The whole problem with civic nationalism is that shit skins think they have a right to determine the future of another group

Your opinion will always be irrelevant in politics based solely off the fact you are a shit skin