Brit/pol/ - Wop Enthusiasm Appreciation Edition

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>EU's chief Brexit negotiator says Theresa May's promised trade deal by 2019 is 'impossible'

>Hospitals 'dangerously full' during winter crisis, says thinktank

>Sharia May strikes again - We're helping Turkey build fighter jets in return for a possible Free Trade™ deal for Global© Modern Britain™

>Backbenchers put forward a motion to throw out A50

>From pig to man and man to pig - Ex-Copeland MP turned down offer from the Tories to defect to them

>Former Governor of Hong Kong Chris Patten: May's Global© Modern Britain™ risks 'selling its honour' for trade deals with China

>"Replacing the EU at any cost" - Reflections on May's visit to Turkey

>"You can come back!" - Britain would be given a speedy return to the EU if it chose to rejoin, says Guy Verhofstadt

Other urls found in this thread:

*walks towards you*

>Theresa May in Turkey: UK agrees £100m defence deal

>The big white men of Brexit are a throwback to Britain’s imperial past

>Anti-Brexit campaigners aim to stage UK's biggest protest march

>Hospitals 'dangerously full' during winter crisis, says thinktank

>Donald Trump: London to hold 'biggest protest ever' against US President

>EU's chief Brexit negotiator says Theresa May's promised trade deal by 2019 is 'impossible'

>'This is RANK HYPOCRISY' LBC host slaps down Lib Dem MP over Theresa May's Turkey visit

>China Accuses EU of Protectionism Over New Steel Taxes

>1 in 4 Holocaust & genocide survivors suffer abuse in UK

Reminder we have self confessed subhumans here
>curry muncher-"Scottish" mongrel
>iberian kike (British flag)
>ukranian(British flag)
>ukranian kike(Russian flag)
>racemixer(chink wife, British flag)
>racemixer(quadroon preg gf, British flag)
>racemixer(korean pig wife, British flag)
>pon-"English" mongrel
>1/8 kike "Brit"


>tfw on britpol on a saturday night
>tfw distancing myself from normie friends
>tfw only leave the house for my mandatory job centre benny appointments


This. Regulations are very, very easy to meet though. It's just ticking boxes and slightly changing manufacturing processes.

We're going to keep the vast majority of EU regs after leaving so nothing will change in the short term, and in the medium term we just have to follow the rules and make sure we can sell to them. Or we can change ours dramatically and fuck them over; my preferred option.

I worry about this because May is a fucking sad cuck and our negotiators are shit. We need some of Trump's (((team))) to give us a hand in this really, I had hoped she'd come back with that in her hand but instead she came back with her tail between her legs and spoke against the wall and for globalism.

It's fucking embarrassing. I could negotiate with the EU better than these cunts. Literally just walk in with your dick out and say

>'either you give us what we ask for or I'll piss on your carpet and we'll revert to WTO, make Britain a tax haven and open trade with India and China and leave you to fall apart under (((Merkel's))) rule'

It's not fucking difficult but we're making such a big deal about it that we're going to get shafted.

I agree. I was a BNP member and activist about 10 years ago but the party changed and I quickly realised it had no real chance. Never really hid my power level, but there is definitely a time and a place and the 'critical mass' needs to be reached. We're closer to that now than we were even 2 years ago.

>Politicians are all cunts in suits! When are we going to get people who aren't slick media men in fancy ties?!

>Corbyn is a MESS, why isn't he wearing a suit

I don't know why Rustin Cohle is going on this fucking cuckfest.

His calves are bigger than his thighs

I can't see anything about a free trade deal with Turkey. May does talk about a "deeper trading relationship"

Human-shark hybrid towards the bottom-right there

*Teleports behind and seizes his means of shit production with my baseball bat*

Nothing personnell core bin

I'm too lethargic from burgers can you please explain what's going on to a non-Brit


Cycling. And with a poor geometry. Needs to get himself to Evans for a proper fitting desu.

Out on his pizza delivery round, because £137,402 a year + newspaper articles etc doesn't quite cut it?

Geroff, they're literally all she cares about by this point
She probably has it printed on her adult nappies so she doesn't forget what her purpose is every morning when the Tories dig her up

That's a nice coat. I'd like one like that for my meetings with Southerners.

>We're going to keep the vast majority of EU regs after leaving so nothing will change in the short term, and in the medium term we just have to follow the rules and make sure we can sell to them. Or we can change ours dramatically and fuck them over; my preferred option.
Personally i'd leave being childish to the Eurocrats, but if they try any funny business i'd be on board with fucking them, sure.

Makes a good screencap

"Jeremy Corbyn says he's not wealthy"

Surely he's not of the Tribe? Or has that addon vanished up its own arse and started attaching it to left-wing people as well?

New Hitchens on Sunday

It's another Trident BTFO But The Right Won't Accept It Because Cardboard Patriotism Is All They Have Left episode


I wonder what he benches?

In fact, I wonder if he can even bench an empty bar?

What are your expectations for the new budget in March lads?

50% tax on anime

Peter was talking about this stuff on LBC last Sunday (where Andrew Castle clearly confused him with Christopher, making reference to 'his great friend Richard Dawkins' and also calling him 'Peter Hutchens', sadly Peter didn't pick up on this).

It was interesting when he mentioned the stuff about the Russians congratulating on successful launches.


>Andrew Castle clearly confused him with Christopher, making reference to 'his great friend Richard Dawkins' and also calling him 'Peter Hutchens'


Kind of playing into the stereotype aren't you Jean?

Apparently he has the flu again so he probably misheard

There's an interview with him for an American radio station where he discusses gun control that I still can't watch because he's so ill that I tear up and want to clear my nose and throat whenever I hear it

>It's another Trident BTFO But The Right Won't Accept It Because Cardboard Patriotism Is All They Have Left episode

I like you

>Andrew Castle clearly confused him with Christopher, making reference to 'his great friend Richard Dawkins' and also calling him 'Peter Hutchens'


ros bif

>I still can't watch because he's so ill that I tear up

Jesus Christ lad.

Oh, my mistake, that sounds cultish

I don't mean cry, I mean cringe hard because I can imagine being that ill and having a throat and nose so clogged that it brings me to tears

Imagine standing in the rain or in the shower and having water run over your eyes, you'll tear up instinctively, it's like that

It's YKTD, what do you expect?

Stop being a tripfag.

what? that you're a gay fuckBOY for France?
tg >3

Still saving that and posting it later for banter purposes tbqhwy

Beats making up fake ones about me being a bender I guess

So is Brexit happening or not?

I'd guess at no more than 30kg, I doubt he has ever in his life liften any weights.

I'm a childish cunt in negotiations. Though I wouldn't actually call it childishness, more stubbornness. It works for me. But then I'm negotiationg thousands, not billions.


Do you follow Peter Norths Blog per chance? It's worth a read, I find his arguments concerning.

Are you bent? I did have my suspicions but it's nice to hear it from the horse's mouth.

Also, for those imbibing the alcohol Jew, what's your choice. Pic related

Why do you do this

I don't. I've just bookmarked it and will read it when I'm not half cut and when I'm not listening to Babybird.

Trump wants it to happen, so it'll happen

He's a kike

>haven't been on In a few months
>YTMND is still here

*Does a 360 and walks away*

Reminder that kikes wants (((brexit))) as well

He really seems to be freaking out, I don't know enough about regulations and trade to really judge whether his concerns are legit. But they're certainly making me apprehensive.

Alright lads

Has anyone noticed the uptick in Paddies being anti-brexit in other threads and here sometimes?
They seem to be everywhere when it was originally Germans and other continentals making Anti-brexit threads/posts

Is your other proxy fucked?

Might join the Navy reserves lads

Aye, those little bastards are everywhere.

Reminder that when stats talk about Jews they mean religious Jews, who are generally a lot more conservatives than secular Jews. If you polled all ethnically Jewish people it would quite likely be strongly remain

Do we know anyone who's on the next Question Time yet?

Without knowing him or reading anything by him I can't really comment but I would suggest that the freakouts are because he has little faith in our negotiators, which is also my position. I worry we're going to be cucked because our leader is weak and her team is weaker.

She should be going full on capitalist and getting a load of billionaire kikes in to help while offering them blowjobs and shekels for getting us a good deal.

Air Force is better. What role?

Don't think it's announced this far ahead

Not sure atm. Part of me wants to apply for the Royal Marines Reserve, but of course it'd be a fucking slog. Still, it's good to aim high as possible.

I know they don't announce the full lineups that quickly but they announced Abbot a week in advance last week.

Don't forget, Tony Blair was stealth funded by Jews.

Why haven't you faggots implemented brexit yet?

He has the same outlook really as Hitchens, citing the Hotel California effect. He believes that because we are so integrated with EU regulations and institutions that a clean Brexit is basically impossible (within the time frames outlined by Brexiteers). Therefore we're not going to be really leaving the EU. But he fears that the Government are not listening to advice and will pursue a clean break, and argues we will face extreme turmoil as a result.

They have to give her enough warning to waddle to the studio


>tfw the rise in cheap Eastern Europeans corresponded with the fall in non-EU immigration
>now we're gonna see it rise again as EU-immigration is blocked

>"I know how hard it is to control immigration when you have open borders with the EU"

>Non-EU migration went up
>For years the Tories denied that being in the EU meant open borders

>a minor blip in immigration is because of eu immigration
>immigration will rise even further above 300k now even though everyone wants 50k or less

I think you'll find that >everyone isn't in charge of migration law.

Will things ever really 'happen' or will our death be as gradual as it has been so that nobody notices?

Actually looks pretty damn stylish

So aim higher than getting shot at in the Rothshchilds' next banking war?

Just me?

"Nothing happens for decades in politics but then decades happen in just a few weeks when something really big happens so sit tight"
-Vladimir Putin

Pete North's blog is GOAT. Tough love for the Brexit side tbqhwy. Converted me to Flexcit

They sort of are.
The only reason governments get away with high immigration is because they try their darnedest to create smokescreens to hide the stats that would turn the public against them.
Immigration is something people care a lot more about these days so the government at least has to make some small effort to reduce it.

I don't think it will be like that even if things look extremely bleak for us these days

The UK will fall.
The Northern Powerhouse will secede.
A new 98% white nations emerges to take the world by the balls.


I often wonder how WWII-now will be viewed historically, or if it will be at all. NHS will probably be the only thing remembered and it'll be done in a purely rose-tinted manner.

Post the SWEAT pledge boomer pls. Always makes me laugh


>implying historical records will exist after our demise

The government has acted in a reckless and provocative manner and both sides need to set aside the rhetoric and get around the negotiating table to stop this happening again.

Planning a Brit/pol/ Hunger Games but am a bit short on posters to include

3,4,7,10, and 12 are such bullshit. Also does anyone know the context of this photo? Who is he?

Who you got so far?

>tfw they didnt take the chance to put aside the rhetoric
>tfw they didn't join you at the negotiating table
>tfw this means war

One of the biggest downsides of Trump's presidency will be the fallout of the protests. People forget just how much of the degradation in our culture in the 10's came directly from Occupy Wall Street.

Modern protests don't seem to gain much materially, but they leave an impression on people, especially young people who will go on to work in journalism/media.

Have you got the ephebophile rapist scot/russian?

Meme Merchant, myself, the Randposter, Karenposters, Bomber Haggis (Scotnonce), PreuBe, Not Bomber Rimmer, WN, So Is Brexit Happening, Anonymong, Yankposter, Faux Conservatives Must Die (But no image), Mayfly, Rightly So (But again no image), Designated Leftist

Mike (((Rowe)))

They seem pretty similar to the tea party protests when Obama won and California acting like Texas.

Although the media was on Obama's side and there weren't Marxist antifa protesters,

What happened in 1981?

I dunno, maybe the generic "foreign user asks if brexit is happening" posters. Not sure what you'd call them

You forgot Mairposter ok lad


Best part is that just like what happened to UKIP Margaret Thatcher defeated the National Front by making a few generic anti-immigration comments